Top romance Quotes Collection - Page 6

Discover a curated collection of romance quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 6 provides more romance quotes.

Image of Emily Arden
She made him feel guilty at times. The problem was that she was so honest herself, almost transparent. It seemed criminal to be deceiving her.
- Emily Arden
Collection: Romance
Image of Emily Arden
Ironically, just when she needed to get as much sleep as possible to prepare her for the next few days, her excited anticipation kept her awake long into the night.
- Emily Arden
Collection: Romance
Image of Emily Arden
The first time he wrapped his arms around her and bent his head to caress her lips with his, she was caught by surprise and felt a breathless tingle shoot through her. Was this it, she wondered?
- Emily Arden
Collection: Romance
Image of Emily Arden
Just at that moment she glanced towards him and saw him smiling at her, his eyes lingering on her with warmth and an indefinable something else. Her heart caught in her chest.
- Emily Arden
Collection: Romance
Image of Emily Arden
She was forthright to the point of rudeness, yet he couldn’t help admiring her for saying what she really thought. It was rather refreshing to be challenged for a change – it had been many years since anyone had dared to do that. His wealth and power generally seemed to strike rather too much awe into those he associated with. It seemed this Tamsin was different.
- Emily Arden
Collection: Romance
Image of Anne Bishop
She’s magic, Cassandra. A single flower blooming in an endless desert.
- Anne Bishop
Collection: Romance
Image of Anne Gracie
If you were mine, I’d never leave you, Prudence. I couldn’t.
- Anne Gracie
Collection: Romance
Image of Anne Gracie
Well, go on then, Abby; run along and let the nice man compromise you.
- Anne Gracie
Collection: Romance
Image of Anthony T. Hincks
Without coffee, how would romance wake up in the morning?
- Anthony T. Hincks
Collection: Romance
Image of Ella Fitzgerald
You take romance – I’ll take Jell-O.
- Ella Fitzgerald
Collection: Romance
Image of Ella Maise
That’s how the universe works: it gives you the one thing you said you’d never want.
- Ella Maise
Collection: Romance
Image of Ella Maise
On and off the field, you’re my hardest fall, Zoe. No one ever compared. No one ever will.
- Ella Maise
Collection: Romance
Image of Ella Maise
How my heart missed beating like this. For him. Only for him.
- Ella Maise
Collection: Romance
Image of Maya Banks
It doesn’t matter. I love you. That’s it. That’s all. I hope to hell it’s enough.
- Maya Banks
Collection: Romance
Image of Maya Banks
My love for her is stronger than my hatred of you.
- Maya Banks
Collection: Romance
Image of Sefryana Khairil
Aku ingin bahagia. Dan, aku berhak bahagia – tanpamu.
- Sefryana Khairil
Collection: Romance
Image of Seja Majeed
Even the Sun gets tired of rising, but he does it out of love for the Earth...
- Seja Majeed
Collection: Romance
Image of Seja Majeed
I fell in love with you like the stars fell in love with the sky, without you I am empty and bare.
- Seja Majeed
Collection: Romance
Image of Seja Majeed
We search for happiness across every landscape, if only we knew that the seed in which it first grows, is planted within ourselves...
- Seja Majeed
Collection: Romance
Image of Seja Majeed
Live for what you love, and die for what you’re unwilling to live without...
- Seja Majeed
Collection: Romance
Image of Seja Majeed
I thought I would die without you, in reality I was reborn...
- Seja Majeed
Collection: Romance
Image of Hailey Abbott
Never let a boy know you’re crazy about him. He’ll lose interest, and then you’ll be a loser.
- Hailey Abbott
Collection: Romance
Image of Hal Hartley
There’s no such thing as adventure. There’s no such thing as romance. There’s only trouble and desire.
- Hal Hartley
Collection: Romance
Image of Lynne Rae Perkins
Debbie wondered if it was true that there was only one person in the world for every person, and if she had already met him, and she either had to find a way to be around him again someday or always be alone. Romance-wise. She didn’t quite believe this. What seemed more likely was that there were at least five or six people scattered around the globe who you could bump into and, wham, it would be the right thing.
- Lynne Rae Perkins
Collection: Romance
Image of Ang Lee
I’m not a romantic. In life I didn’t have much experience with romance.
- Ang Lee
Collection: Romance
Image of Dru Pagliassotti
There ain’t a man in the world cares about a woman’s past until he’s thinking of her in his future.
- Dru Pagliassotti
Collection: Romance
Image of Kenneth Logan
It was duck apocalypse!
- Kenneth Logan
Collection: Romance
Image of Kenneth Logan
I’m still not totally sure I know what’s true about me.
- Kenneth Logan
Collection: Romance
Image of Kenneth Logan
I didn’t come up with the lie. It wasn’t mine. They handed the lie to me, and I tried like hell to make it work for a while.
- Kenneth Logan
Collection: Romance
Image of Kenneth Logan
If a fight looks like a lot of fun, you should be suspicious. ‘If you ain’t scared of standing up for what’s right, you ain’t standing up for much.
- Kenneth Logan
Collection: Romance
Image of Kenneth Logan
I could feel his hand on my waist, his arms around me, feel the rise and fall of his chest next to mine as I held my breath, and wished the sun would drop out of the sky.
- Kenneth Logan
Collection: Romance
Image of Kenneth Logan
I do like the way people behave toward me and Theresa when we’re together-everyone’s voice changes to music, and we get all sorts of smiles.
- Kenneth Logan
Collection: Romance
Image of Kenneth Logan
If we held grudges for all the idiotic things we said and did as freshman and sophomores, the hallways would be silent.
- Kenneth Logan
Collection: Romance
Image of Kenneth Logan
I’ve always wanted to wake up one day in a world where I liked the right people, and they lied me in return. I worry it’ll never happen.
- Kenneth Logan
Collection: Romance
Image of Kenneth Logan
Please your mother: just lie around upstairs and smoke some pot. Be a revolutionary.
- Kenneth Logan
Collection: Romance
Image of Kenneth Logan
I mean, I really liked him to the point where being around him was sort of wonderful and painful all at the same time, you know?
- Kenneth Logan
Collection: Romance
Image of Kenneth Logan
She kissed me on the cheek, and my mom sang Theresa’s name from the open front door. She loves Theresa. I think she loves me more when I’m with her.
- Kenneth Logan
Collection: Romance
Image of Kirsten Miller
I look for you in every life, but I don’t always find you. And sometimes I find you too late.
- Kirsten Miller
Collection: Romance
Image of Kirsty Moseley
It’s always been you; it’ll always be you, Angel.
- Kirsty Moseley
Collection: Romance
Image of Kirsty Moseley
I’m not leaving you until you stop crying.” he stated pulling me down so we were ow laying on my bed facing each other.
- Kirsty Moseley
Collection: Romance
Image of John Geddes
Deb and I were married on a snowy night – wind cross-wove a veil of snow for her then threw confetti at us as we left the lighted church...
- John Geddes
Collection: Romance
Image of Glen Cook
I’m an incurable romantic. The essence of romance is an unshakable conviction that next time will be different.
- Glen Cook
Collection: Romance
Image of Gloria Pitzer
Marriages maybe made in heaven, but a lot of the details have to be worked out here on earth.
- Gloria Pitzer
Collection: Romance
Image of Dianna Hardy
A bond between souls is ancient – older than the planet.
- Dianna Hardy
Collection: Romance
Image of Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney
He loves her for everything she is and is not. She’s old enough to appreciate that.
- Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney
Collection: Romance
Image of Chloe Sevigny
I’m really into a blush on the eyelid and on the high of the cheek. The singer of ‘Cocteau Twins’ used to do that – really pink eyelids. It added a little romance to the hard kind of street-edge clothes.
- Chloe Sevigny
Collection: Romance
Image of Ivy Devlin
Ben kissed me like he could kiss me forever, like he had to kiss me forever and he wanted to, he wanted me, and when he felt my surprise at that, I could feel again how beautiful I was to him, how I was beautiful beyond words.
- Ivy Devlin
Collection: Romance
Image of Richelle Mead
Sometimes you wake up from a dream. Sometimes you wake up in a dream. And sometimes, every once in a while, you wake up in someone else’s dream.
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Romance
Image of Eeva Lancaster
Don’t be afraid of Pain. Pain only comes down to a certain point... beyond that, it can’t reach you and the love you have inside.
- Eeva Lancaster
Collection: Romance