Top winning Quotes Collection - Page 7

Discover a curated collection of winning quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 7 provides more winning quotes.

Image of Mary T. Barra
Don’t confuse progress with winning.
- Mary T. Barra
Collection: Winning
Image of Fidel Castro
If surviving assassination attempts were an Olympic event, I would win the gold medal.
- Fidel Castro
Collection: Winning
Image of Robin Tunney
You don't make movies to win awards. You make movies because you want people to see them.
- Robin Tunney
Collection: Winning
Image of Alice Childress
Writers are encouraged to "keep 'em laughing" and complain "with good humor" in order to "win" allies. The joke is always on ourselves.
- Alice Childress
Collection: Winning
Image of Jerome Bettis
I was fortunate enough to win a Super Bowl before retiring, and in fact I retired immediately after winning the Super Bowl. I went out on top, and intend to come out of the Guinness Pro Challenge on top, too.
- Jerome Bettis
Collection: Winning
Image of John Daly
I don't care what anybody says. The first tournament is not the hardest one to win. It's always the second one.
- John Daly
Collection: Winning
Image of Dick Morris
Spin is overrated. It is strategy, not spin, that wins elections.
- Dick Morris
Collection: Winning
Image of Scott Simon
As the race for president tightens, Hillary Clinton's campaign hopes to win over millions of people who voted for Bernie Sanders in the primaries.
- Scott Simon
Collection: Winning
Image of Frank Laubach
The simple program of Christ for winning the whole world is to make each person he touches magnetic enough with love to draw others.
- Frank Laubach
Collection: Winning
Image of Landon Donovan
Americans love winners, so if we win we know we'll get a lot of support.
- Landon Donovan
Collection: Winning
Image of Carolyn Hax
One helpful thing to keep in mind as a retort-stopper is that you won't "win," you won't change anyone's mind, you won't change any votes, you won't make the atmosphere in the room any better, YOU won't feel any better.
- Carolyn Hax
Collection: Winning
Image of Billy Mills
The ultimate is not to win, but to reach within the depths of your capabilities and to compete against yourself.
- Billy Mills
Collection: Winning
Image of Bob Goalby
This will be my 54th trip to Augusta. I got $20,000 for winning the Masters. Now I get $10,000 to go there and eat a free steak.
- Bob Goalby
Collection: Winning
Image of Paul Virilio
Digital messages and images matter less than their instantaneous delivery; the shock effect always wins out over the consideration of the informational content.
- Paul Virilio
Collection: Winning
Image of Dorian Yates
For me winning isn`t surprising at all
- Dorian Yates
Collection: Winning
Image of Bill Courtney
Players win games, and coaches win players.
- Bill Courtney
Collection: Winning
Image of Annika Sorenstam
I stay patient. I don't go out there and try to set a course record. That's probably one of my strengths and one reason I've been able to win major championships.
- Annika Sorenstam
Collection: Winning
Image of Lennox Lewis
Boxing involves the possibility of defeat, I accepted that very early on. After all, there are only two men and one of them wins.
- Lennox Lewis
Collection: Winning
Image of Lennox Lewis
Sometimes the image of the intellectual boxer did for me more harm than good. If a boxer has a reputation as an intellectual, some people no longer respect him as a fighter. With me it was always ‘Lennox should react, not think’. But that’s nonsense. Only the guy who controls his opponent wins.
- Lennox Lewis
Collection: Winning
Image of Nick Manning
I don't back down. I never win, but I don't back down
- Nick Manning
Collection: Winning
Image of Claude C. Hopkins
The man who wins out and survives does so only because of superior science and strategy.
- Claude C. Hopkins
Collection: Winning
Image of Susan Polgar
Win with grace, lose with dignity!
- Susan Polgar
Collection: Winning
Image of Evgeni Plushenko
It doesn't matter what kind of result will be in the end. I already win for myself.
- Evgeni Plushenko
Collection: Winning
Image of Carl Deuker
Games are lost and won in your mind as much as they are on the field.
- Carl Deuker
Collection: Winning
Image of Cleopatra
I will not be triumphed over.
- Cleopatra
Collection: Winning
Image of Cleopatra
My honour was not yielded, but conquered merely.
- Cleopatra
Collection: Winning
Image of Victor Niederhoffer
There are so many ways to lose, but so few ways to win. Perhaps the best way to achieve victory is to master all the rules for disaster, and then concentrate on avoiding them.
- Victor Niederhoffer
Collection: Winning
Image of Althea Gibson
Winning once can be a fluke; winning twice proves you are the best.
- Althea Gibson
Collection: Winning
Image of Michelle Wie
It is really important (to win). It's always like, "You should win; you should win," If I win, I've proven (it) to them... It'd be pretty cool.
- Michelle Wie
Collection: Winning
Image of Richard Petty
If you ain't trying to cheat a little, you ain't likely to win much.
- Richard Petty
Collection: Winning
Image of Joe Louis
We're going to do our part and we'll win because we're on God's side.
- Joe Louis
Collection: Winning
Image of Ben Crenshaw
I do not think I could go on living unless I felt that one day I might win the Open Championship at St. Andrews.
- Ben Crenshaw
Collection: Winning
Image of John Harbaugh
The main thing is winning. Stats aren't that important, but I think in the end things will work themselves out.
- John Harbaugh
Collection: Winning
Image of Erk Russell
The best way to win a game is not to lose it.
- Erk Russell
Collection: Winning
Image of Chris Patten
Hong Kong's people will get what they want, despite China's objections. Freedom invariably wins in the end.
- Chris Patten
Collection: Winning
Image of David Pleat
I'm not too sure how much you get for winning the Champion's League, but it's definitely 10 million euros.
- David Pleat
Collection: Winning
Image of Chris Hedges
I'm not saying we're going to win. I am saying rebellion becomes a way to protect your own dignity. Corporations are, theologically speaking, institutions of death. They commodify everything - the natural world, human beings - that they exploit until exhaustion or collapse. They know no limits.
- Chris Hedges
Collection: Winning
Image of Vijay Singh
I'm going to go out and play really hard. If I have another win, it will be icing on the cake. But I don't take anything for granted.
- Vijay Singh
Collection: Winning
Image of Vijay Singh
Whenever you're in a position to win, you don't want to let it go.
- Vijay Singh
Collection: Winning
Image of Vijay Singh
You win one and then you win another. You feel more comfortable and more confident, and it snowballs. You can't wait to get to the next hole and play better.
- Vijay Singh
Collection: Winning
Image of John Henry Cox
The Negro revolt is not aimed at winning friends but at winning freedom, not interpersonal warmth but institutional justice.
- John Henry Cox
Collection: Winning
Image of Katt Williams
There's only winning and losing, and in our society, as in all societies, there's the person that's doing the winning, or there's the person that's facilitating the winning.
- Katt Williams
Collection: Winning
Image of Murray Kempton
It is a measure of the Negro's circumstance that, in America, the smallest things usually take him so very long, and that, by the time he wins them, they are no longer little things: they are miracles.
- Murray Kempton
Collection: Winning
Image of Chris Christie
The greatness of America is in the American people. And what we need to do is get the government the hell out of the way and let the American people win once again.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Winning
Image of Donald J. Boudreaux
People who seek political power are, with exceptions too rare to matter, never to be trusted; at best, such people are vain and officious busybodies. People who actually achieve political power are to be trusted even less than those who seek it without success; winning elections requires a measure of deceitfulness and Machiavellian immorality that no decent person comes close to possessing.
- Donald J. Boudreaux
Collection: Winning
Image of Lois Gibbs
The citizens of Love Canal provided an example of how a blue-collar community with few resources can win against great odds (a multi-billion-dollar international corporation and an unresponsive government), using the power of the people in our democratic system.
- Lois Gibbs
Collection: Winning
Image of Claudio Reyna
We care about how many players you develop rather than how many trophies you win.
- Claudio Reyna
Collection: Winning
Image of Shane Claiborne
Charity wins awards and applause, but joining the poor gets you killed. People do not get crucified for charity. People are crucified for living out a love that disrupts the social order, that calls forth a new world. People are not crucified for helping poor people. People are crucified for joining them.
- Shane Claiborne
Collection: Winning
Image of Morgan Wootten
The big thing is to make a winning effort. Im not obsessed with wins.
- Morgan Wootten
Collection: Winning