Top Photography Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Photography quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Photography quotes.

Image of Alfred Stieglitz
My cloud photographs are equivalents of my most profound life experiences, my basic philosophy of life. All art is an equivalent of the artist’s most profound life experiences.
- Alfred Stieglitz
Collection: Photography
Image of Alfred Stieglitz
As a matter of fact, nearly all the greatest work is being, and has always been done, by those who are following photography for the love of it, and not merely for financial reasons. As the name implies, an amateur is one who works for love.
- Alfred Stieglitz
Collection: Photography
Image of Alfred Stieglitz
The ability to make a truly artistic photograph is not acquired off-hand, but is the result of an artistic instinct coupled with years of labor.
- Alfred Stieglitz
Collection: Photography
Image of Alfred Stieglitz
I do not object to retouching, dodging or accentuation as long as they do not interfere with the natural qualities of photographic technique.
- Alfred Stieglitz
Collection: Photography
Image of Alfred Stieglitz
Photography is my passion.
- Alfred Stieglitz
Collection: Photography
Image of Helmut Newton
The desire to discover, the desire to move, to capture the flavor, three concepts that describe the art of photography.
- Helmut Newton
Collection: Photography
Image of Helmut Newton
I hate good taste. It's the worst thing that can happen to a creative person.
- Helmut Newton
Collection: Photography
Image of Helmut Newton
Photography is 10% inspiration and 90% moving furniture.
- Helmut Newton
Collection: Photography
Image of Helmut Newton
There are two dirty words in photography, one is art, the other is good taste
- Helmut Newton
Collection: Photography
Image of Helmut Newton
Look, I'm not an intellectual - I just take pictures.
- Helmut Newton
Collection: Photography
Image of Helmut Newton
Some people's photography is an art. Not mine. Art is a dirty word in photography. All this fine art crap is killing it already.
- Helmut Newton
Collection: Photography
Image of Helmut Newton
What I find interesting is working in a society with certain taboos and fashion photography is about that kind of society. To have taboos, then to get around them that is interesting.
- Helmut Newton
Collection: Photography
Image of Helmut Newton
It began when I was so ill that there was a good chance of dying. I promised myself that if I survived I would never again pander to a magazine's requests or follow the ideas of art directors. I would only make images which were personal, which arose out of my own life.
- Helmut Newton
Collection: Photography
Image of Helmut Newton
Some people`s photography is an art. Mine is not. If they happen to be exhibited in a gallery or a museum, that`s fine. But that`s not why I do them. I`m a gun for hire.
- Helmut Newton
Collection: Photography
Image of Helmut Newton
The point of my photography has always been to challenge myself, to go a little further than my Germanic discipline and Teutonic nature would traditionally permit me to.
- Helmut Newton
Collection: Photography
Image of Nick Harkaway
Photography is without mercy--though it's nonsense to say it does not lie. Rather, it lies in a particular, capricious way which makes beggars of ministers and gods of cat's meat men.
- Nick Harkaway
Collection: Photography
Image of Auguste Rodin
The human body is first and foremost a mirror to the soul and its greatest beauty comes from that.
- Auguste Rodin
Collection: Photography
Image of Auguste Rodin
If the artist only reproduces superficial features as photography does, if he copies the lineaments of a face exactly, without reference to character, he deserves no admiration. The resemblance which he ought to obtain is that of the soul.
- Auguste Rodin
Collection: Photography
Image of Peter Brook
One view of photography is that it is a zen-like act which captures reality with its pants down - so that the vital click shows the anatomy bare. In this, the photographer is invisible but essential. A computer releasing the shutter would always miss the special moment that the human sensibility can register. For this work, the photographer's instinct is his aid, his personality a hindrance.
- Peter Brook
Collection: Photography
Image of Herb Ritts
It's important to let your subjects be themselves.
- Herb Ritts
Collection: Photography
Image of David Wojnarowicz
No one can really explain in a rational way what makes a good photograph or a bad photograph... This is why the art world will not throw billions of dollars at photography the way it has at painting; and that is what makes it an exciting medium.
- David Wojnarowicz
Collection: Photography
Image of Tibor Kalman
I believe that this whole question of some photography being true and some untrue is a non-question. Photography is not objective; it never was objective.
- Tibor Kalman
Collection: Photography
Image of Jane Welsh Carlyle
Blessed be the inventor of photography! I set him above even the inventor of chloroform! It has given more positive pleasure to poor suffering humanity than anything else that has ''cast up'' in my time or is like to -- this art by which even the ''poor'' can possess themselves of tolerable likenesses of their absent dear ones. And mustn't it be acting favorably on the morality of the country?
- Jane Welsh Carlyle
Collection: Photography
Image of Jean Baudrillard
Photography is our exorcism. Primitive society had its masks, bourgeois society its mirrors. We have our images.
- Jean Baudrillard
Collection: Photography
Image of Ivan Klíma
A picture was a motionless record of motion. An arrested representation of life. A picture was the kiss of death pretending to possess immutability.
- Ivan Klíma
Collection: Photography
Image of Norman Parkinson
I like there to be a joke in practically every photo I take. Nobody has the right to make photography boring.
- Norman Parkinson
Collection: Photography
Image of Eudora Welty
I'm not very eloquent about things like this, but I think that writing and photography go together. I don't mean that they are related arts, because they're not. But the person doing it, I think, learns from both things about accuracy of the eye, about observation, and about sympathy toward what is in front of you... It's about honesty, or truth telling, and a way to find it in yourself, how to need it and learn from it.
- Eudora Welty
Collection: Photography
Image of Aaron Siskind
Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving.
- Aaron Siskind
Collection: Photography
Image of Aaron Siskind
When I make a photograph I want it to be an altogether new object, complete and self-contained, whose basic condition is order (unlike the world of events and actions whose permanent condition is change and disorder).
- Aaron Siskind
Collection: Photography
Image of Aaron Siskind
As the language or vocabulary of photography has been extended, the emphasis of meaning has shifted, shifted from what the world looks like to what we feel about the world and what we want the world to mean.
- Aaron Siskind
Collection: Photography
Image of Aaron Siskind
To me documentary photography means making a picture so that the viewer doesn’t think about the man who made the picture. At its esthetic core is very old tradition in art: naturalism. And its purpose is to document all facets of social relationships.
- Aaron Siskind
Collection: Photography
Image of Aaron Siskind
The only nature I'm interested in is my own nature.
- Aaron Siskind
Collection: Photography
Image of Aaron Siskind
The business of making a photograph may be said in simple terms to consist of three elements: the objective world (whose permanent condition is change and disorder), the sheet of paper on which the picture will be realized, and the experience which brings them together.
- Aaron Siskind
Collection: Photography
Image of Aaron Siskind
Producing a photographic document involves preparation in excess. There is first the examination of the idea of the project. Then the visits to the scene, the casual conversations, and more formal interviews - talking, and listening, and looking, looking. ... And finally, the pictures themselves, each one planned, talked, taken and examined in terms of the whole.
- Aaron Siskind
Collection: Photography
Image of Aaron Siskind
What is the subject matter of this apparently very personal world? It has been suggested that these shapes and images are underworld characters, the inhabitants of the vast common realm of memories that have gone down below the level of conscious control. It may be they are. The degree of emotional involvement and the amount of free association with the material being photographed would point in that direction.
- Aaron Siskind
Collection: Photography
Image of Aaron Siskind
I was given a small camera as a wedding gift from a very dear friend. My first pictures were taken on my honeymoon. As soon as I became familiar with the camera, I was intrigued with the possibilities of expression it offered. It was like a discovery for me.
- Aaron Siskind
Collection: Photography
Image of Aaron Siskind
However, I must stress that my own interest is immediate and in the picture. What I am conscious of and what I feel is the picture I am making, the relation of that picture to others I have made and, more generally, its relation to others I have experienced.
- Aaron Siskind
Collection: Photography
Image of John Berger
Photographs bear witness to a human choice being exercised in a given situation. A photograph is a result of the photographer's decision that it is worth recording that this particular event or this particular object has been seen. If everything that existed were continually being photographed, every photograph would become meaningless.
- John Berger
Collection: Photography
Image of John Berger
The camera relieves us of the burden of memory.
- John Berger
Collection: Photography
Image of John Berger
All photographs are there to remind us of what we forget. In this - as in other ways - they are the opposite of paintings. Paintings record what the painter remembers. Because each one of us forgets different things, a photo more than a painting may change its meaning according to who is looking at it.
- John Berger
Collection: Photography
Image of John Berger
Photography, because it stops the flow of life, is always flirting with death.
- John Berger
Collection: Photography
Image of Rick Steves
I shutter to think how many people are underexposed and lacking depth in this field.
- Rick Steves
Collection: Photography
Image of Arnold Newman
A lot of photographers think that if they buy a better camera they'll be able to take better photographs. A better camera won't do a thing for you if you don't have anything in your head or in your heart.
- Arnold Newman
Collection: Photography
Image of Arnold Newman
We don't take pictures with cameras, we take them with our hearts and minds.
- Arnold Newman
Collection: Photography
Image of Arnold Newman
Photography is 1% talent and 99% moving furniture.
- Arnold Newman
Collection: Photography
Image of Arnold Newman
We do not make photographs with our cameras. We make them with our minds, with our hearts, with our ideas.
- Arnold Newman
Collection: Photography
Image of Sally Mann
I like to make people a little uncomfortable. It encourages them to examine who they are and why they think the way they do.
- Sally Mann
Collection: Photography
Image of Sally Mann
If it doesn’t have ambiguity, don’t bother to take it. I love that, that aspect of photography - the mendacity of photography. It’s got to have some kind of peculiarity in it, or it’s not interesting to me.
- Sally Mann
Collection: Photography
Image of Sally Mann
What is truth in photography? It can be told in a hundred different ways. Every thirtieth of a second when the shutter snaps, its capturing a different piece of information.
- Sally Mann
Collection: Photography