Top takashi Quotes Collection

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Image of Takashi Miike
I see myself as having this innate weakness that a lot of times will get confused with kindness, but I know that it's often more weakness than kindness.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
When I'm facing an issue or a challenge sometimes, it's easier for me to avoid really facing that or dealing with it, and just go make films.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I think everyone really wants to just be happy and live the life that they want to live. But they come up against all of these obstacles and sometimes the way that react we react to that can be very hilarious. To me. It's hilarious and laughable.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
Once I started working as an assistant director, I just realized very quickly that working on a film set was just a perfect fit for me.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
In '13 Assassins' the biggest challenge was that action period films, for budget reasons and because of the age of the actors involved, are not considered to be a good business decision by some companies.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
Personally, it all feels like I've been filming just one long film the whole time and I have no personal like or dislike for any of the films that I've done. I feel like all of the all of them are important to me, all of the cast and all the staff that I've worked with have also been very important to me.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
One Missed Call,' it was regarded as a mainstream film for my career because it was big budget and filmed in Japan and it really opened wide in Japan, it did really well commercially. So I was really surprised.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I'm just curious how it'd look like if someone tried to remake my work. But I really believe that it's hard to remake of any of my work.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
Gozu' was influenced by American cinema.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I use depth in my visuals even in 2-D, and found that 3-D is actually liberating.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
Kurosawa was truly inventive.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I believe that the difference in genre of movies is a small thing.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I feel that the smallness of the filmmaking environment is somehow connected to the freedom of creating film.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
The position of an assistant director in Japan is a handyman who does everything if necessary. They must overcome the unreasonable demands of hard-hearted and whimsical directors, and staff with different personalities or habits.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
For many years, I was on working on films which were so small of a budget that I could not even build a set. So, when I was finally able to work on set, it was a rewarding moment. I felt the same feeling when the camera changed from 16 mm to 35 mm.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I'm actually quite a scaredy cat, myself.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I'm even a little afraid of the dark. If I'm alone in the dark I'll sometimes feel that there's a presence behind me and I'll even be afraid to turn around, but then if I do get the courage to turn around, I'll just be scared that whatever was there has just jumped over to the other side of me.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
Imprint' was definitely the scariest project that I've worked on.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I just feel my body clock is different when it comes to making films than other directors. Being on set, and sweating, that feeling eases me more than actually when the movie's over; being on set, moving around, to me feels more relaxing than being done with the movie.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I don't set out to make a film for festivals abroad.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
Normally sports day is once a year for kids, where you have fun, and everybody is jostling. For us, making movies is like having sports day everyday: competing with each other, doing your best. It's like that except we don't get awards every day in our sports day.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I don't think I'll ever get tired of making films. I wish I could make so many that it would make me get tired, but I don't.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I'm deeply appreciative that many people have enjoyed my films, films that I made in my own style. The successes have helped me learn how to make films free of expectations and focus solely on the pure filmmaking aspect, without worrying about how much money it'll make.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
Audiences are an unknown mystery to me, so I can't really predict anything. For me, the best audience is myself, my crew, and the actors.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I actually think women are stronger and more capable than men, that men are actually dancing in the palms of women, who are running the show.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I don't slot actors into the image of a character that's already built. I build characters by listening to the voice and the story inside the heart of each actor. Art and life are linked, and expressed through my actors.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
Maybe many directors are trying to create their own style of filmmaking, or to respond to audiences that come expect a certain style from them. But I don't care about that - I don't intend to have a 'Miike' style. I just pour myself into each film, enjoy it, and then what comes out just seems to have a 'Miike' style.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I always find another version of myself in each of my films.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
For the birth of one champion, there are many young boxers behind them who had setbacks. In terms of that, I think boxing is very dramatic.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I do enjoy children's shows.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I do not proactively approach Hollywood, but also I do not always turn down offers. But since I'm living as a movie director, I have a desire to shoot something like 'This is a Hollywood movie!' at least once in my lifetime.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
There are fragments of me in all my characters.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
The directors whose films scare me the most, are the ones who carefully hide the aggression in the background, and don't show it directly.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I think that every character, no matter how different they may be perceived, they all have their beautiful moments. All humans do. All people do.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I'm just trying to make movies simply about life. Naturally, when I'm doing that, horror, violence, and all those kinds of things get mixed in. All those things happen in reality.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I have three kids. Now they're all grown up, but when they were little, every time I would start a new project, they would say, 'So dad, are you making a movie we can watch or one we cannot watch?' That's the kind of stuff they would ask. People around me - family and friends - usually know when to watch and when not to watch.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
In general, I'm probably seen as an unusual director.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
For me, no matter what movie I make, no matter what the genre or the budget, they all have the same theme at their core: fear of death and happiness about living.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
I believe that when people try to live their life at the fullest, there's a certain laughter that comes out of it. The more they try to live their life seriously, the funnier it is.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi
Image of Takashi Miike
Originally, I was an assistant director. For many people in that role, becoming a director is the ultimate goal. But, in my case, that wasn't my goal at all. I just had fun doing it. The schedule was hard, but I enjoyed it greatly so I just kept at it.
- Takashi Miike
Collection: Takashi