Top Using Resources Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Using Resources quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Julian Simon
Because we can expect future generations to be richer than we are, no matter what we do about resources, asking us to refrain from using resources now so that future generations can have them later is like asking the poor to make gifts to the rich.
- Julian Simon
Collection: Using Resources
Image of John B. Cobb
Criticism of growth arose with the discovery that growth beyond a certain point is destructive of the earth. We are already using resources much faster than they can be replenished. We are producing wastes much faster than nature's sinks can process them. The growth economy will end. The only questions are when its end will come, and whether humanity will be able to survive its demise.
- John B. Cobb
Collection: Using Resources