Top wentworth Quotes Collection

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Image of Wentworth Miller
There's nothing the Internet can tell me about myself that I don't already know. The rest is foolishness and people killing time.
- Wentworth Miller
Collection: Wentworth
Image of Wentworth Miller
My first gig in the business was a guest star on 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer,' so I'm neck deep in sci-fi. It's been a very good genre to me.
- Wentworth Miller
Collection: Wentworth
Image of Wentworth Miller
Growing up, I was a target. Speaking the right way, standing the right way, holding your wrist the right way. Every day was a test, and there were a thousand ways to fail, a thousand ways to betray yourself, to not live up to someone else's standards of what was accepted, of what was normal.
- Wentworth Miller
Collection: Wentworth
Image of Wentworth Miller
I wanted to be involved in TV and film in some capacity, so a compromise, because acting seemed unrealistic, and so risky, was to get into the production side. And it was a really fortunate, smart move looking back on it, because it gave me perspective on another side of the business.
- Wentworth Miller
Collection: Wentworth
Image of Wentworth Miller
I know what it takes to go from the point where someone's looking at a newspaper article, and thinking, 'Oh, this would make a great TV series,' to the point where you're actually on a set and there's a camera aimed at someone.
- Wentworth Miller
Collection: Wentworth
Image of Wentworth Miller
Prison has a universal fascination. It's a real-life horror story because, given the right set of circumstances, anyone could find themselves behind bars.
- Wentworth Miller
Collection: Wentworth
Image of Wentworth Miller
Acting was something I needed like air. It wasn't something I could walk away from.
- Wentworth Miller
Collection: Wentworth
Image of Wentworth Miller
The mail amazes me. I sometimes get these letters that are ten pages, and handwritten, from women pouring their hearts out and, for security reasons, I can only respond with a headshot and 'Dear so and so, be good. WM.' It never feels like enough.
- Wentworth Miller
Collection: Wentworth
Image of Wentworth Miller
I acted all the way up until Princeton. It was just one of my favorite extracurricular activities. Then I got to Princeton and had a really conservative vibe. All my friends were planning on law school, med school, or Wall Street, and suddenly acting seem like a really risky proposition.
- Wentworth Miller
Collection: Wentworth
Image of Wentworth Miller
I certainly learned how to break down a text at Princeton, which helps me break down a script - or at least that's the line I feed my parents when they start wondering where all that good money went.
- Wentworth Miller
Collection: Wentworth
Image of Wentworth Miller
When I've had my periods of unemployment, I'll get these e-mails from my father: 'I've read that the LAPD has a reservist program. Perhaps that's something you'd be interested in taking a look at.'
- Wentworth Miller
Collection: Wentworth
Image of Wentworth Miller
I noticed that I got a better space in the line in Starbucks when I had my tattoo. People associate tattoos with a certain edge. Then I open my mouth, and something completely different comes out.
- Wentworth Miller
Collection: Wentworth
Image of Wentworth Miller
I had a brief experience in the food industry. I was a bus boy in a Mexican restaurant in Arizona, scraping re-fried beans off people's plates. It teaches you a bit of humility and the importance of a good deodorant.
- Wentworth Miller
Collection: Wentworth