Top zawe Quotes Collection

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Image of Zawe Ashton
I don't tend to go into any job thinking about the audience reaction.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
I do always try and do work that I'm going to be interested in talking about when it's released.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
Being yourself, or being judged as yourself, is really scary.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
My mum took me to see 'The Wizard of Oz' when I was about three and I was blown away.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
As an actor you can always blame the director or writer for negative feedback. But as a writer, you're the reason why everyone's in the room.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
The actors I admire always have something to say, or a level of poetry, belief, activism or intelligence about what they do or how they feel.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
I would like to have a baby.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
The widespread shame of motherhood is criminal, and it needs to stop. The world can never improve if you disrespect the people that bring life.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
I want to be a successful actor, never a famous star. Because one is an organic meal that will sustain you, and the other is toxic.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
How long have we got to talk about women of colour and imposter syndrome. It's a real thing, and many people have it. It's, I think, a particular characteristic of the overachiever. Because you're bottomless, you never think what you've achieved is enough.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
I'm a keen experimenter in the kitchen. With food, not with anything else!
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
I've always wanted to live somewhere extremely nice like Sloane Square... although that would probably be too nice for me.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
I've never lived in north or west London, so I'd like to come out of my comfort zone for a bit. But Stoke Newington is where my heart is, it's where I'm born and bred.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
When you work in film sets, when you're working on projects that are male dominated, you are always treated as the last priority.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
If you cut me open I bleed East London.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
I actually grew up around the corner from where Harold Pinter did. If you want a snapshot of my childhood, me and Pinter, we essentially grew up together.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
The first stage play I ever did was a school play called 'The Wishing Chair.'
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
If there's one person I looked up to obsessively, it was Will Smith. There wasn't anyone who looked like me on TV in England. 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' was my touchstone.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
I'm Hackney born and bred and find it hard to call anywhere else home despite the extreme ongoing gentrification which gets me down.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
Art galleries are the best first date spots for my money.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
Tennessee Williams moves my soul.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
I like clothes that feel fresh and surprising.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
It has taken a long time for me to really dress as the artist that I am: I'm an indie girl, I like experimental, I like things to be subverted. Details are the fun part.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
What a character wears and how it affects their mood and their movements has always been very important to me. A character's clothes, if they're truthful, can make audiences feel something.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
It's wonderful that newer brands such as Fenty are making clear statements about being for all skin tones.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
I have a very short attention span.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
I've always acted, it's my passion and belief system.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
I'm not really concerned about being liked on stage - I'm a bit more concerned about it off stage.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
I've had doors slammed in my face, I've been shouted at in my face in meetings when I've stood up for myself.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
No-one tells you about being in episodic television and it ending. No-one tells you how painful it is. How bizarre it is when you've dedicated your life to one character for five years.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
I've had times in the past where I wanted to give up acting, get my head out of the arts because it was like my constitution couldn't deal with it. My job means I get judged on my looks; I get discriminated against because of my sex; I take on roles that are so two-dimensional... you can go mad trying to fill that third dimension.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
I love writing with pen and paper; I hate technology.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
Art should be for everyone, not just the rich.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
Episodic TV is notoriously brutal because just when you think 'I've got this, I know this character' you can pick up the script for series four and you die in the first episode - or your character suddenly transitions from a woman to a man.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
I'm someone who likes to explore the complexities in people.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
I know I'm different and I don't fit in to any kind of generic mould.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
If I was someone who wanted to do just love-interest roles then I'd be in a difficult position. But thankfully I'm someone who likes to do things that are edgy and different.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
Mum got me involved in every activity under the sun - singing, dancing and drama classes at the Anna Scher theatre school.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
I used 'Saved by the Bell: The College Years' as my reference point really for my 'Fresh Meat' experience.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe
Image of Zawe Ashton
Good writing shouldn't be wrapped in cellophane. It should be open to the elements and full of maggots and it should be left to grow and deepen and fester.
- Zawe Ashton
Collection: Zawe