Top rajnath Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of rajnath quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Rajnath Singh
Terror outfits like ISIS don't believe in a plural society and diversity of faith, which reflects inherent beauty of human beings.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
Pakistan and its associates find it difficult to understand that there are no 'good terrorists and bad terrorists.'
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
If Pakistan and ISI stop supporting terrorist groups, security situation in South Asia would improve significantly.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
Film stars and players can be sources of entertainment but never ideals.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
It is people like Chandrashekhar Azad and Bhagat Singh who should be the ideals.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
As far as Government of India is concerned, I want to make it clear that we don't just want need-based ties but to build an emotional relationship with Kashmir.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
'Secularism' is the most misused word in the country. Its misuse should come to an end.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
If we are to rid ourselves of terrorism, we will have to genuinely believe that attempts to distinguish between 'good' and 'bad' terrorists are misleading.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
In our effort to tackle terrorism, we should look into all possible avenues of cyber-crime, its linkages with the terrorist world, and how these could be dealt with.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
We never want to expand our borders... but I can say that our security forces and defence forces possess all the might to protect our borders.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
No one can dare cast an evil eye on India.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
We do not worry about how a sovereign country keeps its relations with others.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
We will not make country great by creating hatred.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
The Kashmir problem is a very old one and has been a major challenge for all governments.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
I have never, ever in my life practised politics on the basis of caste, sect, or religion.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
BJP's ideology doesn't permit discrimination on the basis of caste, sect, or religion. Everyone born in India is equal for us.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
We never believe in divisive politics; we always work for an inclusive politics.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
President or Prime Minister are not any individuals. They are an institutions in itself, and in democracy, we should ensure that the dignity of the institutions is not lowered.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
Appeal for votes should not be made on basis of caste, creed, or communal. In a healthy democracy, this is not expected from any political leader.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
If we want to make India strong, we need cooperation of every citizen and develop capability of all Indians.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
Poverty should not just be made an issue - there is need to actually work on it.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
There should be whole-hearted, full commitment to remove poverty - only we are doing it.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
We are very clear that we will go to any lengths for the sake of protecting our national pride.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
The people of Kashmir are our people, and we will do everything to ensure they are a part of the process of making India an economic superpower.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
As a matter of principle, we are opposed to destabilising a stable government, and I believe in the norms of healthy democracy.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
On women empowerment, no one can challenge the BJP.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
When I was the BJP president, I had fixed 33% for women in organisational posts. And BJP became the first party, not only in the country but in the world, to introduce women reservation in the organisation.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
Atalji has done a lot for the country, and so has Modiji.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
Kashmiri children are our children... it is our duty to protect them.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
You cannot do politics by breaking the society into pieces or creating hatred.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
Politics should be done by earning love and affection and by winning the hearts.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
Caste coalitions will disintegrate in front of good governance.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
Kashmiris are highly talented. So many become IPS and IAS officers. Kashmiris have the potential to lead the nation.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
My view is that politics should be on the basis of issues.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
We have not let injustice to be done to anyone. We have been following the policy of 'justice to all, appeasement of none.'
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
As far as women's security is concerned, our government is committed to the cause.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
Even small challenges are big challenges for me. I take all challenges seriously. I do not differentiate between big and small challenges.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
Every institution has its own dignity, and if people don't respect the dignity of those institutions, it affects the whole system.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
The prime minister does not represent a particular political party; he is a representative of the whole country.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath
Image of Rajnath Singh
We have freedom of religion in our country, yet we must guard against forcible conversions or through pecuniary enticements.
- Rajnath Singh
Collection: Rajnath