Top opportunity Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of opportunity quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more opportunity quotes.

Image of Condoleezza Rice
Truly remarkable leadership is not just about motivating others to follow, it's about inspiring them to become leaders themselves and setting the stage for even greater opportunities for future generations.
- Condoleezza Rice
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Sam Walton
Most everything I've done I've copied from somebody else.
- Sam Walton
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Kate Bornstein
The choice between two of something is not a choice at all, but rather the opportunity to subscribe to the value system which holds the two presented choices as mutually exclusive alternatives.
- Kate Bornstein
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Rebecca Romijn
For the future, I don't want to make solid plans, because you never know what will happen, but I know I don't want to be bored. I really try to focus on the present and be ready for every opportunity. I am so happy with my career and personal life. I never thought I would be working in television and movies, so I am very lucky.
- Rebecca Romijn
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Shania Twain
When everything goes without a hitch, where's the challenge, the opportunity to find out what you're made of?
- Shania Twain
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Mary Pipher
Coming out of the trance of denial is painful. But crises offer us opportunities to rethink our lives. The best thing about despair is that it wakes us up. We can see the world more clearly and open to new possibilities...And we can find new joy in the ordinary.
- Mary Pipher
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Steven Furtick
Opposition doesn't prevent the presence of God, it provides an opportunity to prove the presence of God.
- Steven Furtick
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Paul Orfalea
You can either complain or look for opportunity in every problem. I prefer opportunity.
- Paul Orfalea
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Jack Youngblood
Those opportunities to play in championship games are few and far between
- Jack Youngblood
Collection: Opportunity
Image of John Templeton
For those properly prepared, the bear market is not only a calamity but an opportunity.
- John Templeton
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Henri Nouwen
This brief lifetime is my opportunity to receive love, deepen love, grow in love, and give love.
- Henri Nouwen
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Dan Wells
Love is when you have the opportunity of turning someone's feelings or trust or vulnerability against them, but you don't. You make promises you don't want to keep, but you keep them because they're right; you help people who can't help you back. [...] Love is when you find something so great, sonecessary, that it becomes more important to you than your own goals, than your own life - not because your life has no meaning without it, but because it gives your life a meaning it never had before.
- Dan Wells
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Timothy Olyphant
You're never quite sure, when you first get something if you really have a sense of what an opportunity it is.
- Timothy Olyphant
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Youssou N'Dour
People need to see that, far from being an obstacle, the world's diversity of languages, religions and traditions is a great treasure, affording us precious opportunities to recognize ourselves in others.
- Youssou N'Dour
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Margaret Thatcher
If your only opportunity is to be equal then it is not opportunity.
- Margaret Thatcher
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Joseph Stiglitz
There have always been two theories about inequality. One is that it reflects just deserts. The other is that there are large elements of exploitation and inequality of opportunities. The evidence is overwhelmingly that the increase in inequality is associated with those negative factors. If it were all social contribution, then when the top did better, they would be contributing to everybody's well-being. That trickle-down hasn't happened. We've seen median income, people in the middle, actually worse off than they were 25 years ago.
- Joseph Stiglitz
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Sandra Boynton
There always seems to be someone looking over your shoulder - just waiting for an opportunity to lecture on The Darker Side of Chocolate
- Sandra Boynton
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Rick Santorum
I grew up in a steel town of Western Pennsylvania, outside of Pittsburgh, and when I announced for president, I announced from the factory floor. When I talk about making America the number one manufacturer again in the world, it's not just talk. When I talk about having the opportunity for people to rise again, it's not just because it polls well.
- Rick Santorum
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Rick Santorum
I don't want to make black people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money. I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money.
- Rick Santorum
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Rick Santorum
Earlier in my political career, I had the opportunity to read the speech, and I almost threw up.
- Rick Santorum
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Anthony Venn-Brown
When we choose to live authentically we chip away at others prisons of pretend and create an opportunity for them to walk out of darkness into freedom.
- Anthony Venn-Brown
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Darren Shan
I don't like it, but my hands are tied. I just want you to know this: if I ever get the chance to betray you, I will. If the opportunity arises to pay you back, I'll take it. You'll never be able to trust me.
- Darren Shan
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
When all doors are shut and you have nowhere to go, that is when you go within. Every crisis is an opportunity and you are the beginning.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Jeffrey R. Holland
God expects you not simply to face the future; He expects you to embrace and shape the future--to love it and rejoice in it and delight in your opportunities.
- Jeffrey R. Holland
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Winona Ryder
Looking back - I did have a lot of success and a lot of great opportunities earlier in my career.
- Winona Ryder
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Oscar Wilde
A pessimist is somebody who complains about the noise when opportunity knocks.
- Oscar Wilde
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Samuel Pepys
I find my wife hath something in her gizzard, that only waits an opportunity of being provoked to bring up; but I will not, for my content-sake, give it.
- Samuel Pepys
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Jane Espenson
Luck is opportunity plus preparation plus luck.
- Jane Espenson
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Katy Perry
I've just always been very aware and careful of everything, so that I can be ready for the perfect opportunities as they come. I don't take anything for granted or wait for anything to come to me.
- Katy Perry
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Radha Mitchell
Femenizm for me is equal opportunities for everyone on the planet. If women are going to prostitute themselves, men should as well. There should be more male hookers. And eighteen-year-old women should demand satisfaction from their men.
- Radha Mitchell
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Chris Guillebeau
The choices we make now affect the opportunities available in the future
- Chris Guillebeau
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Joseph A. Schumpeter
As a matter of fact, capitalist economy is not and cannot be stationary. Nor is it merely expanding in a steady manner. It is incessantly being revolutionized from within by new enterprise, i.e., by the intrusion of new commodities or new methods of production or new commercial opportunities into the industrial structure as it exists at any moment.
- Joseph A. Schumpeter
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Mary Engelbreit
Learn from the rejection and turn it into an opportunity!
- Mary Engelbreit
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Gretchen Rubin
Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail, but every day is a clean slate and a fresh opportunity.
- Gretchen Rubin
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Hilary Swank
I'm always looking for opportunities, even when they're not offered to me. I will have no hesitation to pick up the phone and call a director or call a writer.
- Hilary Swank
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Hilary Swank
I look back and I look at all the opportunities that I've had to work really hard and really challenge myself, and I like to do things that scare me. I like to do things that I don't know if I'm going to be able to do. I need the help of talented people around me. I love that it's a collaboration.
- Hilary Swank
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Lea Michele
I love my onscreen frenemy, Dianna Agron! Having the opportunity to work so closely with her has been amazing.
- Lea Michele
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Adeline Yen Mah
Keep in mind that whenever you are in a crisis, you are in the midst of danger as well as opportunity.
- Adeline Yen Mah
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Timothy West
The cool thing about making a Western is that people want to be in them. You rarely get the opportunity. With horror movies you are always trying to convince them. People in horror are always worried it's going to be this schlocky thing, and you're always trying to convince them that it's not. With Westerns, people immediately react with, "Oh, I've always wanted to do one."
- Timothy West
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Kathrine Switzer
I always say that talent and capability is everywhere, all it needs is opportunity.
- Kathrine Switzer
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Kathrine Switzer
Five years after Boston 1967, I went to the Munich Olympics. I realized that major sponsorship could help me create the opportunity. I wrote a big proposal to Avon cosmetics on how creating a global series of women's races could lead to getting women in the Olympic marathon. People thought I was smoking poppy at the time. The longest event in the Olympic Games was 800m.
- Kathrine Switzer
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Charles M. Schwab
The men who miss success have two general alibis: 'I'm not a genius' is one; and the other, 'There aren't the opportunities today there used to be'.
- Charles M. Schwab
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Bill Mollison
We are surrounded by insurmountable opportunities
- Bill Mollison
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Stephen Sondheim
Opportunity is not a lengthy visitor.
- Stephen Sondheim
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Charlie Brooker
The internet's perfect for all manner of things, but productive discussion ain't one of them. It provides scant room for debate and infinite opportunities for fruitless point-scoring: the heady combination of perceived anonymity, gestated responses, random heckling and a notional “live audience” quickly conspire to create a “perfect storm” of perpetual bickering.
- Charlie Brooker
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Karl Rove
In chaos, there is opportunity.
- Karl Rove
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Tucker Max
Obstacles are only obstacles if you see them as obstacles. They can also be called opportunities.
- Tucker Max
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Peace Pilgrim
If only you could see the whole picture, if you knew the whole story, you would realize that no problem ever comes to you that does not have a purpose in your life, that cannot contribute to your inner growth. When you perceive this, you will recognize that problems are opportunities in disguise. If you did not face problems, you would just drift through life. It is through solving problems in accordance with the highest light we have that inner growth is attained.
- Peace Pilgrim
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Jon Voight
I just think that I’m a person who’s trying to find the truth and express it as I, you know, get the opportunity.
- Jon Voight
Collection: Opportunity