Top ulrika Quotes Collection

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Image of Ulrika Jonsson
Of course, we cannot expect everything to be taught at school. So much of what makes a child - their hunger and ambition, the desire for attention and perfection - comes from home.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I would paint myself as a liberal parent. But I am also a strict disciplinarian. I insist on good behaviour and bloody good manners.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I have always believed that giving children choice is a terrible idea. The more choice you give, the more they will run rings around you.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
We all like a good filter on Instagram, me included. I use basic ones from time to time but am quite willing for people to see me first thing in the morning, stripped of make-up and without the aid of a filter. I believe in balance.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I refuse to surrender my Swedish passport despite having lived in this country for 43 of my 54 years because it gives me a sense of belonging and is an expression of my origins.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
There's no denying that being single means the world can assume there's something wrong with you - sees you as incompetent, a loser and a flop.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
Weird thing is, throughout my life I didn't realise it wasn't normal to have pain in your hips. Mine is chronic and I guess I've been living with it for most of my life.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I cling on to making connections with people I can physically meet. And the disposability of faces on an app which urges you to swipe left or right in a split second creates its own issues with our ability to see past purely the visual.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
Once women reach a certain age we like to consign them to some dark corner of society where we don't have to bother with them again.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I'm no diva, so the idea of 'rough-ing it' in Scotland's Inner Hebrides posed no panic in my heart. I'm a Swede. We are nature people.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I was certainly no swan - with my horrendously protruding goofy teeth, bow legs and under-developed, clumsy, boyish, adolescent body. I was never cool, nor confident.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I wonder how many people reflect on how their own and society's perception of perfection induces feelings of deficiency in those who don't fit the template of expectation. That life is trickier for those who don't fit the mould.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I have never felt guilt, as such, when absent from my children due to work. Work is essential. I may not always have been keen to venture out so soon after shooting them out of my undercarriage but reason has dictated that to live, we must eat, and to eat I must work.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
As a woman, I have always felt the need to hold things I do to impossibly high standards.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I never saw it as a pursuit of absolute perfection but rather that I would constantly criticise myself if there weren't certain standards - in the home, in the garden, with the children, with work. I rarely stopped and just let things be.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I never had any idea how much happiness flaking on the sofa and doing nothing could bring.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
People who write off women over 40 are wrong to do so. This is when many women's lives truly start.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I don't condone any kind of violence. I've been on the receiving end of violence as an adult. I've witnessed it.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
Speaking from experience, being engaged at 22 is not advisable. What on earth do you know of the world? What experiences do you have of other people? What wisdom can you bring to the table?
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
We all want to do the best by our children. I will try to ensure my children have something when I leave this green and pleasant land, but if I was a multimillionaire - and this may come as a shock to my kids - I wouldn't set them up for life.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I have experienced a fairly wide range of motherhood. I've done it on my own a lot of the time, I've done it smug and married, I've done it with a chronically ill child, I've done it with other children around, I've done it young and I've done it old.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
Women who become mothers are policed and regulated during pregnancy, forced to give up so much - work and ambition, often.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
As women, we are fully expected to surrender a huge part, or all, of ourselves to motherhood.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
There are aspects of ageing I don't enjoy, my sagging face and my aching body, my memory lapses and my inability to grasp technical instructions as quickly as before.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I'm not someone to avoid controversy in my personal life.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
We need to change the narrative about divorce. Sometimes it is no one's fault and divorce can be accepted as a good thing - and yes, even something to be celebrated.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
As a product of divorced parents perhaps I should have been considerably more cynical, but for some reason I am a proponent of dedicating your life and love to someone else.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I experienced marriage from an early age. I was 23 when I married for the first time.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
We need to embrace its existence and accept that with 42 per cent of marriages ending in divorce, and with us living longer, we are considerably more likely to find ourselves in multiple serious relationships.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I was nearly 41 when I had my last child. I felt that was late, that I was pushing Mother Nature to the edge, and I understood that I and my unborn child both faced greater risks.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
A tag I am happy to bear is that of feminist. I was born in one of the most egalitarian countries in the world, where women bear as much weight as men.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I don't see the end of relationships as failures. Some of them are experiences. Sometimes things falter through no fault of your own.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Ulrika