Top Wish To Die Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Wish To Die quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Pope Pius X
I was born poor, I have lived poor, I wish to die poor.
- Pope Pius X
Collection: Wish To Die
Image of Stevie Smith
So I fancy my Muse says, when I wish to die, Oh no, Oh no, we are not yet friends enough, And Virtue also says: We are not yet friends enough.
- Stevie Smith
Collection: Wish To Die
Image of Sophocles
Death is not the worst evil, but rather when we wish to die and cannot.
- Sophocles
Collection: Wish To Die
Image of David Livingstone
In this service I hope to live; in it I wish to die!
- David Livingstone
Collection: Wish To Die