Top Sweet Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of Sweet quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more Sweet quotes.

Image of Francis Beaumont
Nothing's so dainty sweet as lovely melancholy.
- Francis Beaumont
Collection: Sweet
Image of Cynthia Nixon
He [Tim Matheson] is such a - he's not like [Ronald] Reagan - but he's so commanding of respect but he's also so sweet.
- Cynthia Nixon
Collection: Sweet
Image of William Least Heat-Moon
One of the sweet and expectable aspects of life afloat is the perpetual present moment one lives in and a perception that time is nothing more than the current, an eternal flowing back to the sea.
- William Least Heat-Moon
Collection: Sweet
Image of Jon Ronson
Friends are the fruitcake of life - some nutty, some soaked in alcohol, some sweet.
- Jon Ronson
Collection: Sweet
Image of Christian Nestell Bovee
Four sweet lips, two pure souls, and one undying affection, - these are love's pretty ingredients for a kiss.
- Christian Nestell Bovee
Collection: Sweet
Image of Geoffrey Wolff
To learn something, to master something, anything, is as sweet as first love.
- Geoffrey Wolff
Collection: Sweet
Image of Mandy Moore
I learned what love is from loving you.
- Mandy Moore
Collection: Sweet
Image of Cathleen Schine
The honeysuckle was everywhere the day the letter arrived, like heat. Wild roses bloomed in hedges of tendrils and perfume. There were fat bees, dirigible bees, plump and miniature. It was a sweet, tangled morning, and the sun rose, leisurely, in a spectacular blush.
- Cathleen Schine
Collection: Sweet
Image of Howard Pyle
Will you come with me, sweet Reader? I thank you. Give me your hand.
- Howard Pyle
Collection: Sweet
Image of Lauren Kate
Will you stay with me ” she asked. Her voice was the thinnest whisper almost canceled out by a low groan of thunder.... Forever ” he whispered back. The sweet sound of his voice filled her up.
- Lauren Kate
Collection: Sweet
Image of Larissa Ione
Harvester’s heart soared. Reaver had offered to castrate an archangel for her. How sweet was that?
- Larissa Ione
Collection: Sweet
Image of Gabrielle Roth
Your soul is a seeker, lover and artist; shape-shifting through archetypal energy, between your darkness and fields of light, your body and spirit, your heaven and hell, until you land in the moment of sweet surrender; when you, as a dancer, disappear into the dance.
- Gabrielle Roth
Collection: Sweet
Image of Ralph Hodgson
I saw with open eyes, Singing birds sweet, Sold in the shops, For the people to eat, Sold in the shops of, Stupidity Street.
- Ralph Hodgson
Collection: Sweet
Image of Jess Walter
At peace? Who but the insane would ever be at peace? What person who has enjoyed life could possibly think one is enough? Who could live even a day and not feel the sweet ache of regret?
- Jess Walter
Collection: Sweet
Image of Zlata Filipović
Boredom!!! Shooting!!! Shelling!!! People being killed!!! Despair!!! Hunger!!! Misery!!! Fear!!! That's my life! The life of an innocent eleven-year-old schoolgirl!! A schoolgirl without a school, without the fun and excitement of school. A child without games, without friends, without the sun, without birds, without nature, without fruit, without chocolate or sweets, with just a little powdered milk. In short, a child without a childhood.
- Zlata Filipović
Collection: Sweet
Image of Richard Yates
You want to play house, you got to have a job. You want to play very nice house, very sweet house, then you got to have a job you don't like. Great. This is the way ninety-eight-point-nine per cent of the people work things out, so believe me, buddy, you've got nothing to apologize for.
- Richard Yates
Collection: Sweet
Image of Jeremy Taylor
A good wife is heaven's last, best gift to man, - his gem of many virtues, his casket of jewels; her voice is sweet music, her smiles his brightest day, her kiss the guardian of his innocence, her arms the pale of his safety.
- Jeremy Taylor
Collection: Sweet
Image of Lydia Millet
The word suffering is full and whole and perfect as a pierced heart, sweet, rushing and tender ... Suffering is the joy of someone about to be martyred, illumination of something given up as an offer.
- Lydia Millet
Collection: Sweet
Image of Amy Carmichael
If a sudden jar can cause me to speak an impatient, unloving word, then I know nothing of Calvary love. For a cup brimful of sweet water cannot spill even one drop of bitter water, however suddenly jolted.
- Amy Carmichael
Collection: Sweet
Image of Hartley Coleridge
Long time a child, and still a child, when years Had painted manhood on my cheek, was I; For yet I lived like one not born to die; A thriftless prodigal of smiles and tears— No hope I needed, and I knew no fears. But sleep, though sweet, is only sleep—and waking, I waked to sleep no more; at once o'ertaking The vanguard of my age, with all arrears Of duty on my back. Nor child, nor man, Nor youth, nor sage, I find my head is gray, For I have lost the race I never ran. A rathe December blights my lagging May: And still I am a child, though I be old Time is my debtor for my days untold.
- Hartley Coleridge
Collection: Sweet
Image of Thomas Watson
Till sin be bitter, Christ will not be sweet.
- Thomas Watson
Collection: Sweet
Image of Ravinder Singh
Love, like life, is so insecure. It moves in our lives and occupies its sweet space in our hearts so easily. But it never guarantees that it will stay there forever. Probably that's why it is so precious.
- Ravinder Singh
Collection: Sweet
Image of Eddie Rickenbacker
The sensation of dying is sweet, sensuous, placid. It is the easiest thing in the world to die. The hardest is to live.
- Eddie Rickenbacker
Collection: Sweet
Image of Thom Yorke
I don't eat food, I Thom Yorke it. What's the difference? When normal people "eat" food, they first chew it with their "teeth" until it's small enough to go through their "esophagus" and then be broken down in their "stomach" and absorbed. When I Thom Yorke food, I chew it with my Thom Yorkes until it's small enough to go through my Yorke tube. It's then broken down in my Thomach, where if I eat too much sweets, I get a mean Thommy ache! But it's okay because Jonny's usually there to rub the pain out.
- Thom Yorke
Collection: Sweet
Image of Petrarch
Nothing mortal is enduring, and there is nothing sweet which does not presently end in bitterness.
- Petrarch
Collection: Sweet
Image of Rex Stout
Chili is one of the great peasant foods. It is one of the few contributions America has made to world cuisine. Eaten with corn bread, sweet onion, sour cream, it contains all five of the elements deemed essential by the sages of the Orient: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, and bitter.
- Rex Stout
Collection: Sweet
Image of Hendrik Hertzberg
A person's character is what it is. It's a little like a marriage - only without the option of divorce. You can work on it and try to make it better, but basically you have to take the bitter with the sweet.
- Hendrik Hertzberg
Collection: Sweet
Image of Dossie Easton
Once you have a handle on loving yourself, you can practice sharing that love with others. You’ve probably been taught to reserve the language of love for when you’re feeling overwhelmingly tender and passionate, and only for those who have made huge commitments to you. We recommend instead learning to recognize and acknowledge all the sweet feelings that make life worthwhile even when they don’t knock you over—and, moreover, learning to communicate those feelings to the people who inspire them.
- Dossie Easton
Collection: Sweet
Image of Mohammed Hanif
life is a series of sweet coincidences
- Mohammed Hanif
Collection: Sweet
Image of William Somervile
The bird That glads the night had cheer'd the listening groves with sweet complainings.
- William Somervile
Collection: Sweet
Image of Lope de Vega
The fire of love and the cold of time, deprive my sweet love of his peace of mind.
- Lope de Vega
Collection: Sweet
Image of Judd Nelson
Sweets, you couldn't ignore me if you tried.
- Judd Nelson
Collection: Sweet
Image of Gary Shteyngart
She took my hand and pulled me after her, her shoulders giving off a sweet peppermint concoction that the bodies of young women sometimes produce to make my life more difficult.
- Gary Shteyngart
Collection: Sweet
Image of Wilfred Owen
Sweet and fitting it is to die for the fatherland.
- Wilfred Owen
Collection: Sweet
Image of C.P. Snow
Try as I might, I could never feel any great affection for a man who so much resembled a Baked Alaska - sweet, warm and gungy on the outside, hard and cold within.
- C.P. Snow
Collection: Sweet
Image of Jerry Stahl
A waft of sweet hash drifted by, and I wanted to float after it like Wimpy levitating at the scent of a hamburger.
- Jerry Stahl
Collection: Sweet
Image of Dwight Yoakam
Another lesson about a naive fool who came to Babylon, and found out that the pie don't taste so sweet.
- Dwight Yoakam
Collection: Sweet
Image of Edmond Rostand
Stay awhile! 'Tis sweet,. . . The rare occasion, when our hearts can speak Our selves unseen, unseeing!
- Edmond Rostand
Collection: Sweet
Image of Gena Showalter
Hold everything. I missed a four-way chick fight. Then I find out someone's been nibbling." William's attention shifted to Olivia, who was still lying on the floor. "Please tell me our sweet little angel is the biter. It'll make me want her ever so much more.
- Gena Showalter
Collection: Sweet
Image of Jenny Colgan
I think love is caramel. Sweet and fragant; always welcome. It is the gentle golden colour of a setting harvest sun; the warmth of a squeezed embrace; the easy melting of two souls into one and a taste that lingers even when everything else has melted away. Once tasted it is never forgotten.
- Jenny Colgan
Collection: Sweet
Image of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
Love knows no virtue, no profit; it loves and forgives and suffers everything, because it must. It is not our judgment that leads us; it is neither the advantages nor the faults which we discover, that make us abandon ourselves, or that repel us. It is a sweet, soft, enigmatic power that drives us on. We cease to think, to feel, to will; we let ourselves be carried away by it, and ask not whither?
- Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
Collection: Sweet
Image of Kenny Rogers
So sweep away the sand an' dry the ocean, an' just pack the moon an' stars up in a cardboard box. And stop the clouds from chimin', block the sun from shinin',an' paint the sky a deeper shade of blue, 'cause my world's over without you.
- Kenny Rogers
Collection: Sweet
Image of Tessa Dare
She [Susanna] realized she was still hugging the wall. Pride propelled her two steps forward. As she advanced, something bleated at her, as though chastising her for trespassing. She stopped midstep and peered at it. "Did you know there's a lamb in here?" "Never mind it. That's dinner." She gave it a smile and a friendly pat. "Hullo, Dinner. Aren't you a sweet thing." "It's not his name, it's his...function.
- Tessa Dare
Collection: Sweet
Image of David Brainerd
It is sweet to be nothing and less than nothing that Christ may be all in all.
- David Brainerd
Collection: Sweet
Image of William Batchelder Greene
Woman, thou art a river, deep and wide, Of waters soft and sweet: Alas! I've never reached the other side; Though oft I've wet my feet!
- William Batchelder Greene
Collection: Sweet
Image of Anne Fortier
It's what we call a dolce pazzia... a sweet madness. Once you feel it, you will never want to leave it.
- Anne Fortier
Collection: Sweet