Top Nasty Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Nasty quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Peter Weir
Anybody I'd spoken to who'd been in Siberia said 'would you please put mosquitos in your film,' that's what everybody knows about, they're big and they're nasty.
- Peter Weir
Collection: Nasty
Image of Deborah Grey
Only when you're nervous do you get nasty.
- Deborah Grey
Collection: Nasty
Image of Misha Glenny
One of the problem with cyber is that it lends itself to preemptive action. Your assets in cyber-warfare are your opponents' vulnerabilities, therefore in order to quantify your assets you have to be able to ascertain how vulnerable your opponents are and that involves pre-emptive exploration of your opponents' networks. So in that sense it lends itself to some pretty nasty stuff.
- Misha Glenny
Collection: Nasty
Image of Jacob M. Appel
Life is nasty, brutish, and short. Death is easy.
- Jacob M. Appel
Collection: Nasty
Image of Elizabeth Kostova
I've noticed Dracula was often as practical a fellow as he was a nasty one.
- Elizabeth Kostova
Collection: Nasty
Image of Donald Trump
I used to get great press. I get the worst press. I get such dishonest reporting with the media. I've never had anything like it before. It happened during the primaries, and I said, you know, when I won, I said, "Well the one thing good is now I'll get good press." And it got worse. So that was one thing that a little bit of a surprise to me. I thought the press would become better, and it actually, in my opinion, got more nasty.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Nasty
Image of Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton's nasty, but I can be nastier than she ever can be.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Nasty
Image of Ayelet Waldman
Let's all commit ourselves to the basic civility of minding our own business. Failing that, let's go back to a time when we were nasty and judgmental, but only behind one another's backs.
- Ayelet Waldman
Collection: Nasty
Image of Mason Cooley
When courtesy fails, be nasty, brutish, and short.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Nasty
Image of Fyodor Dostoevsky
They have this social justification for every nasty thing they do!
- Fyodor Dostoevsky
Collection: Nasty
Image of Kim Harrison
Trent and Ellasbeth did the nasty? Ewwww!
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Nasty
Image of Thomas Hobbes
Life is nasty, brutish, and short
- Thomas Hobbes
Collection: Nasty
Image of Aldous Huxley
I'd rather be myself," he said. "Myself and nasty. Not somebody else, however jolly.
- Aldous Huxley
Collection: Nasty
Image of Aldous Huxley
I like being myself. Myself and nasty.
- Aldous Huxley
Collection: Nasty