Top ted Quotes Collection

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Image of Ted Turner
I believe in pulling together to make the country better right rather than pulling, tearing it apart for partisan reasons. I think the country comes first.
- Ted Turner
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Turner
I think we've already voted at the U.N., in the Security Council, to get rid of nuclear weapons. Let's get rid of them. Let's get rid of ours and then Iran will stop, I believe. And so everybody else will, because if everybody doesn't have them, then we're safe, at least safe from a nuclear attack.
- Ted Turner
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Turner
I wanted to better inform the world.
- Ted Turner
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Turner
It's going to cost trillions of dollars to rework the energy sources all over the world. Were going to have to move away from fossil fuels.
- Ted Turner
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Turner
I'm 68 and a half years old; I grew up with newspapers; I love newspapers; I love the news business. I started CNN; I'm a journalist and proud of it.
- Ted Turner
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Turner
At Time Warner, I had ten percent of the stock after the merger. But when we merged with AOL, I was diluted down to three percent.
- Ted Turner
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Turner
The Iranians don't intimidate! They're like the Vietnamese and the Iraqis. You want to start a war with them? They'll still be fighting in fifty years!
- Ted Turner
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Turner
I like snakes. I like hummingbirds. There's nothing on earth I don't like. Frogs. Salamanders. The bunnies, the giraffes, the hippopotamuses.
- Ted Turner
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Turner
It was a struggle financing CNN, but I did it without ever asking the government for a nickel.
- Ted Turner
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Turner
I travel a lot. I'm on the move.
- Ted Turner
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Waitt
We hope to be a leader in the convergence of consumer electronics and communications.
- Ted Waitt
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Waitt
Our biggest risk is ourselves.
- Ted Waitt
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Waitt
You have to have great products out at the right time. It's difficult to go with one foot on the gas and the other a little bit on the brake.
- Ted Waitt
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Waitt
I don't want a mercenary management team.
- Ted Waitt
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Waitt
We don't consider ourselves a PC company.
- Ted Waitt
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Waitt
Who is my biggest competitor? AOL, Microsoft, and AT&TAtHome.
- Ted Waitt
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Waitt
When I look back through the 1980s and 1990s, those were some of the funniest experiences I had and, sometimes, some of the most difficult.
- Ted Waitt
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Waitt
People confuse me with Gateway.
- Ted Waitt
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Waitt
If any PC manufacturer has made money selling PCs retail in the last 10 years, I'd like to know who they are.
- Ted Waitt
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Waitt
Being a smaller, nimbler company is better for our customers, employees and shareholders.
- Ted Waitt
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Waitt
Customers don't care about rivalries between corporations, they care about getting the best value for their money.
- Ted Waitt
Collection: Ted
Image of Ted Waitt
Anything that helps consumers get more for their money is fine by us.
- Ted Waitt
Collection: Ted