Top zoe Quotes Collection

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Image of Zoe Kazan
I wasn't raised in a family that cared about how you look. The fact that I have made my living in acting, where that matters, that really feels antithetical to me as a person.
- Zoe Kazan
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Kazan
When my first play was produced, I had this sudden feeling that I feel powerful. Like, the next time I go into an audition room, and it's me and the same eight girls as always, I will have this thing that no one can take away from me. They can see us all as interchangeable. But I am not interchangeable.
- Zoe Kazan
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Kazan
When 'Ruby Sparks' came out, I had to do so many interviews where I had to explain the film and my politics. And I think there was a willful misunderstanding by some people. They thought the movie was trying to perpetrate the thing the movie was deconstructing.
- Zoe Kazan
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Kazan
Maybe this is a way of gaslighting myself, but I think of it this way: In certain circles, my grandpa was considered to be one of the seminal directors of the 20th century. I'm never going to be that. So I might as well do whatever I want.
- Zoe Kazan
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
When I'm not focused, I'm quite possibly one of the more clumsy people on the planet. I'll walk into doorways and coffee tables.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
I don't have children, but when I meet my friends' kids at six months old, and then I don't see them again for another six months, the changes are drastic. But if you've seen them every day, the changes are less shocking.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
There is an art to acting, and there are techniques that are acquired. You can be as emotional as you'd like, as a person, but figuring out ways that you can bring specific emotions at specific times and have them be true, and relating to someone as someone that they're not, is a lot.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
I've always appreciated great acting performances, but I've even learned to appreciate not so great ones 'cause it's hard.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
I'm basically klutzy.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
I definitely don't feel like I'm watching ballet during 'Raze.'
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
I don't know, I'm still a little bit like, when you blend CGI well with real life, it's impressive, but if you remove real life completely, I still get pulled out of the movie a bit.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
I would love to do a comedy, and I think physical comedy is something I probably have a knack on.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
Neverending Story' was one movie I did see when I was a kid. On the little island I grew up on, they put up a sheet in the town hall.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
Gore, like blood and guts and stuff, I am fine. Suspense, I get super sensitive. I can't handle it.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
I'm not immune to a lack of confidence or the recognition that I haven't asked for what I deserve or stated what I want.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
Actors always ask their directors what their motivation is in this scene or that scene, so I've always had this joke where I ask the director what my motivation is too. As a stunt person your motivation is usually to fall over a bench or something.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
I was injured at the end of 'Kill Bill.' I hit the ground, instead of hitting the mat, pretty hard and busted my ribs and had to have surgery. I was being blown out of a trailer in a harness and actually landed on my coordinator instead - who broke my fall a little! My arm smacked into the ground and obliterated one of the ligaments.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
When I worked on 'Xena' I had to concentrate on fighting like Lucy Lawless. In 'Kill Bill' I not only had to stop fighting like Lucy, after three years of copying her moves, but start fighting like a Wu Shu martial artist. I'd never done Wu Shu before so mentally it was a massive challenge.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
I grew up on an island without TV.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
I never was fanatical about films when I was younger.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
Favorites' questions are my least liked questions because I've never been any good at favorites.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
I love the 'Lethal Weapon' movies.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
I'm not fighting to be treated like a dude. I don't want to be treated like a man. I want to be treated as a talented stunt-person, or I want to be treated as an intelligent person.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
I think I want to produce action movies.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
I really love being a part of the creative process. I love having an opinion that gets heard, and then it's all up for discussion.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
My strengths, I think, are that I deal really well with people. I like people. I'm fascinated by how they work so I'm good at handling situations between departments on set or pre-production or post.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
I think I have a pretty decent business savvy, when I give myself room to.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
I used to be afraid of my temper, but it turns out I don't really have one.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
Don't be afraid girls. Power's awesome!
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
I got a pair of roller skates for Christmas when I was 4 or 5 or something, so I had a pair as kid. But I also lived on a gravel road so I wasn't really skating up and down the street.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe
Image of Zoe Bell
I'm a very coordinated individual.
- Zoe Bell
Collection: Zoe