Top Pistols Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Pistols quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Tommy Lee Jones
Lose the chrome-plated sissy pistol and get yourself a Glock.
- Tommy Lee Jones
Collection: Pistols
Image of Ruta Sepetys
What do you do with all this bank, Josie? Be a lot easier if you just lifted your skirt.” “The only reason I’d lift my skirt is to pull out my pistol and plug you in the head.
- Ruta Sepetys
Collection: Pistols
Image of Charlton Heston
I've used too many pistols in too many movies. They're kind of heavy to carry.
- Charlton Heston
Collection: Pistols
Image of Herbert Hoover
One who brandishes a pistol must be prepared to shoot.
- Herbert Hoover
Collection: Pistols
Image of John Masefield
It ought to have gangsters, and aeroplanes and a lot of automatic pistols.
- John Masefield
Collection: Pistols