Top technology Quotes Collection - Page 52

Discover a curated collection of technology quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 52 provides more technology quotes.

Image of Tim Hecker
People still talk about sampling as this new, progressive problem in music. There are technologies now where you can glean the polyphonic information out of a sample and then put that back in and then score it for five instruments. You don't need digital audio to sample; you can rewrite things.
- Tim Hecker
Collection: Technology
Image of Wangari Maathai
For me planting a tree is a very doable thing. It's not complicated, it doesn't require technology, it doesn't require much knowledge, but it can be a very important entry point into communities understanding how they destroy their own resources, but how they can also restore those resources, and not wait for their government or international agencies to come and help them.
- Wangari Maathai
Collection: Technology
Image of Simon Mainwaring
The creative destruction that social media is currently unleashing will change more than technology or the leader board of the Fortune 100. It is driving a qualitative shift in the nature of relationships between brands and their customers.
- Simon Mainwaring
Collection: Technology
Image of Simon Mainwaring
With the never-ending stream of new social technologies, apps and platforms rolling out every day, its easy to get lost in the minutiae of social media. Yet for there to be effective change, especially within large, top-down, hierarchical institutions, a company must have an over-arching understanding of the new role it has to play.
- Simon Mainwaring
Collection: Technology
Image of Simon Mainwaring
Let's hope brands recognize that the true power of this technology is not its reach but its ability to communicate substance that adds meaning to our lives. Otherwise, brands will be investing in technology that consumers simply won't buy.
- Simon Mainwaring
Collection: Technology
Image of Simon Mainwaring
Refuse to accept the belief that your professional relevance, career success or financial security turns on the next update on the latest technology. Sometimes it's good to put the paddle down and just let the canoe glide.
- Simon Mainwaring
Collection: Technology
Image of Terence McKenna
Tribalism is a social form which can exist at any level of technology. It's a complete illusion to associate it with low levels of technology. It is probably, in fact, a form of social organization second only to the family in its ability to endure.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Technology
Image of George Lucas
I've discovered that most critics themselves are cinematically illiterate. They don't really know much about movies. They don't know the history. They don't know the technology. They don't know anything. So for them to try to analyze it, they're lost.
- George Lucas
Collection: Technology
Image of Marshall McLuhan
When new technologies impose themselves on societies long habituated to older technologies, anxieties of all kinds result.
- Marshall McLuhan
Collection: Technology
Image of Marshall McLuhan
The alphabet and print technology fostered and encouraged a fragmenting process, a process of specialism and detachment. Electric technology fosters and encourages unification and involvement.
- Marshall McLuhan
Collection: Technology
Image of Bill Gates
We’re changing the world with technology.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Technology
Image of Bill Gates
While we’re all very dependent on technology, it doesn’t always work.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Technology
Image of Steve Jobs
Think Different.
- Steve Jobs
Collection: Technology