Top Photography Quotes Collection - Page 6

Discover a curated collection of Photography quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 6 provides more Photography quotes.

Image of Garry Winogrand
A photograph is the illusion of a literal description of how the camera 'saw' a piece of time and space.
- Garry Winogrand
Collection: Photography
Image of Garry Winogrand
All things are photographable.
- Garry Winogrand
Collection: Photography
Image of Garry Winogrand
Photos have no narrative content. They only describe light on surface.
- Garry Winogrand
Collection: Photography
Image of Garry Winogrand
I photograph to see what the world looks like in photographs.
- Garry Winogrand
Collection: Photography
Image of Garry Winogrand
Every photograph is a battle of form versus content.
- Garry Winogrand
Collection: Photography
Image of Garry Winogrand
There is no special way a photograph should look.
- Garry Winogrand
Collection: Photography
Image of Garry Winogrand
I like to think of photographing as a two-way act of respect. Respect for the medium, by letting it do what it does best, describe. And respect for the subject, by describing it as it is. A photograph must be responsible to both.
- Garry Winogrand
Collection: Photography
Image of Garry Winogrand
There is nothing as mysterious as a fact clearly described.
- Garry Winogrand
Collection: Photography
Image of Garry Winogrand
Photographers mistake the emotion they feel while taking the photo as a judgment that the photograph is good
- Garry Winogrand
Collection: Photography
Image of Elisabeth Moss
Twitter scares me. I think it's so amazing, like the internet in general, because of the connection that it gives people. But the concept that one 140-word post can change someone's life . . . that scares me. You can literally ruin someone's life with one tweet. So I only do Instagram. I love photography . . . and interacting with the fans. I do love hearing from them. I try to answer questions if I can.
- Elisabeth Moss
Collection: Photography
Image of Rene Burri
On digital photography: It's fantastic, but it's not a freebie for anything. You still have to have this (he points to his eyes), and this (points to his heart), and feet.
- Rene Burri
Collection: Photography
Image of Rene Burri
To some extent, the cult surrounding black-and-white photography is based on nostalgia.
- Rene Burri
Collection: Photography
Image of Frank Capra
If the audience gets everything, if they see the photography and notice that it is good, then the story goes out the window, but if you become involved with the lives of the actors and forget that you are seeing mechanical devices on a huge screen - forget the make-believe - this is the job of the director to involve the audience with the actors.
- Frank Capra
Collection: Photography
Image of Arthur Schnitzler
To be ready is one thing, to be able to wait is another; but to seize the right moment is everything.
- Arthur Schnitzler
Collection: Photography
Image of Francis Galton
It is notorious that the same discovery is frequently made simultaneously and quite independently, by different persons. Thus, to speak of only a few cases in late years, the discoveries of photography, of electric telegraphy, and of the planet Neptune through theoretical calculations, have all their rival claimants. It would seem, that discoveries are usually made when the time is ripe for them - that is to say, when the ideas from which they naturally flow are fermenting in the minds of many men.
- Francis Galton
Collection: Photography
Image of Weegee
What I did, anybody can do.
- Weegee
Collection: Photography
Image of Weegee
News photography teaches you to think fast.
- Weegee
Collection: Photography
Image of Weegee
I have no chips on my shoulder. I like to be constructive. As I have said, I have inspired many persons to take up photography. As a matter of fact, I inspire myself. (When I take a good picture I give myself a bonus.).
- Weegee
Collection: Photography
Image of Kevin Russo
Photography by nature is spiritual, considering it comes from the darkness to show the light.
- Kevin Russo
Collection: Photography
Image of E. J. Hughes
It is definitely mostly due to the invention of the camera that all this design and emphasized paint quality have come into painting.
- E. J. Hughes
Collection: Photography
Image of E. J. Hughes
If I didn't have a conviction that a serious painter can portray Nature more profoundly than the best colour photography, I'd probably give it all up or go abstract or take up photography.
- E. J. Hughes
Collection: Photography
Image of E. J. Hughes
I hope my work isn't dismissed by the critics as illustration or photography.
- E. J. Hughes
Collection: Photography
Image of Sam Abell
My best work is often almost unconscious and occurs ahead of my ability to understand it.
- Sam Abell
Collection: Photography
Image of Sam Abell
It matters little how much equipment we use; it matters much that we be masters of all we do use.
- Sam Abell
Collection: Photography
Image of Sam Abell
But there is more to a fine photograph than information. We are also seeking to present an image that arouses the curiosity of the viewer or that, best of all, provokes the viewer to think-to ask a question or simply to gaze in thoughtful wonder. We know that photographs inform people. We also know that photographs move people. The photograph that does both is the one we want to see and make. It is the kind of picture that makes you want to pick up your own camera again and go to work.
- Sam Abell
Collection: Photography
Image of Sam Abell
My first priority when taking pictures is to achieve clarity. A good documentary photograph transmits the information of the situation with the utmost fidelity; achieving it means understanding the nuances of lighting and composition, and also remembering to keep the lenses clean and the cameras steady.
- Sam Abell
Collection: Photography
Image of Sam Abell
This might seem off the track, but an interesting thing to me that others could talk about better than I, but one of the growth areas in photographic education has been the so-called slow photography.
- Sam Abell
Collection: Photography
Image of Sam Abell
Photographs that transcend but do not deny their literal situation appeal to me.
- Sam Abell
Collection: Photography
Image of Sam Abell
How the visual world appears is important to me. I'm always aware of the light. I'm always aware of what I would call the 'deep composition.' Photography in the field is a process of creation, of thought and technique. But ultimately, it's an act of imaginatively seeing from within yourself.
- Sam Abell
Collection: Photography
Image of Sam Abell
One of the things that I most believe in is the compose and wait philosophy of photography. It’s a very satisfying, almost spiritual way to photograph. Life isn't’ knocking you around, life isn't controlling you. You have picked your place, you’ve picked your scene, you’ve picked your light, you’ve done all the decision making and you are waiting for the moment to come to you.
- Sam Abell
Collection: Photography
Image of Sam Abell
A mad, keen photographer needs to get out into the world and work and make mistakes.
- Sam Abell
Collection: Photography
Image of Sam Abell
I had luck, but I worked hard and I suffered. It's not just photography I'm talking about. It's about whatever dream you want it to be.
- Sam Abell
Collection: Photography
Image of Dirk Bogarde
The camera can photograph thought. It's better than a paragraph of sweet polemic.
- Dirk Bogarde
Collection: Photography
Image of John Cassavetes
Art films aren't necessarily photography. It's feeling. If we can capture a feeling of a people, of a way of life, then we made a good picture.
- John Cassavetes
Collection: Photography
Image of Tim Walker
The point of fashion is that you take the picture you want. And fashion is the only photography that allows fantasy, and I'm a fantasist.
- Tim Walker
Collection: Photography
Image of Tim Walker
I like capturing stuff that is disappearing - that’s the point of photography. What I am photographing is an imaginary place that never existed, but is connected to something that has already been.
- Tim Walker
Collection: Photography
Image of Tim Walker
I don't want to sound mystical but sometimes when you take a picture - when the sets are in place - then something takes over and leads you. It's this sense of extraordinary luck and chance. The shoot is blessed and charmed, and you make pictures that you couldn't in your wildest dreams have imagined. That is the magic of photography.
- Tim Walker
Collection: Photography
Image of William Albert Allard
You've got to push yourself harder. You've got to start looking for pictures nobody else could take. You've got to take the tools you have and probe deeper.
- William Albert Allard
Collection: Photography
Image of William Albert Allard
I think the best pictures are often on the edges of any situation, I don't find photographing the situation nearly as interesting as photographing the edges.
- William Albert Allard
Collection: Photography
Image of William Albert Allard
What's really important is to simplify. The work of most photographers would be improved immensely if they could do one thing: get rid of the extraneous. If you strive for simplicity, you are more likely to reach the viewer.
- William Albert Allard
Collection: Photography
Image of William Albert Allard
Photography is a way of introducing people to other people.
- William Albert Allard
Collection: Photography
Image of William Albert Allard
What is right? Simply put, it is any assignment in which the photographer has a significant spiritual stake...spiritually driven work constitutes the core of a photographer's contribution to culture.
- William Albert Allard
Collection: Photography
Image of William Albert Allard
In my photography, color and composition are inseparable. I see in color.
- William Albert Allard
Collection: Photography
Image of Peter Doig
A photo is like a map, a way of giving me a foot into a kind of reality I want... I'm not trying to make paintings look like photos. I want to make paintings using photos as a reference, the way painters did when photography was first invented.
- Peter Doig
Collection: Photography
Image of Margaret Bourke-White
Photography is a very subtle thing. You must let the camera take you by the hand, as it were, and lead you into your subject.
- Margaret Bourke-White
Collection: Photography
Image of Margaret Bourke-White
Life wanted faces that would express what we wanted to tell. Not just the unusual or striking face, but the face that would speak out the message from the printed page. I am always looking for some typical person or face that will tie the picture essay together in a human way.
- Margaret Bourke-White
Collection: Photography
Image of Margaret Bourke-White
The camera is a remarkable instrument. Saturate yourself with your subject, and the camera will all but take you by the hand and point the way.
- Margaret Bourke-White
Collection: Photography
Image of Margaret Bourke-White
If you want to photograph a man spinning, give some thought to why he spins. Understanding for a photographer is as important as the equipment he uses.
- Margaret Bourke-White
Collection: Photography
Image of Margaret Bourke-White
"Utter truth is essential, and that is what stirs me when I look through the camera."
- Margaret Bourke-White
Collection: Photography