Top scott Quotes Collection

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Image of Scott Bakula
New Orleans has a unique history as a great melting pot of all kinds of cultures, and that manifests itself now through the food, the music, and the kinds of people who live there.
- Scott Bakula
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Bakula
The reality of our business is that for every actor who's rolled up his tent and given up and gone home, the next day you hear about some shoe salesman at Macy's who had this audition and now he's Harrison Ford. There's always that carrot out there in our business.
- Scott Bakula
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Bakula
The further away you can get away from yourself as an actor, the more fun you have.
- Scott Bakula
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Bakula
It's a joyful, humbling feeling to be in different places around the planet, and people have seen shows that I'm proud of being a part of, that do have things to say about the human condition, the planet, and who we are and where we've come from, that will sustain.
- Scott Bakula
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Bakula
I'm a musical theater guy. That's where I came from. That's where I go whenever I have the chance. It's my first love.
- Scott Bakula
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Bakula
With any kind of sci-fi, the imagination continues, and the world exists, and you create that in your own mind, and it lives in you.
- Scott Bakula
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Bakula
I haven't really thought about where to scatter my ashes when the time comes, but I doubt that it would be in space.
- Scott Bakula
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
I'm going to have a very thoughtful and meaningful enforcement response to Superfund to make sure that we are achieving good outcomes for citizens across the country with respect to that entire portfolio of 1,336 or so sites.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
This paradigm that says we have to choose industry over the environment or the environment over industry is the old way of thinking.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
What I've said about consent orders and consent decrees is that we shouldn't regulate through litigation.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
Ozone is something that we most definitely have to regulate. It's a very important thing to regulate.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
The biblical world view with respect to these issues is that we have a responsibility to manage and cultivate, harvest the natural resources that we've been blessed with to truly bless our fellow mankind.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
We've made extraordinary progress on the environment over the decades, and that's something we should celebrate.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
Think about how tangible it would be to the citizens of Washington State to finally have the Hanford nuclear site cleaned up. Think about how tangible it would be to the citizens along the Hudson River to fix that pollution. These are some of the most direct things we can do to benefit our environment.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
The greatest threat we've had to economic growth has been that those in industry don't know what is expected of them. Rules come that are outside of statutes. Rules get changed midway. It creates vast uncertainty and paralysis, and re-establishing a vigorous commitment to rule of law is going to help a lot.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
Most lawsuits against the EPA historically have come either because of the agency's lack of regard for a statute or because the EPA failed in an obligation or deadline.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
I spent a couple years just earnestly praying, asking the question that I don't think we ask enough: 'God what do you want to do with me?' Really getting into our prayer closet, seeking His heart, asking what He wants to do in our lives.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
For someone to say that someone's a skeptic or a climate denier about the climate changing, that's just nonsensical. We see that throughout history. We impact the climate by our activity. How much so is very difficult to determine with respect to our CO2 or carbon footprint, but we obviously do.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
Truly and clearly, the climate changes.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
When you declare a 'war on coal' from a regulatory perspective, the question has to be asked: where's that in the statute? Where did Congress empower the EPA to declare a war on coal?
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
We know humans have most flourished during times of what? Warming trends. So I think there's assumptions made that because the climate is warming, that that necessarily is a bad thing. Do we really know what the ideal surface temperature should be in the year 2100, in the year 2018?
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
There are very important questions around the climate issue that folks really don't get to. And that's one of the reasons why I've talked about having an honest, open, transparent debate about what do we know, what don't we know, so the American people can be informed and they can make decisions on their own with respect to these issues.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
The climate is changing. That's not the debate. The debate is how do we know what the ideal surface temperature is in 2100?
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
Threats I have faced are unprecedented.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
We just need to make sure that we get somebody in there that respects the Constitution, respects the rule of law, that restores the proper balance between the states and federal government. I have great confidence Jeb Bush would do that.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
The federal government should not be able to hide behind sovereign immunity when the facts don't meet the protections.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
I know what it means to prosecute people.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
I've led a grand jury.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
This notion that we cannot be about jobs and stewardship of the environment is just simply not right. We've always done that well as a country. We haven't had to choose.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
This idea that if you're pro-environment you're anti-energy is just something we've got to change, so that attitude is something we're working on very much.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
I happen to think the Paris accord, the Paris treaty, or the Paris Agreement, if you will, should have been treated as a treaty, should have gone through Senate confirmation.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
The whole purpose of CAFE standards is to make cars more efficient that people are actually buying.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
When you look at farmers and ranchers, for example, they are our first environmentalists. They are our first conservationists. When you look at the greatest asset that they have, it is their land. They care about the water that they drink. They care about the air that they breathe. We should see them as partners, not adversaries.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
Conservatives deserve a consistent and thoughtful vision for the role of federal government in relationship to states.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
Our battles against the EPA and other rogue federal agencies aren't about a desire for dirtier air or zero regulation. They are about our right as a state to control our own destiny and resist attempts by the administration to ramrod a wish list of regulations through agency heads instead of garnering approval from Congress.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
When an American government takes on characteristics that elevate the state above the individual, it must be vigorously opposed as a form of, or step toward, tyranny.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
Oklahomans care about the environment and the state in which we live.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
The Constitutional framework of checks and balances matters.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
If the president is allowed to govern by executive action, then the rule of law greatly suffers.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
Facts are facts, and fiction is fiction, and a lie doesn't become truth just because it appears on the front page of the newspaper.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott
Image of Scott Pruitt
The Constitution forbids states from banning all religion from public spaces and from making churches the ghettos of religion where all manifestations of faith are kept separate from public life. Religious people have an equal right to participate in the public square and to have their contributions to Oklahoma history and society recognized.
- Scott Pruitt
Collection: Scott