
Image of Ad-Rock
Being a straight white guy in his, like, early twenties - there's some sort of thing about it. A sort of privilege, a sort of anger or something. You just say some really stupid things.
- Ad-Rock
Collection: Anger
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I own a car: a minivan. But don't tell anyone, 'cause they're gonna ask to borrow it.
- Ad-Rock
Collection: Car
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I watch NY1 every morning and have Pat Kiernan curate my news stories.
- Ad-Rock
Collection: Morning
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Chasing after the past is not going to lead you to the future you want.
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If I had to say something, it would be 'Lighten up. Be cool.' There's just so many buffoons out there.
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'Grand Royal' started because we were on the Lollapalooza tour, and we wanted to send this message to people that the mosh pit is corny. Stop doing that. MTV has ruined it, and it's dangerous, and girls are getting hurt.
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Part of me feels it's better we're not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
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You have to consume Fig Newtons with either milk or an alternative milk product. It's like a conspiracy with the dairy industry. They're in cahoots.
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We've gotta stand up against hate. If you're able to give money, give to Black Lives Matter. If you're able to protest, protest. If you're able to volunteer, volunteer.
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Sexism is deeply rooted in our history and society that waking up and stepping outside of it is like I'm watching 'Night of the Living Dead Part Two' all day, every day.
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My specialties include macaroni and cheese and ordering Chinese-food delivery.
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I wonder what it would have been like if I could actually sing.
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To me, a New Yorker is someone that has general disdain toward landlords, mass-transit authorities, electric companies, sports-team managers, NYU and its students, and anything new.
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A lot of Jewish kids do identify with us.
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I want to open a restaurant.
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We could be as rich as the Rolling Stones if we sold as many records.
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It's been fun to just play bass in a band and play live but be in the background.
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We did make fools of ourselves, but people were into it.
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I hated Led Zeppelin at school.
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The two biggest influences of the '70s were Don Cornelius and Bruce Lee.
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New York taught me everything.
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Of course, if you're gonna make a rap song, you're gonna want to sound like Melle Mel.
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Adam Yauch started the band. It's not like a thing where we could continue without him.
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Since high school, I was in this band. And you know, it's one thing when you're in a band in high school, but then to have it last for so long - that's who I am and what I did forever.
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I would love to be in an action movie. I've always wanted to play the hacker guy - like, the Jewy hacker guy who just gets yelled at.
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In New York, you can't really like anything. You know? Pizza's all right. I mean, I've been having pizza since back in the day, so it's whatever.
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I got no business going to a club. I'm a terrible dancer. I got a bad back.
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As a band, we always took a really long time to make records, so unfortunately, we got into that habit of, like, 'We'll work on it tomorrow.'
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I don't really have long days very often.
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I'll be, like, the oldest rapper alive.
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Rap is the only super-current music. If you're into reggae or dancehall, and you don't know Bob Marley, then you don't really know what you're listening to. But if you're listening to rap, and you're 15, you're like, 'Grandmaster Flash? Who's that? Public Enemy? Yeah, my dad told me about them once.' And that's just how it is.
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I have no idea about the state of rap. I don't pay attention. I just listen to old music that I have.
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I like Kanye West... he makes good music.
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When I was a little kid, I wanted to be an actor.
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Our talent and skill as rappers is clearly the first thing you notice. I don't know what we were thinking. We just really love rap and wanted to be rappers. Is that weird?
- Ad-Rock
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Unfortunately, like, homework and school wasn't the thing that I was obsessing over. It was, you know, music and making music and how to like - and drum machines. And we met Rick Rubin, and Rick Rubin had a drum machine. So I would just cut school and go to his house - his dorm room.
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I lost my mom when I was young.
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You think about when you're with your friend, and you hang out with your friend. And then you go do whatever you're doing, your life. You know, and then you see your friend again. But for us, we were friends that, we would be together, and then we would go to work, which was us still again, so we were always together.
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Nobody wants to see the old person at the club.
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You picture yourself as being 22 always, and so it's very bizarre when you're not.
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I'm not saying that kids today have everything, but with the Internet, it's like, you have it there, so use it! I know a bunch of kids who are into cassette tapes now. Cassette tapes suck! Why not use your iPod?
- Ad-Rock
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All generations think the present moment is the greatest but also have this fascination with before their time. I do the same thing. I see old British movies. I'm like, 'Man, I would love to be in London at that time.' But then I wouldn't be able to watch 'The Walking Dead,' I wouldn't have cable, and my pizza options would be limited.
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Trump is kind of fascinating. I wish he was only seen in black-and-white 'cause he's like a character from the 1890s.
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Take what you're good at and give to the cause that you care most about.
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I reject Donald Trump's mission of America.
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I support women-run business.
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The Madonna tour thing was definitely funny that - you know, children were crying watching us... and it was interesting seeing how angry their parents were.
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The Beatles are great for everybody - they write the songs that made the whole world sing.
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Me and my two best friends went to see the Ramones in 1979, and two weeks later, I was like, 'We're starting a band. That's it.'
- Ad-Rock
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There's songs you listen to at really heavy times, and you associate those songs with being depressed. 'English Rose' by The Jam, I can't listen to - it's just too heavy for me. 'Julia' by The Beatles, too. That popped up the other day, and I had to skip to the next song. They're both really awesome, moving songs, but I can't listen to them.
- Ad-Rock