Top Volcanoes Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Volcanoes quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Gustav Stresemann
The economic position is only flourishing on the surface. Germany is in fact dancing on a volcano. If the short-term credits are called in, a large section of our economy would collapse.
- Gustav Stresemann
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Michele Cassou
We have within us enormous reserves of trapped potential. Our natural urges have been so constrained by the accommodations of living that we each have a smoldering volcano just below the surface. To enable this force to erupt in a healthy, open, and positive manner is a momentous act.
- Michele Cassou
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Guido Calabresi
You never replace a great scholar who retires. If you try to do that, you end up with burnt-out volcanoes.
- Guido Calabresi
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Jon Pareles
Hearing Marilyn Crispell play solo piano is like monitoring an active volcano. She is one of a very few pianists who rise to the challenge of free jazz.
- Jon Pareles
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Jim Gibbons
One volcano in Hawaii, one volcano in Indonesia, produces enough gases in the atmosphere, which include those natural elements that are in the Earth's crust, that, uh, kind of make all the, you know, the science that we have about what we produce, moot.
- Jim Gibbons
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Katia and Maurice Krafft
I have seen so many eruptions in the last 20 years that I don't care if I die tomorrow.
- Katia and Maurice Krafft
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Katia and Maurice Krafft
Most volcanologists die in bed.
- Katia and Maurice Krafft
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Annalee Newitz
Even though I now know that it's likely the Earth will suffer through mega-volcanoes or meteor strikes that could take out millions or billions of people, I feel less anxious about it because I actually understand what the threats are. There's nothing like researching something exhaustively to make it less terrifying.
- Annalee Newitz
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Esther Hicks
Volcanic ash will be experienced in all parts of your world, as the volcanoes around your earth are simultaneously activated. Face masks and goggles will be of great value
- Esther Hicks
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
We are, all of us, growing volcanoes that approach the hour of their eruption, but how near or distant that is, nobody knows- not even God.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Benjamin Disraeli
You behold a range of exhausted volcanoes. Not a flame flickers on a single pallid crest.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Yasser Arafat
I want to tell Carter and Begin that when the Arabs set off their volcano there will be only Arabs in this part of the world... Our people will continue to fuel the torch of the revolution with rivers of blood until the whole of the occupied homeland is liberated, the whole of the homeland is liberated, not just a part of it.
- Yasser Arafat
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Neil Gaiman
What about volcanoes?" "What about them?" "All that lava comes up from center of the earth where it is all hot. I saw a program, it had David Attenborough, so it's true.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Oliver Goldsmith
A volcano may be considered as a cannon of immense size.
- Oliver Goldsmith
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Khalil Gibran
Enthusiasm is a volcano on whose top never grows the grass of hesitation.
- Khalil Gibran
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Werner Herzog
When the camera is looking back at our planet Earth, it's the tiniest of specks somewhere out there in the universe. So we do have a new sense of proportion. Of course the volcanoes and the magma under us just remind us of that.
- Werner Herzog
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Werner Herzog
As for the "anger" of the volcano, we leave it up to the local populations who create their demons, their gods and their divine punishment.
- Werner Herzog
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Werner Herzog
We have volcanoes also in our immediate neighborhood. I wish we didn't have to travel that far. Probably the kind of magnitude and awesome raw power of them is very fascinating, and of course it's very cinematic.
- Werner Herzog
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Werner Herzog
It's not far-fetched that almost everywhere in the world where you have volcanoes you have mythologies or new gods being created.
- Werner Herzog
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Werner Herzog
Everything you see in North Korea, it's all propaganda, but it's all connected to the volcano.
- Werner Herzog
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Werner Herzog
At the same time, there's something magnificent about volcanoes; they created the atmosphere that we need for breathing.
- Werner Herzog
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Werner Herzog
I went to volcanoes where I knew that there was a lot of mythology around them; there was something like the creation of gods and monsters and demons.
- Werner Herzog
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Werner Herzog
I'm very, very curious about how people live under the volcano, how they handle the permanence of danger.
- Werner Herzog
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Werner Herzog
It's very strange, for example, in North Korea where the volcano at the Chinese border is some sort of the mythical birthplace of the Korean people.
- Werner Herzog
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Werner Herzog
I was able to persuade them to let me shoot in areas that were beyond the volcano itself. Beyond the joint scientific program between Cambridge University and North Korean scientists. I was able to film in a kindergarten, subway, other things you would not normally be allowed to do.
- Werner Herzog
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Werner Herzog
I wouldn't make a connection between the daily news and volcanoes.
- Werner Herzog
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Werner Herzog
Public life is constantly aware of the volcano.
- Werner Herzog
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Werner Herzog
The wonderful thing is that Clive [Oppenheimer ] insisted on training his camera - his private camera - on me at one point. We were discussing things such as how to avoid certain dangers, while reflecting on a volcano that had threatened to explode 40 years ago.
- Werner Herzog
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Werner Herzog
The power of a volcano when it erupts is so evident, so visible, so palpable.
- Werner Herzog
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Werner Herzog
Of course, you do not do any research: you have to go there and do your film. It's not that I would travel there before without a camera and spend half a year on one of those volcanoes and then come back with a camera. You have to have some sort of a clear mindset.
- Werner Herzog
Collection: Volcanoes
Image of Alec Baldwin
Great acting can be almost a psychotic mix of self-consciousness and unself-consciousness. And thats the terrible conflict. You have to be free to jump off into that volcano and you have to be pathologically self-conscious.
- Alec Baldwin
Collection: Volcanoes