Top Meaningful Quotes Collection - Page 17

Discover a curated collection of Meaningful quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 17 provides more Meaningful quotes.

Image of Tim Burton
I worked at Disney many years ago. They just let me sit in a room for a couple of years and draw whatever I wanted to draw, so it's a very personal thing to me. Drawing and everything you do there is something meaningful and personal.
- Tim Burton
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Cassandra Clare
Stop. I don't do you favors, Alec. I do things for you because - well, why do you think I do them?" Something rose up in Alec's throat, cutting off his response. It was always like this when he was with Magnus. It was as if there were a bubble of pain or regret that lived inside his heart, and when he wanted to say something, anything, that seemed meaningful or true, it rose up and choked off his words. "I need to get back to the ship," he said, finally.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Don McLean
The society that produced The Who, The Stones, Dylan, Paul McCartney and later on people, like myself, is over. The materialistic society that produces these kinds of bombastic performances that don't have any value or musical meaning, is very conspicuous, look at me, I'm rich, dig my brand. That's what missing, Bob Dylan made us feel worthy, I try to do the same thing. Respect for the audience with music that is meaningful and soulful. Go for what moves you and not necessarily what you think will be commercial.
- Don McLean
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Greg Koukl
Though it's hard to be completely certain about things like this, I have a suspicion that only someone with deep freedom (one who makes decisions for reasons that are his own) and who's also a moral being (can experience goodness) can have a meaningful friendship with God. If friendship with God and sharing in His happiness are good things (and it seems they are), then making a creature who could enjoy these things is also a good thing, even if it comes with a liability. There's a risk.
- Greg Koukl
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Franklin Graham
My father has always prayed that his words would reflect God's standard of truth as the basis to claim, 'I have given them Your word' (John 17:14). In this book, I believe you will see that he has faithfully spoken God's Word that quenches the thirst of those seeking to draw from the wellsprings of Life. It is highly meaningful to see these statements now collected in one volume.
- Franklin Graham
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Erik Naggum
C being what it is lacks support for multiple return values, so the notion that it is meaningful to pass pointers to memory objects into which any random function may write random values without having a clue where they point, has not been debunked as the sheer idiocy it really is.
- Erik Naggum
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Deepak Chopra
Love and meaningful relationships are vital to physical and emotional well-being.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Julianne Moore
I think all of us struggle with how to keep relationship alive. And yet it can't be static either. It's never going to be how it was when you first met because you're not in that place anymore; you're not necessarily the same people. So, that's the struggle - you're trying to make the relationship move forward with the rest of your life and make it special and meaningful. And I think it's incredibly challenging.
- Julianne Moore
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Michael Caine
This is your life, Larry. Learn to enjoy what you've got.
- Michael Caine
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Tenzin Palmo
Buddhism helps us to overcome our endless ego grasping mind to open up to something so much more spacious and genuinely meaningful.
- Tenzin Palmo
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Cassandra Clare
Now don't go wandering off, William," she said with a meaningful glance. "I don't want to lose you in the crowd." Will's jaw set. "I'm getting the oddest feeling that you're enjoying this," he said under his breath. "Nothing odd about it." Feeling unbelievably bold, Tessa chucked him under the chin with the tip of her lace fan. "Simply behave yourself.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Noam Chomsky
Major efforts have to be undertaken to bring the general public to understand the real reasons for their plight, and the possibilities for radical social and political change to construct meaningful popular control of all institutions - in communities, in the workplace, in the larger society, and on to the international order.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Deepak Chopra
Meeting a stranger can be totally fleeting and meaningless, for example, unless you enter the individual’s world by finding out at least one thing that is meaningful to his or her life and exchange at lest one genuine feeling. Tuning in to others is a circular flow: you send yourself out toward people; you receive them as they respond to you.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Hugh Mackay
Indeed, in the present climate of mistrust of institutions, many people who yearn for a more meaningful and fulfilling life would regard the church as an unlikely place to go for guidance.
- Hugh Mackay
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Robert McKee
When we want mood experiences, we go to concerts or museums. When we want meaningful emotional experience, we go to the storyteller.
- Robert McKee
Collection: Meaningful
Image of William S. Burroughs
Intelligence and war are games, perhaps the only meaningful games left. If any player becomes too proficient, the game is threatened with termination.
- William S. Burroughs
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Letty Cottin Pogrebin
To me, a person's identity is composed of both an 'I' and a 'we.' The 'I' finds itself in love, work, and pleasure, but it also locates itself within some meaningful group identity - a tribe, a community, a 'we.' America is too big and bland a tribe for most of us.
- Letty Cottin Pogrebin
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Deepak Chopra
The only way to atone for the past is to do something meaningful in the present.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Cassandra Clare
to love is to destroy
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Andrew Solomon
I grew up feeling that to be gay was a tragedy. I didn't grow up thinking that it was morally wrong, but I grew up thinking that it would make me marginal, prevent me from having children, and quite possibly prevent me from having a meaningful long relationship. It seemed that this condition would leave me with a vastly reduced life.
- Andrew Solomon
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Tara Stiles
Any of the yoga poses could be substituted in this analogy. How you practice is much more meaningful than what yoga moves you can or cannot do.
- Tara Stiles
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Scott D. Anthony
Of course if you are launching a new business you can thinking about revenues, profits, and so on, but metrics such as customer satisfaction or employee retention might be meaningful if you are focusing more internally.
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Bill Crawford
One key to creating a meaningful life, is choosing what we want to feel, and for how long.
- Bill Crawford
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Bill Crawford
When a loving, meaningful experience is our goal, we must trust an energy that is congruent with that goal as our guide along the way. Bottom line, trust love over fear if love is what you're after.
- Bill Crawford
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Ray Dalio
In the end, what matters most is that the people you work with share your values, so I've wanted people who value the meaningful work and meaningful relationships that always motivated me in building Bridgewater.
- Ray Dalio
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Brian Solis
Engagement is shaped by the interpretation of its intentions. In order for social media to mutually benefit you and your customers, you must engage them in meaningful and advantageous conversations, empowering them as true participants in your marketing and service efforts.
- Brian Solis
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Mason Cooley
Stutters and snorts are meaningful but not usually referential.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Stephen Covey
As people enable themselves to achieve one or two goals for the year that are most meaningful, they will find power, peace of mind, and confidence in their abilities because they have achieved what they set out to accomplish. Your commitment to achieving what matters most will become the foundation for tremendous accomplishments and contributions. You will become the change you seek to make.
- Stephen Covey
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Don DeLillo
I think if you maintain a force in the world that comes into people's sleep, you are exercising a meaningful power.
- Don DeLillo
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Angela Davis
I can't really blame a lot of young sisters and brothers who believe that education has anything to offer them. Because as a matter of fact, it has nothing to offer them. Suppose they do get a high school diploma that is meaningful. What kind of job is awaiting them. The jobs that used to be available to working class people are not there as a result of the de-industrialization of this economy.
- Angela Davis
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Tom DeLay
Does life have any meaningful purpose?
- Tom DeLay
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Miley Cyrus
Music is the love of my life. It’s a total escape from reality. Music transports you to another place, someplace unexpecet and meaningful.
- Miley Cyrus
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Bill Crawford
Creating a meaningful life has less to do with how we feel about our past than what we do about our future.
- Bill Crawford
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Philip K. Dick
I think great art should play a part in the ordinary man's life, don't you? It can make his existence so much richer and more meaningful.
- Philip K. Dick
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Stephen Covey
Whether or not we belong to a church or service organization or have a job that provides meaningful service opportunities, not a day goes by that we can't at least serve one other human being by making deposits of unconditional love.
- Stephen Covey
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Yiyun Li
Horrible that you could write in a language so well, but have nothing meaningful to say.
- Yiyun Li
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Dinesh D'Souza
The free society does not guarantee virtue, any more than it guarantees happiness. But it allows for the pursuit of both, a pursuit rendered all the more meaningful and profound because success is not guaranteed, it has to be won through personal striving.
- Dinesh D'Souza
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Peter Diamandis
The folks who go after grand challenges are impatient. They're pissed off. They're sick and tired, but in a passionate way. They're driven by a fire in their bellies to make a difference.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Bill Crawford
A meaningful life is composed of a series of meaningful moments. If this is what we want, then the ability to infuse each moment with meaning would seem to be a skill worth practicing.
- Bill Crawford
Collection: Meaningful
Image of James C. Collins
For, in the end, it is impossible to have a great life unless it is a meaningful life. And it is very difficult to have a meaningful life without meaningful work.
- James C. Collins
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Don DeLillo
Doesn't seem quite real. It's not meaningful. I can't quite imagine myself being 73. That's the age my father was! [Laughter.] How can I be his age? It's weird.
- Don DeLillo
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Barbara Sher
Unkind criticism is never part of a meaningful critique of you. Its purpose is not to teach or to help, its purpose is to punish.
- Barbara Sher
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Leonard Cohen
There are always meaningful songs for somebody. People are doing their courting, people are finding their wives, people are making babies, people are washing their dishes, people are getting through the day, with songs that we may find insignificant. But their significance is affirmed by others. There’s always someone affirming the significance of a song by taking a woman into his arms or by getting through the night. That’s what dignifies the song. Songs don’t dignify human activity. Human activity dignifies the song.
- Leonard Cohen
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Richard Dawkins
There is something infantile in the presumption that somebody else has a responsibility to give your life meaning and point… The truly adult view, by contrast, is that our life is as meaningful, as full and as wonderful as we choose to make it.
- Richard Dawkins
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Blythe Danner
Part of me says that no life will work if I can't make this one right.
- Blythe Danner
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Erin Heatherton
My interest in fragrance is really a personal thing. I've always gravitated toward them and appreciate the subtle, meaningful way they express who you are.
- Erin Heatherton
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Alan Cohen
Life has meaning only if you do what is meaningful to you.
- Alan Cohen
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Richard Dawkins
The truly adult view [...] is that our life is as meaningful, as full and as wonderful as we choose to make it. And we can make it very wonderful indeed.
- Richard Dawkins
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Gerald Jampolsky
There is no right or wrong behavior. The only meaningful choice is between fear and love.
- Gerald Jampolsky
Collection: Meaningful