Top Slave Owners Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Slave Owners quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Candice Millard
With the Lincoln assassination, the South didnt feel it could mourn along with the North. But Garfield was beloved by all the American people. He was trusted and respected by North and South, by freed slaves and former slave owners. Also by pioneers, which his parents had been, and by immigrants.
- Candice Millard
Collection: Slave Owners
Image of Henry George
The protection of the masses has in all times been the pretense of tyranny - the plea of monarchy, of aristocracy, of special privilege of every kind. The slave owners justified slavery as protecting the slaves.
- Henry George
Collection: Slave Owners
Image of Oscar Wilde
The worst slave owners were those who were kind to their slaves
- Oscar Wilde
Collection: Slave Owners
Image of Oscar Wilde
Just as the worst slave-owners were those who were kind to their slaves, and so prevented the horror of the system being realized by those who suffered from it, and understood by those who contemplated it, so, in the present state of things in England, the people who do most harm are the people who try to do most good.
- Oscar Wilde
Collection: Slave Owners
Image of Rush Limbaugh
People have called Christopher Columbus horrible, racist, a psycho-maniac killer and a slave owner.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Slave Owners