Top Pawns Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Pawns quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Samuel Reshevsky
What is a weak pawn? A pawn that is exposed to attack and also difficult to defend is a weak pawn. There are several varieties: isolated, doubled, too advanced, retarded.
- Samuel Reshevsky
Collection: Pawns
Image of Siegbert Tarrasch
Always put the rook behind the pawn.... Except when it is incorrect to do so.
- Siegbert Tarrasch
Collection: Pawns
Image of David Bronstein
In the middlegame one should not hesitate to advance a central passed pawn.
- David Bronstein
Collection: Pawns
Image of Matt Drudge
Don't get into this false sense that you are an individual when you're on Facebook. No. You're Not. You're a pawn in their scheme.
- Matt Drudge
Collection: Pawns
Image of Anatoly Karpov
Pawns not only create the sketch for the whole painting, they are also the soil, the foundation, of any position
- Anatoly Karpov
Collection: Pawns
Image of Jonathan Lethem
Develop your pawns or Hulk will smash.
- Jonathan Lethem
Collection: Pawns