Top margot Quotes Collection

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Image of Margot Robbie
I'm one extreme or the other. I'm not good at doing moderation.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
In my big group of girlfriends at home, I am definitely not the best looking. I did not grow up feeling like I was particularly attractive.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
I get miserable if I don't eat.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
I always wanted to play ice hockey back in Australia, I'm not sure why, but we didn't have any ice where I lived. It was very hot - a coastal town.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
People ask me, 'How do you remember your lines?' That's nothing. That is the least of my concerns.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
I have no concept of modesty anymore.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
I live with three boys, and I can't tell you how hard it is to get your hands on toilet paper. They steal it.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
I now know how to steal a watch when someone's wearing it. It's an excellent talent to have.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
It's not about being rich, but everyone back home has a pool. And I was a total water baby. My mom couldn't get me out - she'd put my dinner plate at the end of the pool, and I'd eat my meals in the water.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
I learned a lot about pain and suffering during 'Pan Am.' We had to wear very constricting period-correct girdles and bras. After that, I learned to read a script with an eye toward the undergarments.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
I made a conscious decision not to date actors.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
People take such an interest in your love life when you have a profile; it puts a lot of stress on a relationship.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
I really want to do a Western. I want to be the dude who is riding horses and doing exciting things - something where I get to do something physical and have to train for it. I don't want to be the damsel.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
You should have seen me at 14, with braces and glasses, gangly and doing ballet!
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
People ask me all the time what it is about Australia that produces so many big stars. Honestly, I believe it is a combination of things. Our education standards are quite high, but our industry is very limited. Yet we're very aware of the industry - everyone goes to the theater, sees TV shows.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
I still have my agent back in Australia keeping an eye on things there, and we are trying to find the right job which will bring me home to shoot.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
I have been robbed a bunch of times. And now that I know how to pickpocket, I understand why I have been pickpocketed so many times.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
I am unobservant.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
Something I realized when I moved to America: people get these general American accents, but when they get angry or upset or excited, their original accents come out. It's something I noticed with my manager, because he's from New York, and the first time he got angry, he suddenly had this accent.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
When I first tried the American accent, for a moment I thought I could never be an actor because I just could not do it. But then I thought, 'Okay, it'll just be something that I work at until I get it.'
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
There is something about being people from your home country in a different country. It bonds you together.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
Ironically, I don't like having cameras in my face.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
The two things I've been told most often since my career took off - by taxi drivers, lifelong friends and everyone in between - have been, 'Don't ever change, Margot' and 'You can't do that anymore, Margot.'
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
I have never been a cynical person.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
The most frustrating thing is picking up a script and loving the roles in it except the female ones... It's really annoying and something I've striven to change in the industry.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
It's always good to have a story arch.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
I get very into my sports.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
My mum is just the sweetest person on Earth, and if I turned into her, I wouldn't be that upset at all; in fact, it would be an honour.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
It irritates me so much the way people talk about soaps because it is far more difficult working on a soap than it is on a big studio film.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
Any time I have any time off, I try to travel.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
I always have more fun when I stay in hostels - you just meet so many more people. A hotel makes sense when you're doing work things, but travelling, you don't really get a feel for a place if you're in a hotel. I find it seems to make it all feel like everywhere else.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
Initially I thought: 'I would never get cast opposite Will Smith! No one would ever buy it with the age difference, our personalities.' I can't think of a couple that makes less sense in every way, shape and form.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
People negotiate their way around how a human mind works and find blind points. That's how people steal effectively.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
A movie shoots six months for two hours of film.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
I was devastated when I had to go blonde.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
I started working on a TV show in Australia, straight out of high school, so I missed the whole university experience.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
My hockey is good, but my ice skating is terrible. It's a bit of a mess to watch!
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
I have to keep explaining to people that screen kissing isn't quite the same; it's close, but it isn't quite the same as a normal, real-life kiss.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
It seems to be the way I get jobs - I book a holiday, I get to the other side of the world, then I'll get the job.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
People don't really know about 'Neighbours' in America, and if they have heard of it, it's only in the context of 'Oh, sure, that's what Guy Pearce was on', or Kylie Minogue.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
It was actually nice to get a fresh, clean slate when I came to America.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
There are things in life that don't come to me naturally, and social media and the Internet and all those things are some of them, somewhere between taxes and cooking!
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
If people are talking about me, I want it to be because of the work I'm doing and not the person I'm seeing.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
I'm pretty open, and when I do interviews, I end up blabbing.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
'Wolf of Wall Street' opened up a lot of doors for me. It was such a massive opportunity, which provided me with only more opportunities.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
Everyone's set the bar really high and expects me to be brilliant.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
No one in my family had ever done anything acting-wise or entertainment industry-wise.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot
Image of Margot Robbie
Once people see you pulling off one role, they think you're a safe bet to do a similar role.
- Margot Robbie
Collection: Margot