Top wes Quotes Collection

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Image of Wes Streeting
There is a proud and patriotic tradition on the centre left of supporting our armed forces; being tough on crime as well as its causes; that expects people to pay their fair share of taxes as the price for a civilised society and that spends money wisely.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
The Evening Standard is a great newspaper staffed by great people.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
For all the cynicism about the media, it is a noble profession. Most enter it with a strong conviction that sunlight is the best disinfectant. They champion the public interest by taking on vested interests.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
I'm not sure how many of George Osborne's constituents in Cheshire read the London Evening Standard, but they will surely feel aggrieved that their local MP has announced that he will 'speak for London and Londoners.'
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
In part because of my own journey from a council estate in East London to a seat in the House of Commons, and in part because my adolescence took place during an economic boom and the advent of new technology, I had assumed that over time we would all become better off and, as the white wristbands told us, we would 'Make Poverty History.'
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
At times of economic upheaval and with pressures on livelihoods, history tells us that people can become fearful and resentful. In the United Kingdom, we saw that resentment writ large during the E.U. referendum campaign.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
People like me on the centre-left of politics have a fight on our hands. Our job is to appeal to people's hopes and aspirations by providing real answers to the challenges facing our country.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
I used to work in McDonald's. Serving customers helped me pay my way through my A-levels. I enjoyed it, for the most part.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
As someone who won both a Council seat and a parliamentary seat from the Tories, I know better than most how much well-resourced campaigns matter.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
Elections don't come cheap.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
I'm not new to debates about bans and boycotts. I encountered them during my time as President of the National Union of Students.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
I represent a diverse constituency on the London/Essex border.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
Many families move to Ilford North because of our excellent schools and their reputation for academic achievement.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
The failure of state education in so many white working class areas is utterly unacceptable. Not to talk about it or to have any answers for how we overcome it, equally so. Nor should we be tackling educational inequality affecting white working class kids at the expense of tackling the disadvantage facing young people from other backgrounds.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
All too often politicians duck issues for fear of the connotations attached to the subject. Leadership, however, means confronting those issues.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
Labour's leadership must surely recognise that there is no socialism in going it alone.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
If we want to end austerity, if we want to protect jobs and livelihoods and if we want to hold multinational corporations to account, then we need to stay in the single market.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
If we were sticking to our convictions as a Party about what we believe to be in the best interests of our country, we wouldn't be man-marking the Tories, keeping one step from their position; we'd be making the running and setting the agenda.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
It's time to wake up to the fact that being part of the single market is the best insurance policy we could have against a race to the bottom on wages, rights and protections that threaten British workers and that there is no 'jobs first Brexit' without it.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
I owe the NHS my life.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
Going through treatment for kidney cancer showed me just how much strain our NHS is under.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
Paying workers a decent level of sick pay means they can afford to isolate when they test positive for Covid and are less likely to spread the virus to their colleagues.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
Ideas must always be subjected to debate and challenge.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
Britain deserves better than having both of its major political parties mired in controversy about how it treats two of our major faith communities.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
As I told the House of Commons, God, if we believe in such a thing, does not need protection from criticism.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
I have been a national president who gets the job done and who listens and leads effectively. My first term was about dragging the NUS kicking and screaming into the 21st century to make it more effective and representative.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
Jeremy Corbyn and Keir Starmer are quite right to call for a Brexit that puts jobs first, and to hold ministers to account for their promise to negotiate a trade deal with the E.U. that delivers 'the exact same benefits' as single market membership.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
The single market is unique among international trade agreements. It eliminates 100 per cent of tariffs on all goods. Not even the best free trade agreements achieve that. And crucially, it harmonises rules and regulations which mean that there are no barriers to trade in services, which account for 80 per cent of our economy.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
We need to be clear - leaving the single market will put trade and jobs at risk.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
We need an approach to Brexit that will help us end austerity, rather than prolonging it. That is why I will continue to fight to keep Britain in the single market after we leave the European Union.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
My parents weren't massively religious when I was growing up, my granddad was and I got a lot of my Christianity from him.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
It took me a long time to sort of accept myself.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
It's not for other people to judge me.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
I come from a single parent family but with both parents. I always stress that because my poor dad always gets written out and I always feel sorry for him because it's like he abandoned me, which he never did.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
I wanted to be all sorts of things. I went through phases. I wanted to be a doctor, I wanted to be a lawyer. For a little while I wanted to be a priest, which my dad wasn't very happy about.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
My nan was very active in the Labour Party in the 1980s, her politics are way to the left of mine, she used to do crazy things.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
It's not fair for Jewish students to go about their daily lives feeling like they are expected to justify or defend the actions of the state of Israel. It's ridiculous.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
Art isn't my thing, I'll be honest.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes
Image of Wes Streeting
The vast majority of Labour members are decent people, but I think there is a small number of anti-Semites.
- Wes Streeting
Collection: Wes