Top Wikileaks Quotes Collection

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Image of Daniel Ellsberg
EVERY attack now made on WikiLeaks and Julian Assange was made against me and the release of the Pentagon Papers at the time.
- Daniel Ellsberg
Collection: Wikileaks
Image of Jeremy Hammond
As a result of the Stratfor hack, some of the dangers of the unregulated private intelligence industry are now known. It has been revealed through Wikileaks and other journalists around the world that Stratfor maintained a worldwide network of informants that they used to engage in intrusive and possibly illegal surveillance activities on behalf of large multinational corporations.
- Jeremy Hammond
Collection: Wikileaks
Image of Franco Frattini
WikiLeaks is the 9/11 of diplomacy.
- Franco Frattini
Collection: Wikileaks
Image of Evgeny Morozov
Most other documents leaked to WikiLeaks do not carry the same explosive potential as candid cables written by American diplomats.
- Evgeny Morozov
Collection: Wikileaks
Image of Julian Assange
Has WikiLeaks been forced to do one thing rather than another in response to resource constraints? Yes. Constantly.
- Julian Assange
Collection: Wikileaks
Image of Julian Assange
The difficulty that WikiLeaks has, of course, is that we can't go around speculating on who our sources are. That would be irresponsible.
- Julian Assange
Collection: Wikileaks
Image of Rachel Maddow
The John Podesta WikiLeaks dump came just about one hour after the "Access Hollywood" tape was published. The "I like to grab them by the p-word" tape, one hour after that came out is when WikiLeaks dropped the first tranche of John Podesta e-mails hacked by the Russians.
- Rachel Maddow
Collection: Wikileaks