Top martin Quotes Collection

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Image of Martin O'Malley
A lot of our Democratic consultants have fallen into the self-defeating prescription that the candidate that runs the most negative ads wins. I have a new theory: Positive is the new negative.
- Martin O'Malley
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin O'Malley
Democrats haven't been functioning effectively as a party at the national level.
- Martin O'Malley
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin O'Malley
As mayor, I got used to the fact that when you walked out of the house in the morning to pick up the newspaper in your boxers, there could be a camera there.
- Martin O'Malley
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin O'Malley
I didn't run for mayor because everything was going great in Baltimore in 1999.
- Martin O'Malley
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin O'Malley
I think it's really, really important to grow the consensus and to realize that there is always some value that can be shared with another American, on any issue. Starting from those points of common belief and shared values is very, I think, important to forging the consensus that allows these issues to more forward.
- Martin O'Malley
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin O'Malley
There are times in Annapolis when a governor's support can move an issue over the goal line.
- Martin O'Malley
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Parr
I always take photographs when I attend a funeral. Most people there know who I am and expect me to be there with my camera.
- Martin Parr
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Parr
Sometimes you feel uncomfortable taking a photograph, but that's all part of the job.
- Martin Parr
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Parr
We live in a difficult but inspiring world, and there is so much out there that I want to record.
- Martin Parr
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Parr
The knack is to find your own inspiration and take it on a journey to create work that is personal and revealing.
- Martin Parr
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Parr
You can't shoot in sepia, so converting into black and white and then into brown makes everything feel less real.
- Martin Parr
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Parr
Most of us, when we go out with a camera in our own country, try to find exotic subject matter to photograph.
- Martin Parr
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Parr
I pride myself in being an aficionado of the British seaside. Throughout my career, I have visited and worked in many of the famous British resorts, from Great Yarmouth to Largs.
- Martin Parr
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Parr
I am not as cross about Thatcher now as I was in the '80s. Begrudgingly, I can see that some of her policies helped modernise Britain.
- Martin Parr
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Parr
Modern technology has taken the angst out of achieving the perfect shot. For me, the only thing that counts is the idea behind the image: what you want to see and what you're trying to say. The idea is crucial. You have to think of something you want to say and expand upon it.
- Martin Parr
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Parr
By default, I am a travel photographer. I work on a combination of commissions and personal projects that take me around the world.
- Martin Parr
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Parr
Personally, I don't take holidays; I go on trips. My idea of relaxing is taking a trip that isn't commissioned. I'll work just as hard, but without that nagging pressure of fulfilling a commission. Now that's what I call a holiday.
- Martin Parr
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
There is no way I could've been so durable playing in the Western Conference. The travel is nuts.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
I played hockey with the best of them.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
In life, nothing is always fun.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
I think I was just really comfortable in my goalie equipment, just being in the net and being by myself for 60 minutes and talking to myself sometimes.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
On the personal level, it's hard for a goalie. You don't get awards for save percentage or anything like that. Your work is really put into how many wins you can get, how many times you can get your team in the playoffs and all that. So I took a lot of pride in winning.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
I couldn't care less lots of times about getting scored on late in a game because it would affect my goals-against average or my save percentage.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
When I got drafted I just wanted to play one game in the NHL. I didn't really care anything about winning.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
Every time I have a chance I'm going to make a pass to one of my players in practice. Every time I have a chance I'm going to clear the puck just to see how far I'm going to be able to shoot it.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
You go through playoff series and people forget about them. Nobody forgets about a Rangers-Devils series. It's demanding.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
My life was going to school, having a snack and going outside to play hockey until dinner time. I would then do my homework and go back out to play, but only if the Canadiens weren't playing that night. That's what I did every day, whether it was street hockey or pond hockey.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
The thing about hockey for me is I'm really competitive and I like to have fun.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
When you have a little success you let up a little bit.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
Hockey is just a game.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
Every year you go out and there are teams you have success against and there are teams that are a little tougher.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
I'm a guy that wanted to have fun. When I look back at all the wins I had, I must have had a lot of fun playing the game and made people happy.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
You're paid to perform. There is an outcome to a game and it doesn't matter how many goals you score. If you don't win, you don't have a good time.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
I practiced and played a certain way that kept my body limber. That's probably why I never got hurt.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
Before I played in the NHL I had two surgeries. Definitely I was like, 'Wow, this is not good. I haven't played a game yet and I have two surgeries.' I didn't get another one ever again. I was fortunate.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
There are good people here in the Midwest. That's for sure.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
I'm just glad that people think I'm good. The other way around would not be fun!
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
I love being part of a team.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
It takes a special individual to be a coach to pay attention to all that bad stuff and keep people accountable.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
I've always played hockey to win, not to get shutouts.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
I loved the city of St. Louis.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
I was fortunate to be part of great teams that had success, and I was part of great teams that didn't have success.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
Every team writes its own story.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
I never won a Vezina Trophy until I won the Olympic gold medal.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
The Montreal Canadiens have been a big part of my family.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
Photography was a big part of our family.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
There's a lot of guys that are able to perform for a short period of time. It could be a week, it could be a month, it could be two months, it could be one season. It's doing it over and over. And being consistent was something that watching Patrick Roy all these years, that's what he was. He never had down years.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
I think if you want to be a successful president or a manager of a team, you need to understand what the business is all about because you have to deal with the business side of the game to be able to do what you need to do.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
I think the NHL has done a great job of building the sport as far as getting the people's attention and letting them know what's going on in hockey - especially when the powers meet each other.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin
Image of Martin Brodeur
My dad would talk to players like Claude Lemieux and Stephane Richer and tell them one day his son was going to play in the NHL. How many dads say the same thing? But, gee, he was right.
- Martin Brodeur
Collection: Martin