Top ocean Quotes Collection - Page 26

Discover a curated collection of ocean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 26 provides more ocean quotes.

Image of Orison Swett Marden
Our thoughts are like roots which reach out in every direction into the cosmic ocean of formless energy, and these thought-roots set in motion vibrations like themselves and attract the affinities of our desires and ambitions.
- Orison Swett Marden
Collection: Ocean
Image of Terence McKenna
It is not easy to measure the ocean, but we can be measured by it, confront it, and be in it.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Ocean
Image of Anthony de Mello
The Master was exceedingly gracious to university dons who visited him, but he would never reply to their questions or be drawn into their theological speculations. To his disciples, who marveled at this, he said, "Can one talk about the ocean to a frog in a well or about the divine to people who are restricted by their concepts?
- Anthony de Mello
Collection: Ocean
Image of Terence McKenna
One reaches through to the continents and oceans of the imagination, worlds able to sustain anyone who will but play, and then lets the play deepen and deepen until it is a reality that few would even dare to entertain...The human imagination is the holographic organ of the human body, and we don't 'imagine' anything. We simply see things so far away that there is no possibility of validating or invalidating their existence.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Ocean
Image of Brad Meltzer
There's nothing in the world like buried treasure-and people hungry and obsessed enough to risk their lives for it. Pirate Hunters isn't just a good story-it's a true one. Searching for the souls of its explorers, it takes you to the far tip of the plank and plunges you deep to the bottom of the ocean.
- Brad Meltzer
Collection: Ocean
Image of Malcolm X
You don't do anything to further your stay aboard a ship that you see is going to go down to the bottom of the ocean.
- Malcolm X
Collection: Ocean
Image of Herman Melville
The sun hides not the ocean, which is the dark side of this earth, and which is two thirds of this earth. So, therefore, that mortal man who hath more of joy than sorrow in him, that mortal man cannot be true-- not true, or undeveloped. With books the same. The truest of all men was the Man of Sorrows, and the truest of all books is Solomon’s, and Ecclesiastes is the fine hammered steel of woe.
- Herman Melville
Collection: Ocean
Image of Federico Garcia Lorca
Moon like a large stainedglass window that breaks on the ocean.
- Federico Garcia Lorca
Collection: Ocean
Image of Christopher Marlowe
O soul, be changed into little waterdrops, / And fall into the ocean, ne'er be found!
- Christopher Marlowe
Collection: Ocean
Image of Richard Matheson
No longer will you be a weird Robinson Crusoe, imprisoned on an island of night surrounded by oceans of death.
- Richard Matheson
Collection: Ocean
Image of Terence McKenna
The creative act is a letting down of the net of human imagination into the ocean of chaos on which we are suspended, and the attempt to bring out of it ideas.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Ocean
Image of Gordon Hempton
Most people think visual information is more important than aural information - like, what's this big deal about sound? And why should I bother to listen, rather than look? And here are the facts: there are blind species, in the backs of the caves, the bottoms of the oceans. It's not essential on planet Earth to be able to see, to be a species. But there are no deaf animal species. You have to be able to hear, or you won't get the information you need in order to survive.
- Gordon Hempton
Collection: Ocean
Image of David Lynch
With each experience of the unbounded ocean of consciousness, you infuse it into your life and therefore expand whatever consciousness you had to begin with.
- David Lynch
Collection: Ocean
Image of David Lynch
The ocean of solutions is within, enliven that. It's a world of clues, a world of mystery but the mystery can get solved, you can find a lot of answers for these things within.
- David Lynch
Collection: Ocean
Image of David Lynch
Everybody's got creativity. Dive within to the ocean of infinite creativity.
- David Lynch
Collection: Ocean
Image of Michael C. McMillen
I like the idea of watching the sun go down in the ocean. I've always felt comfortable about that, I like sunsets. There's something about a westward movement that seems fascinating, although the Irish refer to going West as a metaphor for dying. I see it differently.
- Michael C. McMillen
Collection: Ocean
Image of Herman Melville
At last the anchor was up, the sails were set, and off we glided. It was a sharp, cold Christmas; and as the short northern day merged into night, we found ourselves almost broad upon the wintry ocean, whose freezing spray cased us in ice, as in polished armor.
- Herman Melville
Collection: Ocean
Image of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The hearts of some women tremble like leaves at every breath of love which reaches them, and they are still again. Others, like the ocean, are moved only by the breath of a storm, and not so easily lulled to rest.
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Collection: Ocean
Image of Sarah McLachlan
I threw bitter tears at the ocean, but all that came back was the tide.
- Sarah McLachlan
Collection: Ocean
Image of Marie Lu
I don't know if anyone's ever told you this", he begins. He doesn't blush, and his eyes don't dart away. Instead I find myself starring into a pair of oceans - one perfect, the other blemished by that tiny ripple. "You're very attractive." I've been complimented on my appearance before. But never in his tone of voice. Of all the things he's said, I don't know why this catches me off guard. But it startles me so much that without thinking I blurt out, "I could say the same about you." I pause. "In case you didn't know." A slow grin spreads across his face. "Oh, trust me. I know.
- Marie Lu
Collection: Ocean
Image of Ramana Maharshi
If you approach the ocean with a cup, you can only take away a cupful; if you approach it with a bucket you can take away a bucketful.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Ocean
Image of David Lynch
Consciousness-Based Education is education that is in most ways exactly like regular education, but with the added technique of Transcendental Meditation. Transcendental Meditation, or TM as it's often referred to, allows students to dive in and experience the unbounded ocean of consciousness within each of us, the big treasury, the field within each of us that is the base of all matter and all mind. It's been found that transcending and experiencing that unbounded, eternal level of life does wonders for education, and for human beings.
- David Lynch
Collection: Ocean
Image of Terence McKenna
We have been to the moon, we have charted the depths of the ocean and the heart of the atom, but we have a fear of looking inward to ourselves because we sense that is where all the contradictions flow together.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Ocean
Image of Marya Mannes
[The sea] is the healer and the reviver, it cleanses the cavities of self-disgust and melancholy, of sloth and negation with the salt solution of life. It cures the lethargies of flesh and spirit with the slap and shake of elemental force. It cradles and comforts. Give it trust and it holds you secure; fight it and it kills.
- Marya Mannes
Collection: Ocean
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Perhaps in the world's destruction it would be possible at last to see how it was made. Oceans, mountains. The ponderous counterspectacle of things ceasing to be. The sweeping waste, hydroptic and coldly secular. The silence.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Ocean
Image of David Lynch
You don't dive for specific solutions; you dive to enliven that ocean of consciousness. Then your intuition grows and you have a way of solving those problems-knowing when it's not quite right and knowing a way to make it feel correct for you. That capacity grows and things go much more smoothly.
- David Lynch
Collection: Ocean
Image of Robin McKinley a grain of sand that gets into an oyster's shell. What if the grain doesn't want to become a pearl? Is it ever asked to climb out quietly and take up its old position as a bit of ocean floor?
- Robin McKinley
Collection: Ocean
Image of Jack Ma
EBay may be a shark in the ocean, but I'm a crocodile in the Yangtze River. If we fight in the ocean, we lose, but if we fight in the river, we win.
- Jack Ma
Collection: Ocean
Image of Herman Melville
No mercy, no power but its own controls it. Panting and snorting like a mad battle steed that has lost its rider, the masterless ocean overruns the globe.
- Herman Melville
Collection: Ocean
Image of Herman Melville
This whole act's immutably decreed. 'Twas rehearsed by thee and me a billion years before this ocean rolled. Fool! I am the Fates' lieutenant; I act under orders.
- Herman Melville
Collection: Ocean
Image of Herman Melville
A hermitage in the forest is the refuge of the narrow-minded misanthrope; a hammock on the ocean is the asylum for the generous distressed.
- Herman Melville
Collection: Ocean
Image of Herman Melville
Erie, and Ontario, and Huron, and Superior, and Michigan possess an ocean-like expansiveness, with many of the ocean's noblest traits... they are swept by Borean and dismasting blasts as direful as any that lash the salted wave; they know what shipwrecks are, for out of sight of land, however inland, they have drowned full many a midnight ship with all its shrieking crew.
- Herman Melville
Collection: Ocean
Image of David Lynch
Intuition is knowingness, and this field of unbounded knowing, of knowingness, is within every human being. You start tapping into that and it becomes an ocean of solutions.
- David Lynch
Collection: Ocean
Image of David Lynch
There is an ocean of pure vibrant consciousness inside each one of us.
- David Lynch
Collection: Ocean
Image of Jim Rohn
Asking is the beginning of receiving. Make sure you don’t go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids won’t laugh at you.
- Jim Rohn
Collection: Ocean
Image of Rumi
Silence is an ocean. Speech is a river. When the ocean is searching for you, don’t walk into the river. Listen to the ocean.
- Rumi
Collection: Ocean
Image of Corrie ten Boom
You never so touch the ocean of God’s love as when you forgive and love your enemies.
- Corrie ten Boom
Collection: Ocean
Image of John F. Kennedy
We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch – we are going back from whence we came.
- John F. Kennedy
Collection: Ocean
Image of Abraham Maslow
If I were dropped out of a plane into the ocean and told the nearest land was a thousand miles away, I’d still swim. And I’d despise the one who gave up.
- Abraham Maslow
Collection: Ocean
Image of Leonard Cohen
If you don’t become the ocean, you’ll be seasick every day.
- Leonard Cohen
Collection: Ocean