Top ned Quotes Collection

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Image of Ned Lamont
During the historic 2020 presidential election, we saw record participation from voters across our state and country despite the challenges of a global pandemic.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
Connecticut's arts community provides an incredible amount of good for our state and supports thousands of jobs.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
One of my top priorities during the COVID-19 pandemic has been to minimize learning disruptions for Connecticut students and see that every K-12 student has the educational technologies they need to thrive in school.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
My administration will continue to fight to ensure every last student in Connecticut receives a high-quality education, whether in person or remotely.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
Representative DeLauro has always been a fighter in Congress on behalf of all the residents of Connecticut.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
I urge all Connecticut residents to reflect on the sacrifices made by the Greatest Generation during World War II. In the aftermath of tragedy, they came together in the name of justice, humanity, and democracy, and each of us has benefitted from their service. We will be always grateful for everything they have provided to the United States.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
Words cannot express how grateful I am to live in a state where its residents look after one another, respect one another, and offer help when someone is in need.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
Connecticut's doctors, nurses, and other public health workers have worked tirelessly through unthinkably long hours while putting their own safety at risk.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
Connecticut's public schools are among the best in the nation, but there's more that we can do to close achievement gaps so that we can provide more of our youngest students with the tools they need to achieve careers in leading fields when they become adults.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
As Governor, it's my job to work on behalf of everyone in Connecticut and to reach across the aisle to find commonsense, bipartisan solutions to the challenges confronting our state.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
We have to reenergize our economy so it works for all Americans; invest in our schools so that all our children have the tools they need to compete and succeed in life; rebuild and enhance our infrastructure; and we must reduce carbon pollution and reverse climate change.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
From the day I was elected, I began focusing on governing the best way I know how - transparently, openly, and in a way that encourages debate, dialogue and discussion on all sides of an issue.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
We cannot put Connecticut's future on the credit card. The state has had a problem putting costs on Connecticut's credit card that it simply can't afford to pay.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
Working families are central to our state's success, and we need to do more to support their long-term financial stability.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
Most households in the 21st century have two working parents juggling responsibilities, including caring for infants and elderly and their own health. If we can assist them with these critical responsibilities in a way that also considers the impact on employers, we'll have helped our future economic growth and done the right thing.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
We know working families are the backbone of our state. If they are not financially stable, Connecticut will never be.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
Our state needs to make real, substantive structural changes to facilitate a sustainable financial future.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
As the economy and peoples' habits change, we need to demonstrate that Connecticut's state government can keep pace.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
As governor of Connecticut and commander-in-chief of the Connecticut National Guard, I have a solemn responsibility to ensure that the men and women who work every day to keep us safe have the support and resources they need from their elected leaders.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
Simply put, some of our small towns need to modernize their infrastructure so that we can support efforts to grow the economy but lack the property tax base they need to fully fund these projects on their own.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
The veterans of the United States military put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms. They represent the best of our country, and we thank each of them for the immeasurable service they've provided to every one of us.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
The Affordable Care Act has been a clear and obvious success here in Connecticut and around the country.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
Striking down the Affordable Care Act would be a tragic setback.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
Instead of legislating through the courts, Republicans in Congress should join with Democrats to make further progress reducing costs and expanding access to quality healthcare.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
Our state's public health department is responsible for overseeing a large array of healthcare needs, including natural disasters, chronic diseases, and emerging threats. And in these efforts, we want to ensure that no one in Connecticut is left behind when it comes to access to essential care.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
For the sake of our businesses and the sake of our jobs, we must not only maintain our roads and bridges, but also develop a modernized transportation system that supports continued growth and attracts new businesses and growth.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
It's my feeling that on sensitive, localized issues like our schools, it's important to lead with the carrot and not force peoples' hands.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
For many residents, the DMV is the face of state government - it is an office that virtually every adult needs to interact with and for far too long it has been overly bureaucratic, arduous, and - quite frankly - operating in the 21st century while relying on 20th century processes.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
Workers need to know that the law is on their side and protections are in place that can provide support.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
For the sake of our businesses and the sake of our jobs, we must provide Connecticut with a modernized transportation system that works, which requires a sustainable, recurring funding source.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
All students should have access to positive teaching and learning experiences so they can be prepared for the global workforce that awaits them.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
Connecticut is home to the most heavily used commuter rail line in the nation, which thousands of people depend on every day for their commutes to work.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
We have an aging infrastructure in Connecticut that greatly impacts the daily lives of our families and the development of our businesses. Modernizing our infrastructure would employ thousands - it would improve the quality for our residents and advance us towards the state we deserve to be.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
Working families are the backbone of our state, and supporting them will strengthen our economic footing and make Connecticut a stronger place to live, work, and do business.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
Connecticut has a vibrant farming community - the products they produce are world-class and we want to help support the continued growth of this important sector of our state's economy.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
With fresh eyes, an aggressive approach, and collaboration, we can modernize state government the way it should be.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
State government needs to embrace change and be willing to take responsible risks to move into the future.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
We'll continue to make doing business easier in Connecticut.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned
Image of Ned Lamont
For far too long, women have been undervalued in the workplace for the work they provide compared to their male counterparts that do the same job - something that can be systemically ruinous, unfair and terrible for our workplace.
- Ned Lamont
Collection: Ned