Top stephen Quotes Collection - Page 5

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Image of Stephen Kinzer
Few if any countries understand the growing importance of water as fully as Turkey does.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Israel is thirsting for water, and Turkey is overflowing with it.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Countries that control water are likely to be the big winners of the future.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
More than half of Guatemalans are pureblooded Indians, descendants of the proud Maya-Quiche tribes. In their mist-shrouded villages, the Indians worship the corn god and the rain god, only vaguely concerned with the political entity known as Guatemala.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
By the late 1970s, repression and economic chaos were causing increasing unrest throughout Latin America. Army strongmen were forced to cede power in Peru, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras and the Dominican Republic.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
What the United States wanted in Guatemala - and in Iran, where the C.I.A. also deposed a government in the early 1950s - was pro-American stability.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
On Aug. 19, 1953, Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran became the first victim of a C.I.A. coup. Ten months later, on June 27, 1954, President Jacobo Arbenz of Guatemala became the second.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
After installing friendly leaders in Iran and Guatemala, the United States lost interest in promoting democracy in either country.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
American oil companies - including Amoco, Unocal, Exxon, Pennzoil - have invested billions of dollars in Azerbaijan and plan to invest billions more. As a result, they have developed a strongly pro-Azerbaijan position.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Turks have long admired the sultan, Mehmet II, for his military triumphs, especially his capture of Constantinople, now known as Istanbul, in 1453.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Sultan Mehmet had good relations with the Medici family and other powerful Italian clans, especially in Venice and Florence, and at his request, they sent him artists and craftsmen by the dozen.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Sultan Beyazid considered his father's art collection decadent and ordered it sold at auction.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Mehmet was the first sultan, and one of the first Muslims anywhere, to defy religious tradition by allowing his portrait to be made.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Many troubled Midwestern towns are grasping for ways to fend off decline and, in some cases, extinction.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Prairie grassland once covered much of North America's midsection. European settlers turned nearly all of it into farms and ranches, and today the prairie landscape survives mainly in isolated reserves.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
One of the most perplexing political questions of the late 20th century is how new democracies should punish deposed dictators and their associates. Victims cry for justice, but leaders of new regimes must decide to what extent it is possible, moral or prudent to pursue evildoers of the past.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Turkey is immersed in a profound social and political conflict between secularists, who have been in power since the republic was founded, and an insurgent Islamic-based movement that seeks to increase the role of religion in public life.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Celebrating historic triumphs is a favorite pastime for many Turks. Tales of how Turkic peoples emerged from Central Asia, crossed the steppes to Anatolia, established the Ottoman Empire and ruled for centuries over large swaths of Europe and Asia are the subject of countless legends, poems and books.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Since German reunification in 1990, historians and researchers have been free to work in the East, where the lost Nazi art collection disappeared.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
King Frederick I of Prussia conceived the Amber Chamber in 1701 as a magnificent gift to the Russian royal family that would seal the alliance between the two powers.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Afghanistan's borders are arbitrary, drawn to meet 19th-century political needs rather than to respect ethnic or religious patterns.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
During the 19th century, Britain fought two wars in unsuccessful attempts to subjugate the Afghans. When Britain finally drew a border between India and Afghanistan in 1893, Pashtun tribes in southern Afghanistan were cut off from related tribes across the border in what was then India and is now Pakistan.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
As recently as the 1970s, some Pashtun leaders in Afghanistan were pushing to create a new state, Pashtunistan, by joining with Pashtuns in Pakistan.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Many Afghan intellectuals in the United States believe that their country is best kept together. They are encouraged by the fact that no leading tribal or political figure there has called for secession.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
One October day in 1976, a Cuban airliner exploded over the Caribbean and crashed, killing all 73 people aboard. There should have been 74. I had a ticket on that flight, but changed my reservation at the last moment and flew to Havana on an earlier plane.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
The United States is holding hundreds of suspected terrorists in prisons at Guantanamo and elsewhere. Many are locked up indefinitely. They have not been tried or even charged with any crime.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Congress, it turns out, is filled with Republicans and Democrats eager to act as enablers for the most repressive forces in Iran.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Hostility toward Iran may not be the silliest of all American foreign policies - that would probably be the continuing trade embargo of Cuba - but it is undoubtedly the most self-defeating.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
No step the United States could take anywhere in the world would bring strategic benefits as great as detente with Iran.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Pakistan is not about to crack down on terror groups or cut its military budget in order to build roads, schools and hospitals.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Most Pakistani politics is conducted within a narrow spectrum. Politicians spend much time debating the best ways to fight India, or take Kashmir, or dominate Afghanistan, or punish the United States for its real and imagined sins.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Mayors of New York are almost automatically national figures.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
During the 1980s, international interest in the Nicaraguan war was intense. No conflict since the Spanish civil war had provoked such passion around the world. It was a classic good-versus-evil war.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
During the 19th century, Iranians lost vast territories in disastrous wars, and corrupt monarchs sold everything of value in the country to foreigners.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
In 1907, Britain and Russia signed a treaty dividing Iran between them; no Iranian was at the negotiations or even knew they were taking place.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Iran's most formidable modern leader, Reza Shah Pahlavi, was obsessed with the idea of building a steel mill, but in 1941, soon after he assembled all the components, Allied armies invaded Iran, and the project had to be abandoned.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Conflict with the United States is one of the overwhelming facts of Latin American history.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Any country that grants asylum to Snowden risks retaliation from the United States, including diplomatic isolation and costly trade sanctions. Several don't seem to care.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
In the 1980s, the U.S. Army invaded two Caribbean countries, Grenada and Panama, to depose leaders who had defied Washington.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
During the 1990s the United States sought to impose the 'Washington Consensus' on Latin American governments. It embodied what Latin Americans call 'neo-liberal' principles: budget cuts, privatization, deregulation of business, and incentives for foreign companies. This campaign sparked bitter resistance and ultimately collapsed.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
With the exception of China, and perhaps Turkey, no country in the world matters as much to the United States as Mexico.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
One day, Mexico will have a leader who is nationalist not simply in rhetoric, but also in fact.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Mexico needs schools, rural development, and an independent judiciary, not high-tech weaponry.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen
Image of Stephen Kinzer
Other places are also generators of far-flung violence beyond their own borders - Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are obvious examples - but none has as long a history of war, resistance, and terror as Chechnya.
- Stephen Kinzer
Collection: Stephen