Top mike Quotes Collection - Page 3

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Image of Mike Pompeo
I think Secretary Clinton tried to hide every one of her emails. She destroyed 30,000 of them.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
Paul Ryan is a solid conservative.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
The goal of isolating extremists and making them unwelcome in Muslim communities has been abandoned.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
The nuclear deal with Iran's radical clerics and their military junta is the most dangerous and potentially deadly action that the Obama administration has yet taken.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
By rejecting the Iranian nuclear deal, Congress can help achieve the original goal of isolating the bad actors in Iran - the Ayatollah Khamenei, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, its Quds Force commander Quassem Soleimani, and the radical clerics.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
In 2012, President Obama was faced with a new Egyptian leader, Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood. Instead of applying pressure to root him out, President Obama waived U.S. law and provided taxpayer aid to prop up the most radical elements within Egypt.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
If terrorists are already on our southern border, a national-security failure has already occurred.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
It is in our interest to crush ISIS, terrorist groups like the al-Nusra front and Ahrar ash-Sham, and Iran's puppet Assad.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
Any candidate who thinks that we only need to attack ISIS from the sky, without regard to where they flourish and why, shares President Obama's view that Iran is our partner in peace.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei and Assad are two sides of the same terror coin. Letting Assad continue to wield lethal power means that Tehran's terror network - from Hezbollah to the Houthis - will persist in threatening the West.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
There is only one Republican presidential candidate that has a proven, courageous, and conservative record on national security: Marco Rubio.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
I am a West Point graduate and an Army veteran.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
In Congress, I represent South Central Kansas, home to McConnell Air Force Base.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
I am proud to serve on the House Intelligence Committee, and every day, I see the lifesaving work of our men and women in uniform.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
Hillary Clinton cannot be the president of the United States.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
Less intelligence capacity equals less safety.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
Russia continues to side with... rogue states and terrorist organizations, following Vladimir Putin's pattern of gratuitous and unpunished affronts to U.S. interests.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
To the degree that we can demonstrate support for the Ukrainian government, we can change Putin's calculus and increase the risk to him and to Russia for moving combat forces closer to Kiev.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
To say the U.S. government is targeting U.S. persons, to listen to their phone calls and read their emails, is just false.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
By withholding critical details and stonewalling congressional inquiries, President Obama seems to be hiding whether or not he and others broke U.S. law by sending $1.7 billion in cash to Iran.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
One of the very first serious books I read when I was growing up was 'Atlas Shrugged.'
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
I spent my whole life working hard.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
Sometimes I think people live in a parallel universe when they say all we need are a few more regulations.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
It speaks to the incredible risk of doing business with the Islamic Republic of Iran if American companies have to turn to federally guaranteed funding mechanisms to support their business there.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
It would be wise for the U.S. private sector to stay away from Iran.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
At some point, an industry has to either succeed or fail on its own merits.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
All of our intelligence agencies, our Department of Defense, are all working to meet this threat. But it's a fast moving world; it's a place where offense is easier than defense, and keeping up with the next innovation in cyber-warfare is an enormous challenge.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Pompeo
Don't allow politically connected folks to get their particular tax breaks.
- Mike Pompeo
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
No teacher ever skipped the student process... if you want to be a leader, you have to be a follower first.
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
Future is my brother. He has no idea how big what he does is.
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
When I tried to send him beats in 2010, he told me I was too expensive for him. I told Future we had to work together, that it would be beneficial for both of us, that we didn't have to worry about the money.
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
We Can't Stop' - everyone said that it wasn't going to work on pop radio, because it didn't have an EDM-type beat. But it went to No. 2 on Billboard and No. 1 on iTunes.
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
I want to make sure that I sign dope artists, old and new, just to make sure that we come up with something new and creative.
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
Sometimes I feel like I represent for the misunderstood.
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
Future was always the person to knock out multiple bangers in one night.
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
I can work with all these different kinds of artists and still be able to come up with huge records. Not just cool records, but game-changing records.
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
When I do music I don't think about urban music, pop or country, I just think about a good song.
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
I really believed in 2 Chainz, I really believed in Future, and I was going to the studio with them every single day.
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
I'm just trying to bring the sound from Atlanta over to the mainstream radio in a way that everybody can enjoy.
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
It started off with me being all the way influenced by Atlanta and southern music but I knew my sound had to grow - I started learning melodies.
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
Matter fact, my girl complains about how much I'm in the studio working. But she sees the results as they roll out.
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
I like everything rare - cars, shoes, clothes.
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
The 'trap' sound is a sound from the city. We've always liked music with bass. We've always liked old schools with big speakers in the trunks. We like our music loud. We've always had a nightlife scene in Atlanta.
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
I'm creative so I'm always gonna create.
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
I used to listen to songs on the radio and play that junk back on that little keyboard.
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
At the end of the day, I was listening to the big homies and they were saying, 'Yo, man, you got talent, man, stay off the streets.'
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
If you're a super-producer, you can produce whatever you want to produce. That's where I'm at.
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
A Red camera is the best. When I started shooting videos, I had to pay ten thousand dollars just to rent one. I was like, 'I do all these music videos, and I still don't own a Red camera?' So I spent about a hundred thousand dollars to buy one. My own bread. Boom!
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike
Image of Mike Will Made It
I first heard Trouble in 2008. At that time I was on my grind, trying to work with all the next-up artists. I had sent him a couple beats; he had done a couple songs. We was always around the same age.
- Mike Will Made It
Collection: Mike