Top robert Quotes Collection - Page 5

Discover a curated collection of robert quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 5 provides more robert quotes.

Image of Robert Kubica
If I had to choose and had one week's holiday, I stay at home. But if I am at home and have nothing to do and have a choice, then I go rallying.
- Robert Kubica
Collection: Robert
Image of Robert Kubica
I am a big fan of racing.
- Robert Kubica
Collection: Robert
Image of Robert Kubica
There is nothing for granted in life. That's how it is.
- Robert Kubica
Collection: Robert
Image of Robert Kubica
My accident - 15 centimetres right and nothing would have happened; 10 centimetres left and I would not be here.
- Robert Kubica
Collection: Robert
Image of Robert Carlyle
The more people know about an actor the less convincing they become. A bit of mystery's a good thing.
- Robert Carlyle
Collection: Robert
Image of Robert Carlyle
Most of the time, you find that the smaller the budget, the more the project is about something substantive.
- Robert Carlyle
Collection: Robert
Image of Robert Carlyle
My wife was a make-up artist, and she's a total product junkie. Our bathroom is packed full of lotions and potions so I end up trying them out.
- Robert Carlyle
Collection: Robert
Image of Robert Carlyle
Guys, particularly in the West, go to the gym and train for hours and hours to pick up something that is heavier than them. Why would you want to do that?
- Robert Carlyle
Collection: Robert
Image of Robert Carlyle
I never go anywhere without my iPod.
- Robert Carlyle
Collection: Robert
Image of Robert Carlyle
I think you should only wear jewellery if it has a story behind it.
- Robert Carlyle
Collection: Robert
Image of Robert Green
That's football. It's like in any walk of life: you get some people who are going to try more than others.
- Robert Green
Collection: Robert
Image of Robert Green
I wouldn't call going into the Premier League an ordeal. I would say the Championship is more of an ordeal than the Premier League.
- Robert Green
Collection: Robert
Image of Robert Green
A goalkeeping unit is different from outfield; the psychology is different.
- Robert Green
Collection: Robert
Image of Robert Green
As a goalkeeper, you feel like if you're treated like adults and have your position explained to you, you respect that. You might not agree with it, but you get on with it.
- Robert Green
Collection: Robert
Image of Robert Green
Football's not particularly crazy. Once you are in it, you're in the eye of the storm, and it's quite nice.
- Robert Green
Collection: Robert
Image of Robert Green
I go along, play football, work as hard as I can, play as hard as I can, and then go home and spend time with my wife and kids.
- Robert Green
Collection: Robert
Image of Robert Baden-Powell
To get a hold on boys you must be their friend.
- Robert Baden-Powell
Collection: Robert
Image of Robert Baden-Powell
Football in itself is a grand game for developing a lad physically and also morally, for he learns to play with good temper and unselfishness, to play in his place and 'play the game,' and these are the best of training for any game of life.
- Robert Baden-Powell
Collection: Robert
Image of Robert Baden-Powell
There are thousands of boys being wasted daily to our country through being left to become characterless, and, therefore, useless wasters, a misery to themselves and an eyesore and a danger to the nation. They could be saved if only the right surroundings or environment were given to them at the receptive time of their lives.
- Robert Baden-Powell
Collection: Robert