Top Spiritual Quotes Collection - Page 128

Discover a curated collection of Spiritual quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 128 provides more Spiritual quotes.

Image of Anthony de Mello
The spiritual quest is a journey without distance. You travel from where you are right now To where you have always been. From ignorance to recognition.
- Anthony de Mello
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Terence McKenna
The intellectual tension that seems to work its way through this society almost like fat through meat is the tension between scientific reductionism and the deeply felt intuition of most people that there is a spiritual dimension, or a hidden dimension, or a transcendental dimension.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Eva Mendes
I think we are living in pretty scary times and people are looking for inspiration and are also more open to the spiritual possibilities.
- Eva Mendes
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Eva Mendes
I am a man with an open mind. I really don't know anything, but I'm very interested in the spiritual and the material.
- Eva Mendes
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Neal A. Maxwell
Personal, spiritual symmetry emerges only from the shaping of prolonged obedience. Twigs are bent, not snapped into shape.
- Neal A. Maxwell
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Neal A. Maxwell
Within what is allotted to us, we can have spiritual contentment.
- Neal A. Maxwell
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Macklemore
I wanted to get clean. I knew that my highest potential, the place that I was most spiritual, the place that I was the most rich in terms of my life, and my livelihood, and my art and my creativity, was when I was sober.
- Macklemore
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Macklemore
I've never been a religious person. I've been a spiritual person since I was about 15, 16, when I was first introduced to Psilocybin [mushrooms]. That really opened me up to thinking about the universe in a different way, and coming to significant realizations about my connection to something greater than me.
- Macklemore
Collection: Spiritual
Image of David Lynch
Sex was like a world so mysterious to me, I really couldn't believe there was this fantastic texture to life that I was getting to has all these different levels, from lust and fearful, violent sex to the real spiritual thing at the other end. It's the key to some fantastic mystery of life.
- David Lynch
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Malcolm X
Our success in America will involve two circles: Black Nationalism and Islam–it will take BN [Black Nationalism] to make our people conscious of doing for self & then Islam will provide the spiritual guidance. BN [Black Nationalism] will link us to Africa and Islam will link us spiritually to Africa, Arabia & Asia.
- Malcolm X
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Ramana Maharshi
Know that the eradication of the identification with the body is charity, spiritual austerity and ritual sacrifice; it is virtue, divine union and devotion; it is heaven, wealth, peace and truth; it is grace; it is the state of divine silence; it is the deathless death; it is jnana, renunciation, final liberation and bliss.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Terence McKenna
Apparently, in the Avesta classical period no one would have dreamed of having a spiritual experience without resort to drugs.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Max Lucado
To accept grace is to admit failure, a step we are hesitant to take. We opt to impress God with how good we are rather than confessing how great he is.
- Max Lucado
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Max Lucado
Fear creates a form of spiritual amnesia
- Max Lucado
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Mignon McLaughlin
Spiritual sloth, or acedia, was known as The Sin of the Middle Ages. It's the sin of my middle age, too.
- Mignon McLaughlin
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Ignatius of Loyola
SPIRITUAL EXERCISES whereby to conquer oneself, and order one's life, without being influenced in one's decision by any inordinate affection.
- Ignatius of Loyola
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Malcolm X
One thing that the white man can never give the black man is self respect. The black man in the ghettos, have to start self correcting his own material moral, and spiritual defects, and evil. The black man need to start his own program to get rid of drunkenness, drug addiction and prostitution. The black man in America has to lift up his own sense of values.
- Malcolm X
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Terence McKenna
We can't sell short the spiritual power of cannabis, especially when eaten.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Jose Marti
Man has to suffer. When he has no real afflictions, he invents some.
- Jose Marti
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Naguib Mahfouz
A priest's life is spent between question and answer-- or between a question and the attempt to answer it. The question is the summary of the spiritual life.
- Naguib Mahfouz
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Ramana Maharshi
You impose limits on your true nature of infinite being. Then you get displeased to be only a limited creature. Then you begin spiritual practices to transcend these non-existing limits. But if your practice itself implies the existence of these limits, how could they allow you to transcend them.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Ramana Maharshi
Concentration is not thinking of one thing. On the contrary, it is excluding all thoughts, since all thoughts obstruct the sense of one's true being. All efforts are to be directed simply to removing the veil of ignorance. Concentrating the mind solely on the Self will lead to happiness or bliss. Drawing in the thoughts, restraining them and preventing them from straying outwards is called detachment (vairagya). Fixing them in the Self is spiritual practice (sadhana). Concentrating on the heart is the same as concentrating on the Self. Heart is another name for Self.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Karan Bajaj
I wanted to write something that was very entertaining to read. The hardest part of this novel [The Yoga of Max's Discontent] was how to make a deeply spiritual transformation journey page-turning and adventurous. That was the hardest part to crack for me.
- Karan Bajaj
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Karan Bajaj
I don't think of the ashram world as being any more spiritual than the corporate world.
- Karan Bajaj
Collection: Spiritual
Image of George Lucas
You can find people who have discovered the fact that it's really helping people, it's really being compassionate toward other human beings that makes you happy, that gives you a spiritual fulfillment - a kind of fulfillment that goes way beyond anything you can buy.
- George Lucas
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Neal A. Maxwell
Meanwhile, spiritual submissiveness brings about the wiser use of our time, talents, and gifts as compared with our laboring diligently but conditionally to establish our own righteousness instead of the Lord's (D&C 1:16). After all, Lucifer was willing to work very hard, but conditionally in his own way and for his own purposes.
- Neal A. Maxwell
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Neal A. Maxwell
Though we have rightly applauded our ancestors for their spiritual achievements (and do not and must not discount them now), those of us who prevail today will have done no small thing. The special spirits who have been reserved to live in this time of challenges and who overcome will one day be praised for their stamina by those who pulled handcarts.
- Neal A. Maxwell
Collection: Spiritual
Image of David O. McKay
Adversity itself may lead toward and not away from God and spiritual enlightenment; and privation may prove a source of strength if we can but keep a sweetness of mind and spirit.
- David O. McKay
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Some feelings are quite untranslatable; no language has yet been found for them. They gleam upon us beautifully through the dim twilight of fancy, and yet when we bring them close to us, and hold them up to the light of reason, lose their beauty all at once, as glow worms which gleam with such a spiritual light in the shadows of evening, when brought in where the candles are lighted, are found to be only worms like so many others.
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Chris Matthews
His [John Paul II] humanity, combined with his extraordinary spiritual authority, was unlike anything I've ever met.
- Chris Matthews
Collection: Spiritual
Image of H. L. Mencken
One is conscious of no brave and noble earnestness in it, of no generalized passion for intellectual and spiritual adventure, of no organized determination to think things out. What is there is a highly self-conscious and insipid correctness, a bloodless respectability submergence of matter in manner--in brief, what is there is the feeble, uninspiring quality of German painting and English music.
- H. L. Mencken
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Mary McCarthy
It really takes a hero to live any kind of spiritual life without religious belief.
- Mary McCarthy
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Bryant H. McGill
Through spiritual maturity you will see new ways to avoid unnecessary suffering; wiser ways to endure unavoidable hardships with grace, and opportunities to turn your pain into lessons of service and healing for others. Your hard journey has had a great purpose! Your pain was always a part of a plan to open your heart to love. Have faith. A miracle is happening in your life; the miracle of pain is transforming you to your highest self.
- Bryant H. McGill
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Alexander Weinstein
"Moksha" is really a satire of myself. I've always been interested in Eastern spirituality. I'm particularly interested in enlightenment and the spiritual pursuit to liberate ourselves (I'm a Buddhist at heart). During my teenage years, I imagined I'd end up going to India to become a yogi; study with the last living saints in a cave; give up all my worldly possessions; learn to levitate. And there's still part of me that can see myself "disappearing" for some years at an ashram somewhere.
- Alexander Weinstein
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Alexander Weinstein
In the story ["The Pyramid and the Ass"] there's this war against the so-called Buddhist Terrorists. As we find out, they're not really terrorists at all, just good folks trying to liberate people from technology and fight against an American government/corporation trying to coopt our souls. The inherent racism and Buddhist-phobia in the story plays into the present demonizing of Islam - and of our loss of knowledge about the great, spiritual history of the Sufis, for example, or the cultural heritage from the middle east.
- Alexander Weinstein
Collection: Spiritual
Image of David O. McKay
The greatest spiritual blessing comes from helping another.
- David O. McKay
Collection: Spiritual
Image of David O. McKay
If our young people could but glimpse it, it would be the most powerful spiritual motivation of their lives!
- David O. McKay
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Neal A. Maxwell
When, as President Joseph F. Smith said, we "catch a spark from the awakened memories of the immortal soul, "let us be quietly grateful. When of great truths we can say "I know," that powerful spiritual witness may also carry with it the sense of our having known before. With rediscovery, we are really saying "I know - again!"
- Neal A. Maxwell
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Wynton Marsalis
What takes its place is very dry education. And the tools that actually can teach you - singing and playing, learning how to participate with other people, spiritual richness - are replaced with a big emphasis on how to memorize things. That's such an incomplete education. Survival of the fittest used to mean being bigger and stronger.
- Wynton Marsalis
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Brennan Manning
God not only loves me as I am, but also knows me as I am. Because of this I don't need to apply spiritual cosmetics to make myself presentable to Him. I can accept ownership of my poverty and powerlessness and neediness.
- Brennan Manning
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Ramana Maharshi
There is nothing wrong with God's creation. Mystery and Suffering only exist in the mind.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Terence McKenna
The plants are the pipeline into the Gaian intention. It's just not a coincidence that these plants carry this immense spiritual message. They are the pipeline of Gaian intentionality.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Terence McKenna
The message of psychedelics is that culture can be re-engineered as a set of emotional and spiritual values rather than products. This is terrifying news.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Herman Melville
Methinks we have hugely mistaken this matter of Life and Death. Methinks that what they call my shadow here on earth is my true substance. Methinks that in looking at things spiritual, we are too much like oysters observing the sun through the water, and thinking that thick water the thinnest of air. Me thinks my body is but the lees of my better being. In fact take my body who will, take it I say, it is not me.
- Herman Melville
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Ramana Maharshi
The Self itself is the world; the Self itself is 'I'; the Self itself is God; all is Siva, the Self.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Ziggy Marley
I'm a spiritual musician, I think there has been enough political musicians and I think everything that can be said has been said about political, social things, you know, and there's still some more to be said but not much.
- Ziggy Marley
Collection: Spiritual
Image of David Lynch
You could say that spirituality is bliss, and bliss is physical happiness, emotional happiness, mental happiness, and spiritual happiness. And it's intense. It's an intense happiness. It brings you together with everything.
- David Lynch
Collection: Spiritual
Image of David Lynch
Eraserhead is my most spiritual movie. No one understands when I say that, but it is.
- David Lynch
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Brennan Manning
Won't the awareness God loves us no matter what lead to spiritual laziness and moral laxity? Theoretically, this seems a reasonable fear, but in reality the opposite is true. . . . The more rooted we are in the love of God, the more generously we will live our faith.
- Brennan Manning
Collection: Spiritual