Top randy Quotes Collection

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Image of Randy Orton
When Rock was on 'Saturday Night Live,' that's what propelled him into the mainstream and made everyone realize, 'Holy crap, this guy is really talented.'
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy
Image of Randy Orton
Big E, he's a strong dude. Ryback's a strong dude. But if you put Batista next to those guys, he was 6'6'', 320 lbs. Those guys are pushing 6'1''-6'2''. But Batista was wide. He was a big old dude. Those guys could beat him in a bench press contest, but I'd rather look like Dave.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy
Image of Randy Orton
I definitely had a big head, and I'll be the first to admit that I made some bad decisions. But back when I was making those decisions, in my head I was doing no wrong.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy
Image of Randy Orton
I want to work with guys like Rey Mysterio, The Undertaker, Edge and have good feuds and do entertaining stuff, and I know I'm capable of it.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy
Image of Randy Orton
In the ring, you want every one of the 80,000 people in the building to know what you're feeling. On a movie set, every expression you make is going to get picked up times 10. They kept having to dial me back.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy
Image of Randy Orton
I ain't gonna win no Oscars.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy
Image of Randy Orton
I've accomplished so much in the WWE.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy
Image of Randy Orton
Wrestling is my first love.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy
Image of Randy Orton
I probably had the most fun ever in the ring with Christian. And it was because he could just pick stuff up out of thin air and make it something. Neither of us were these big high-fliers; none of us were power guys doing these big, crazy moves. But the finesse and the things were smooth with me and him.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy
Image of Randy Orton
The fact that the WWE is so involved in anti-bullying, it's really an honor to be involved with them.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy
Image of Randy Orton
In 2003, for my first Rumble, I was just as nervous then as I was 15 years later.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy
Image of Randy Orton
Growing up, my dad would be gone a lot. But I knew what he was doing, and I wanted to one day enjoy that. When I saw how tired he was when he got home, that, in a direct way, prepared me and made me realize what a tough business this is.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy
Image of Randy Orton
Mick Foley - the match we had at Backlash is one of my two or three favorite matches ever. Much props to him: he puts his body on the line, and what he did for me that day, I'll never forget.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy
Image of Randy Orton
If I was gonna intimidate somebody? Give me the Batista build any day.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy
Image of Randy Orton
I have a wonderful wife that wouldn't hurt a fly, and I think a lot of that has rubbed off on me.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy
Image of Randy Orton
I've main-evented WrestleMania a handful of times, but it never gets old. It's the same with nerves.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy
Image of Randy Orton
If anything, I'm overacting in the ring because of the facials and the body language. I want the guy in the cheap seats to be able to see what I'm thinking, the expression on my face. But when you're filming a movie, it could be a two- or three-camera shot, and you're doing it over and over and over again. It's not live TV; it's a lot different.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy
Image of Randy Orton
My schedule with WWE is all year unless there's an injury.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy
Image of Randy Orton
I've had some of my best matches with Christian.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy
Image of Randy Orton
I have to put my father over because he really taught me a lot, especially when it comes to out-of-the-ring psychology and how to react when you're approached by fans after a show or in the airport. It might sound silly, but a lot of those things come into play when you're playing a character.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Randy