Top wise Quotes Collection - Page 75

Discover a curated collection of wise quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 75 provides more wise quotes.

Image of Philip Massinger
Though the desire of fame be the last weakness Wise men put off.
- Philip Massinger
Collection: Wise
Image of James M. Barrie
Wise children always choose a mother who was a shocking flirt in her maiden days, and so had several offers before she accepted their fortunate papa.
- James M. Barrie
Collection: Wise
Image of W. Somerset Maugham
I forget who it was that recommended men for their soul's good to do each day two things they disliked: it was a wise man, and it is a precept that I have followed scrupulously; for every day I have got up and I have gone to bed.
- W. Somerset Maugham
Collection: Wise
Image of Mike Dooley
In all tests of character, when two viewpoints are pitted against one another, in the final analysis the thing that will strike you the most, is not who was right or wrong, strong or weak, wise or foolish.... but who would go to the greatest lengths in considering the other's perspective.
- Mike Dooley
Collection: Wise
Image of H. P. Lovecraft
Some of us awake in the night with strange phantasms of enchanted hills and gardens, of fountains that sing in the sun, of golden cliffs overhanging murmuring seas, of plains that stretch down to sleeping cities of bronze andstone, and of shadowy companies of heroes that ride caparisoned white horsesalong the edges of thick forests, and then we know that we have looked backthrough the ivory gates into that world of wonder that was ours, before we were wise and unhappy.
- H. P. Lovecraft
Collection: Wise
Image of H. P. Lovecraft
Wise men have interpreted dreams, and the gods have laughed.
- H. P. Lovecraft
Collection: Wise
Image of H. L. Mencken
Never let your inferiors do you a favor - it will be extremely costly.
- H. L. Mencken
Collection: Wise
Image of Niccolo Machiavelli
A prince who is not himself wise cannot be wisely advised. . . . Good advice depends on the shrewdness of the prince who seeks it, and not the shrewdness of the prince on good advice.
- Niccolo Machiavelli
Collection: Wise
Image of John Adams
A militia law, requiring all men, or with very few exceptions besides cases of conscience, to be provided with arms and ammunition... is always a wise institution, and, in the present circumstances of our country, indispensable.
- John Adams
Collection: Wise
Image of Clara Barton
It is wise statesmanship which suggests that in time of peace we must prepare for war, and it is no less a wise benevolence that makes preparation in the hour of peace for assuaging the ills that are sure to accompany war.
- Clara Barton
Collection: Wise
Image of Niccolo Machiavelli
It has always been the opinion and judgment of wise men that nothing can be so uncertain as fame or power not founded on its own strength.
- Niccolo Machiavelli
Collection: Wise
Image of Harriet Martineau
As the astronomer rejoices in new knowledge which compels him to give up the dignity of our globe as the centre, the pride, and even the final cause of the universe, so do those who have escaped from the Christian mythology enjoy their release from the superstition which fails to make them happy, fails to make them good, fails to make them wise, and has become as great an obstacle in the way of progress as the prior mythologies which it took the place of two thousand years ago.
- Harriet Martineau
Collection: Wise
Image of Harriet Martineau
[On being deaf:] We can never get beyond the necessity of keeping in full view the worst and the best that can be made of our lot. The worst is, either to sink under the trial, or to be made callous by it. The best is, to be as wise as is possible under a great disability, and as happy as is possible under a great privation.
- Harriet Martineau
Collection: Wise
Image of Niccolo Machiavelli
Wise men say, and not without reason, that whosoever wished to foresee the future might consult the past.
- Niccolo Machiavelli
Collection: Wise
Image of Samuel Adams
The next step may be fatal to us. Let us then act like wise men, calmly look around us and consider what is best to be done...Let associations and combinations be everywhere set up to consult and recover our just rights.
- Samuel Adams
Collection: Wise
Image of Samuel Adams
'Revelation assures us that 'righteousness exalteth a nation.' Communities are dealt with in this world by the wise and just Ruler of the Universe. He rewards or punishes them according to their general character. The diminution of public virtue is usually attended with that of public happiness, and the public liberty will not long survive the total extinction of morals.
- Samuel Adams
Collection: Wise
Image of Max Lucado
In order to find Jesus, every one of us needs direction. God gives it. The story of the wise men shows us how. The star sign was enough to lead the magi to Jerusalem. But it took Scripture to lead them to Jesus.
- Max Lucado
Collection: Wise
Image of W. Somerset Maugham
If forty million people say a foolish thing it does not become a wise one.
- W. Somerset Maugham
Collection: Wise
Image of W. Somerset Maugham
Our wise old church...has discovered that if you will act as if you believed belief will be given to you; if you pray with doubt, but pray with sincerity, your doubt will be dispelled; if you will surrender yourself to the beauty of that liturgy the power of which over the human spirit has been proved by the experience of the ages, peace will descend upon you.
- W. Somerset Maugham
Collection: Wise
Image of Andre Maurois
For intelligent people, action often means escape from thought, but it is a reasonable and a wise escape.
- Andre Maurois
Collection: Wise
Image of Niccolo Machiavelli
In truth, there never was any remarkable lawgiver amongst any people who did not resort to divine authority, as otherwise his laws would not have been accepted by the people; for there are many good laws, the importance of which is known to be the sagacious lawgiver, but the reasons for which are not sufficiently evident to enable him to persuade others to submit to them; and therefore do wise men, for the purpose of removing this difficulty, resort to divine authority.
- Niccolo Machiavelli
Collection: Wise
Image of Niccolo Machiavelli
A wise man will see to it that his acts always seem voluntary and not done by compulsion, however much he may be compelled by necessity.
- Niccolo Machiavelli
Collection: Wise
Image of James Russell Lowell
Not a change for the better in our human housekeeping has ever taken place that wise and good men have not opposed it-have not prophesied that the world would wake up to find its throat cut in consequence.
- James Russell Lowell
Collection: Wise
Image of W. Somerset Maugham
It needs a good deal of philosophy not to be mortified by the thought of persons who have voluntarily abandoned everything that for the most of us makes life worth living and are devoid of envy of what they have missed. I have never made up my mind whether they are fools or wise men.
- W. Somerset Maugham
Collection: Wise
Image of H. L. Mencken
Some immemorial imbecilities have been added deliberately, on the ground that it is just as interesting to note how foolish men have been as to note how wise they have been.
- H. L. Mencken
Collection: Wise
Image of Carson McCullers
In his face there came to be a brooding peace that is seen most often in the faces of the very sorrowful or the very wise. But still he wandered through the streets of the town, always silent and alone.
- Carson McCullers
Collection: Wise
Image of Martin Luther
It would be a good thing if young people were wise and old people were strong, but God has arranged things better.
- Martin Luther
Collection: Wise
Image of Ramana Maharshi
We see only the script and not the paper on which the script is written. The paper is there, whether the script is on it or not. To those who look upon the script as real, you have to say that it is unreal - an illusion - since it rests upon the paper. The wise person looks upon both paper and script as one.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Wise
Image of Bruce Barton
Get money - but stop once in a while to figure what it is costing you to get it. No man gets it without giving something in return. The wise man gives his labor and ability. The fool gives his life.
- Bruce Barton
Collection: Wise
Image of Michael Jackson
As a wise man once said, ‘If not us, then who; if not now, then when?’
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Wise
Image of Elvis Presley
Wise men say only fools rush in. But I can’t help falling in love with you.
- Elvis Presley
Collection: Wise
Image of Lee Iacocca
No matter what you’ve done for yourself or for humanity, if you can’t look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished?
- Lee Iacocca
Collection: Wise
Image of Peter F. Drucker
Management by objective works – if you know the objectives. Ninety percent of the time you don’t.
- Peter F. Drucker
Collection: Wise