Top neal Quotes Collection

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Image of Neal Katyal
Presidents routinely testify in criminal cases. You know, George W. Bush did it with Valerie Plame. Bill Clinton did it three times with Ken Starr. Gerald Ford did it with respect to a testimony about a Charles Manson follower. And Ronald Reagan, I think, is perhaps the most important precedent.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
The Supreme Court is very capable of acting quickly when it needs to.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
It's definitely true that law enforcement investigations expand over time in appropriate ways.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
I didn't go to fancy schools or come from money or from a family that valued law or public speaking in any shape or form.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
Merrick Garland was the most qualified nominee, not just in our lifetimes but perhaps in the history of the United States Supreme Court. The chief judge of the D.C. Circuit for 20 years, the nation's second-highest court. Never once been overruled by the Court in his 20 years. He was extraordinary.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
The upshot of the Nixon tapes case was that any president is going to have an extremely hard time resisting a request from a law enforcement officer.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
In general, presidents do sit for interviews or respond to requests from prosecutors because they take their constitutional responsibility to faithfully execute the laws seriously, and running away from a prosecutor isn't consistent with faithfully executing the laws.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
I don't think that the Supreme Court really takes cases with kind of a theme in mind. They get about 10,000 requests a year, and what are called 'petitions for certiorari,' which are essentially 30 page documents which say, 'Hey, Court, hear my case.' And they don't take very many of them.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
The nice thing about the 'House of Cards' is they did 70 takes, so it was a little different. You only get one at the Supreme Court.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
Our constitutional system is defined by a balance between the public's need for transparency and the government's need to have a zone of secrecy around decision making. Both are important, yet they are mutually exclusive.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
Americans can tolerate some secrecy, particularly when it is rooted in protection of the public's interests. But when the claims appear to hide wrongdoing, they begin to curdle.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
Every time a president invokes executive privilege, there are three relevant audiences he has to think about: the courts, Congress, and the public.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
Even though Mr. Trump can give his campaign as much of his own money as he wants to, he can't ask other people to front the money for him and promise to pay them back later without reporting the arrangement in a timely fashion to the Federal Election Commission.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
Prosecutors use the conspiracy doctrine to punish two or more people who merely agree to commit a criminal act. They don't even have to actually perform the act; they just need to have agreed to do so.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
People tend to take more risks in groups than alone. For these reasons, the law has always treated conspiracy harshly.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
Everything having to do with President Trump and Russia, whether it is Mr. Trump's demand for an investigation into the investigation by the special counsel Robert Mueller, or whether Mr. Trump will testify, requires an answer to one essential background question: Can Mr. Mueller seek to indict the president?
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
Unanimity is important because it signals that the justices can rise above their differences and interpret the law without partisanship.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
There is no doubt that dissents can serve a useful role by explaining when a justice thinks the majority has gone off the deep end. But unanimity also sends its own powerful message - one that might be eclipsed in the headlines by a sensational dissent but could ultimately have a greater impact.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
One thing we know about government after the New Deal is that checks and balances through whistle-blowing is terrible policy.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
Institutionalizing dissent in our agencies moves us toward a healthier democracy and helps fulfill our founders' vision.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
In 2006, I argued and won Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, a Supreme Court case that struck down President George W. Bush's use of military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
One of our Constitution's greatest virtues is that it looks to judges as a source of reasoned, practical, rights-minded decision making.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Katyal
Many programs are built on the government's spending power, and the existence of an extraconstitutional limit on that power is a worrisome development.
- Neal Katyal
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
I had people think I was brilliant, then 'Half Baked' bricked. They literally look at me like a homeless person.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
I'm not going to say the market is flooded, but there are a lot of people doing comedy.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
The story of '3 Mics' is the story of a guy who wants to be something and is sort of figuring out how he gets there.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
There's nothing worse than trying to be funny and not being funny.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
The fear of public speaking is a primal fear. You can train your body to not be crazy when you're doing it, but it truly is a primal fear.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
But my problem was that I did an hour for Comedy Central and nobody seemed to care.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
I do have weird habits when I'm directing, or even think as a director, like when I move a cup, I make sure to put it back in the exact right place.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
Here's the thing about standup directing: not that hard. As I said on Twitter one day, or maybe it was Instagram - sorry, I want to keep my platforms straight - it's essentially the same five shots over and over again. Seven if you're ambitious.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
The hardest part of comedy is writing the jokes, and the second-hardest part is telling the jokes. To me, everything else is significantly easier.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
Comedy's the only job I say where you wake up and you're like 'Can't do it!'
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
I think I've seen every 'Bill Maher' episode.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
Honestly, I've always thought that Charles Barkley is the best guy on TV because he will really tell you what he thinks. But it's all well thought out.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
I think being honest on TV is pretty rare. So if I can be that, I would like to be.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
I don't think there is 70 good hours of TV in a week.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
I just realized at a certain point that no matter how much writing I did, I'm still a gym rat for comedy clubs.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
If somebody says my ideas aren't good in the afternoon, I can go to a club that night and try to prove them wrong.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
Even at it's worst, 'Def Jam' was extremely interesting and extremely well performed. And the crowds were amazing.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
I generally don't read articles about myself/'Chappelle's Show,' nor do I read reviews. It's basically playing Russian Roulette. They're not all gonna be positive.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
I mean, no, I don't think anything is too far; you can make fun of anything.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
I'm not good at Reddit; I don't go to the most popular parts.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
There are things that start small on Reddit, then they sort of gather and become major trends. Having said that, I mostly stay on the Top 100 page, so it's mostly just pictures of a dog looking like Chewbacca.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
I love 'Frontline.' It's the best TV show in the history of television.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal
Image of Neal Brennan
I think the only op-ed columnist in 'The Times' - where I read all of his stuff - is Paul Krugman.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Neal