Top war Quotes Collection - Page 73

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 73 provides more war quotes.

Image of Golda Meir
We say peace and the echo comes back from the other side, war. We dont want wars even when we win.
- Golda Meir
Collection: War
Image of John Brandon
I had an idea to write something set back around the Civil War era, but I was just way too ignorant to think I could start it any time soon.
- John Brandon
Collection: War
Image of Terrence Malick
What's this war in the heart of Nature? Why does Nature vie with itself? The Land contend with the Sea? Is there an avenging power in Nature? Not one power, but two?
- Terrence Malick
Collection: War
Image of Payam Akhavan
In Yugoslavia we were told we were not only naive idealists in wanting war criminals to be prosecuted but that we were actually standing in the way of a ceasefire which would save more lives. The idea was that, by giving amnesty to these ruthless warmongers, you would give them an incentive to stop killing. I found that incredibly naive, never mind cynical. Having been on the ground and having met with these ruthless killers, I knew the only thing they understood was the language of force.
- Payam Akhavan
Collection: War
Image of Payam Akhavan
I hate the tribal hatred thesis - in Yugoslavia and Rwanda and places like that they kill each other because that's just what people do there. I think it's profoundly ignorant. I was astonished when Samuel Huntington wrote his famous clash of civilizations essay in response to the Yugoslavian war. I was on the streets in Sarajevo and every other person I met came from a mixed marriage. And here is Professor Huntington from Harvard writing this is a clash of civilizations. That was absurd.
- Payam Akhavan
Collection: War
Image of Payam Akhavan
The reason why the war ended in Bosnia was not because of amnesty but because a combined Croat-Bosnian offensive defeated the Serbs on the battlefield. Sometimes naïveté belongs not to the human rights activists but to the politicians.
- Payam Akhavan
Collection: War
Image of Leon V. DePoncins
We Jews had more power than you Americans had during the War [World War I].
- Leon V. DePoncins
Collection: War
Image of Andre Naffis-Sahely
Dealing with politically-engaged writers of color like Abdellatif Laâbi and Rashid Boudjedra - who ran away from school aged sixteen to fight against the French in the Algerian war - first requires convincing an editor to take a chance on them, which very few like to do these days.
- Andre Naffis-Sahely
Collection: War
Image of Karan Mahajan
America going into this huge, costly, never-ending war created huge debt, which became a huge problem in Congress and led to it stalling many times, putting a halt to different kinds of social progress.
- Karan Mahajan
Collection: War
Image of Dario Robleto
The tragedy is that, as modern viewers, we've completely lost touch with what it physically takes to wage a war.
- Dario Robleto
Collection: War
Image of James Longstreet
Time sets all things right. Error lives but a day. Truth is eternal.
- James Longstreet
Collection: War
Image of James Longstreet
I have been a soldier all my life. I have commanded companies, I have commanded regiments. I have commanded divisions. And I have commanded even more. But there are no fifteen thousand men i the world that can go across that ground.
- James Longstreet
Collection: War
Image of James Longstreet
I do not want to make this charge. I do not see how it can succeed. I would not make it now but that General Lee has ordered it and expects it.
- James Longstreet
Collection: War
Image of James Longstreet
This is a hard fight and we had better all die than lose it.
- James Longstreet
Collection: War
Image of James Longstreet
General, if you put every Union soldier now on the other side of the Potomac on that field to approach me over the same line, I will kill them all before they reach my line.
- James Longstreet
Collection: War
Image of James Longstreet
General, unless he offers us honorable terms, come back and let us fight it out!
- James Longstreet
Collection: War
Image of James Longstreet
If we only save the finger of one man, that's enough.
- James Longstreet
Collection: War
Image of Robert McNamara
The war in Vietnam is going well and will succeed.
- Robert McNamara
Collection: War
Image of Robert McNamara
If we'd lost the war, we'd all have been prosecuted as war criminals. And I think he's right. He, and I'd say I, were behaving as war criminals.
- Robert McNamara
Collection: War
Image of Robert McNamara
I want to say, and this is very important: at the end we lucked out. It was luck that prevented nuclear war. We came that close to nuclear war at the end. Rational individuals: Kennedy was rational; Khrushchev was rational; Castro was rational. Rational individuals came that close to total destruction of their societies. And that danger exists today.
- Robert McNamara
Collection: War
Image of Robert McNamara
To this day we seem to act in the world as though we know what's right for everybody.
- Robert McNamara
Collection: War
Image of Robert McNamara
At my age, 85, I'm at age where I can look back and derive some conclusions about my actions. My rule has been try to learn, try to understand what happened. Develop the lessons and pass them on.
- Robert McNamara
Collection: War
Image of Robert McNamara
Short of nuclear war itself, population growth is the gravest issue the world faces. If we do not act, the problem will be solved by famine, riots, insurrection and war.
- Robert McNamara
Collection: War
Image of Robert McNamara
I don't object to its being called "McNamara's war." I think it is a very important war and I am pleased to be identified with it and do whatever I can to win it.
- Robert McNamara
Collection: War
Image of Douglas MacArthur
Talk of imminent threat to our national security through the application of external force is pure nonsense. Our threat is from the insidious forces working from within which have already so drastically altered the character of our free institutions - those institutions we proudly called the American way of life.
- Douglas MacArthur
Collection: War
Image of Marina and the Diamonds
You can’t have peace without a war.
- Marina and the Diamonds
Collection: War
Image of Alice Winocour
I met soldiers coming back from war and I was impressed by their description of PTSD, all the symptoms: the outburst of violence, the impossibility to cope with reality anymore, all that stuff.
- Alice Winocour
Collection: War
Image of Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus
If you want peace, prepare for the war.
- Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus
Collection: War
Image of Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus
Who would desire peace should be prepared for war.
- Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus
Collection: War
Image of William Finnegan
Even wars, big conflicts that have drawn a lot of news coverage, sometimes seem to me to have a center that hasn't been described, that might yet be glimpsed if approached from some odd angle.
- William Finnegan
Collection: War
Image of Sasha Abramsky
The failure of the first Barack Obama administration to really deliver on a new War on Poverty and a new language to explain these societal challenges in some ways provided the fuel that led to the Occupy Movement a few years later. And, while Occupy was a somewhat transitory phenomenon, many of the activist groups that emerged during this period are still out there, and still working on reshaping the political debate around taxes, around welfare, around government assistance to the poor, around debt relief for students, and so on.
- Sasha Abramsky
Collection: War
Image of Sasha Abramsky
I recognize that individuals and organizations with tremendous financial clout and open access to the political system in the post-Citizens United era, are going to fight tooth and nail against a reinvigorated War on Poverty. But I also think that the elections of 2012 showed the limits of big money in politics, and the willingness of a majority of voters to really think these issues through for themselves.
- Sasha Abramsky
Collection: War
Image of Gary Shilling
I said earlier [2015] year that I thought we'd get to 10 or 20 bucks [per barrel ] because that's the marginal cost, and when you're in a price war, it's the marginal cost that determines the price.It is a price war because basically the OPEC reason did not cut production in their November 2014 meeting was that they got tired of cutting production and having American frackers and Russians et cetera grab market share.
- Gary Shilling
Collection: War
Image of Janet Malcolm
A lawsuit is to ordinary life what war is to peacetime. In a lawsuit, everybody on the other side is bad. A trial transcript is a discourse in malevolence.
- Janet Malcolm
Collection: War
Image of Michael Demon Calce
Back in my era, hacking was all about messing with other hackers. It was a hacker war.
- Michael Demon Calce
Collection: War
Image of Trent Lott
Government does best when it helps people help themselves. Human dignity is found not in a handout but in being able to do for one's self.
- Trent Lott
Collection: War
Image of Trent Lott
When you're in this type of conflict, when you're at war, civil liberties are treated differently.
- Trent Lott
Collection: War
Image of Mattew Nicholls
In America, we met this guy who'd been in the army. He'd been over in the Iraq war. He said that our CD helped him get through a hard time in the Iraq war. It's amazing to know that we helped him in some way. It's definitely cool.
- Mattew Nicholls
Collection: War
Image of Rebecca Hamilton
During the civil war, the Sudanese government armed the Misseriya nomads as proxy. Even though both groups had coexisted quite well prior to the conflict, it all become much more difficult as a consequence.
- Rebecca Hamilton
Collection: War
Image of Rebecca Hamilton
Southern Kordofan is not a disputed territory. It is, and will remain, in the north, where the Nuba Mountains are. People believe there was a genocide there in 1990s. The Nuba, who are northerners, fought with the south in the north-south war. But they have their own individual interests, and they will remain in the north after the south splits.
- Rebecca Hamilton
Collection: War
Image of Jamel Shabazz
The images of war inspired me to create, to go to different situations and communities, to document the human side of people, to show a side that we don't see.
- Jamel Shabazz
Collection: War
Image of Jamel Shabazz
Philip Jones Griffith documented the Vietnam War, and through his images that were published in Time Life Magazine, it showed me the horrors of war and at that time, I wanted to be a war photographer, based off his work.
- Jamel Shabazz
Collection: War
Image of Jamel Shabazz
I wanted to go amongst gangbangers, to understand this war they were fighting amongst each other. I wanted to document it, [also] to show the human side of it.
- Jamel Shabazz
Collection: War
Image of Sean Wilsey
My parents created their own war.
- Sean Wilsey
Collection: War
Image of Nguyen Viet Thang
People might like to think a war is done when a cease fire is signed, but for most people who lived through a war it goes on for decades.
- Nguyen Viet Thang
Collection: War
Image of Nguyen Viet Thang
Refugees have been displaced by war or natural disaster or political catastrophes, and they are much more threatening because they are reminders to people that all the comforts that we take for granted can be taken away in just a moment.
- Nguyen Viet Thang
Collection: War
Image of DJ QBert
Lots will get on the mic and tell huge audiences to pray for world peace. And there's a scientific study that shows when everyone prays for peace, whole war zones on the planet actually cease fighting for that day!
- DJ QBert
Collection: War
Image of James Franklin Jeffrey
The NATO alliance is not just a transactional relationship, once again. That alliance serves our interests. That alliance has been critical to keeping security in Europe, so that we do not face another world war.
- James Franklin Jeffrey
Collection: War
Image of Wesley K. Wark
I'm working with wind, solar, and biofuels companies as well as with organizations like ACORE [American Council On Renewable Energy], Growth Energy, and AREDAY to raise public awareness and seek practical technological solutions to reduce our reliance on fossilized carbon. My book Don't Wait for the Next War will be out in October, where I will offer my prescription for America's growth, responsible development, and security.
- Wesley K. Wark
Collection: War