Top Slaughterhouse Five Quotes Collection

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Image of Kurt Vonnegut
I am a Tralfamadorian, seeing all time as you might see a stretch of the Rocky Mountains. All time is all time. It does not change. It does not lend itself to warnings or explanations. It simply is.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Slaughterhouse Five
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
Why you? Why us for that matter? Why anything? Because this moment simply is.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Slaughterhouse Five
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
They do not love one another because they do not love themselves.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Slaughterhouse Five
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
- Why me? - That is a very Earthling question to ask, Mr. Pilgrim. Why you? Why us for that matter? Why anything? Because this moment simply is. Have you ever seen bugs trapped in amber? - Yes. - Well, here we are, Mr. Pilgrim, trapped in the amber of this moment. There is no why.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Slaughterhouse Five
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
All this happened, more or less.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Slaughterhouse Five
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
That's one thing Earthlings might learn to do, if they tried hard enough: Ignore the awful times and concentrate on the good ones.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Slaughterhouse Five
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
He is in a constant state of stage fright, he says, because he never knows what part of his life he is going to have to act in next
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Slaughterhouse Five
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
Before you kill somebody, make absolutely sure he isn't well connected. So it goes.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Slaughterhouse Five