Top neera Quotes Collection

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Image of Neera Tanden
How exactly was Johnson able to pass the Great Society legislation and the Voting Rights Act? Of course, he was a savvy deal-maker. But the key to these legislative victories was the size of his election victory.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
A moderate president with strong margins in the House and Senate can achieve many more liberal goals than a liberal without the Senate.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
Part of the right-wing noise machine is really focused on telling groups of voters that 'Democrats and liberal elites hate you.'
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
The Democratic Party, the policies that the Clintons and Hillary believe in, I feel like a living example of someone who benefited.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
We can't reach Trump voters on nativism, but we can reach them on bolder answers to economic challenges.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
At the White House I felt like I was politically inclined for a policy person; on the campaign I feel I'm more wonky.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
I'm pretty wonky. I'm wonky because I know about the Section 1115 waiver, I know they help community health centers. New York State pioneered community health centers.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
The reason I'm so active in politics - literally the reason I've devoted so much time to politics and public service - is because of my background.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
My mother was on welfare for a couple of years, then she got a job as a travel agent. Finally, years later, scrimping and saving, she was able to buy a house. I know it sounds totally corny, but she really instilled in me a great deal of, y'know, sort of a desire to serve.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
It is absolutely the case that we need more mental health providers.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
Trump himself has seemingly courted the favor of Russian President Vladimir Putin since the 2016 presidential campaign.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
For decades, Hillary Clinton has been a lot more than a public champion of child care, paid leave and equal pay. She's lived these issues and led on them personally.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
People's life experiences shape their views, their values and, ultimately, their decisions. So it's no surprise that when we study women's leadership, we know women leaders help women.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
I had advised Hillary on policy when she was first lady, a Senate candidate and a senator, so it seemed natural that I'd be part of her presidential run. Natural to everyone but me, that is.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
No doubt, there are plenty of men who have been fierce and laudable advocates for women's issues. But I know from my many years in Washington that when setting priorities and creating an agenda, it matters who sits around the table.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
There was no single architect of the Affordable Care Act.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
From our perspective, while violence against women is a problem in it of itself, it's also usually an extreme form of treatment of women at large.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
The United States has a lot of influence in a country like Afghanistan, but it also has influence throughout the Middle East.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
I know the treatment of women was an important element of Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, and it can be all for all our leaders going forward.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
It's hard, when people criticize you, not to respond on social media. I should probably do a better job of not responding. But if someone says something that's untrue about me, I like to respond.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
I never worked in the private sector for very long, I worked on childcare, afterschool, health care for people, increasing the minimum wage, increasing taxes on the wealthy - a whole host of policies that are pretty progressive.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
It's easier to fight your intellectual and ideological opponents than people you consider intellectual and ideological friends.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
When we created the Center for American Progress in 2002, the left really only had single-issue groups, like labor unions, and think tanks, like the Economic Policy Institute, that did particular issues. There weren't ideologically based organizations.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
I don't score members of Congress; I don't conceive of my job as moving members of Congress to the utmost left position.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
As a progressive, I have a problem when any group is falling behind.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
Government is supposed to solve people's problems.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
From day one, President Biden and this Administration have vowed to strengthen Medicare. Millions of Americans that have paid into this program from their very first paycheck, and they deserve a health care system that pays it forward.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
I've met Americans who have rationed prescriptions - taken one pill when they need to take two or not get what they need at all, simply because the price is out of reach.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
A lot of politicians talked about giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices, which will help millions of Americans. Not a single Republican in Congress voted for it. But Joe Biden actually got it done.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
Medicare is a lifeline for millions of seniors.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
Before I worked in the Biden Administration, I was President of the Center for American Progress, a think tank in Washington.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
President Biden and his Administration are committed to improve our mental health system's capacity. This means making investments in infrastructure, workforce, prevention, treatment, and recovery.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
Insurers make it difficult to access mental health coverage in-network.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
No one should have to drain their savings or go into debt to get help for themselves or their loved ones.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
Mental health is a growing problem that touches every corner of the country.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
We know that treatment works, and that is why access to mental health providers is crucial for the wellbeing of our families.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
Access to needed mental health care shouldn't force anyone to refinance their home.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
We need to ensure that Americans can get treated for mental health just like they can get treated for a broken bone or heart condition.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera
Image of Neera Tanden
In the Biden-Harris Administration, we believe that the most solemn responsibility of the government is to make life better for children in our country.
- Neera Tanden
Collection: Neera