Top liz Quotes Collection

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Image of Liz Carr
There's nothing worse than having an itch you can't scratch - except perhaps having an itch you can't even direct your PA to scratch: 'Left I mean right I mean left I mean arrgghh!'
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
I am a control freak back seat driver; a map reading co-pilot who directs every turn of the wheel.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
Religion, certainly in the U.K., used to hold our fears and our discussions about death. That's where we saw death, in church or in funerals, and that helped us and provided us with a way through. I say this as an atheist.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
Theatre should remain accessible even to those of us who have health condition.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
In the same way you might have a British-sign-language performance, I think you should have Covid-safer performances.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
Since being told as a child that I 'wouldn't live to be old,' I worry about it, I'm scared of it and I expect it at every turn. If I'm not talking, thinking or writing about it, I'm telling jokes about it. For me, death has become a way of life.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
I'm strictly not into dancing and I'm definitely not encouraging death. In fact, I have the opposite problem: I'm so worried about dying that I've become a little obsessed about my health. And not in a good way.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
I don't eat well, exercise or do whatever is necessary to be as healthy as I can be. No, instead I obsess that every little bodily sensation that is unfamiliar or unwanted could be the beginning of the end.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
Years of watching 'Casualty,' 'House' and 'ER' have made me into an enthusiastic, amateur doctor.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
There's something really morbid about audiences, we love to solve a mystery. We like peering behind the curtains. In 'Silent Witness,' it's not an easy solve and you often don't know who the culprit is until quite near the end when something else is revealed.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
Personally, as a lover of musicals, I think we should do a musical version of 'Silent Witness!'
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
In 'Silent Witness,' they are consistently good cases and good stories.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
I often get people saying they are a disabled actor and how nice it is to see a disabled actor on screen.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
Silent Witness' is all-inclusive.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
If you're going to be brutal about what TV's about these days, the key question is, 'Does it get the audiences?' And 'Silent Witness' gets great audiences.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
The wealthier you are, the more that you're down in records, usually. Apart from births and deaths.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
Silent Witness' took nine months a year, so it did cut out an awful lot of projects that I would have loved to do. I was starting to almost resent that, because I wanted to do other things.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
Personally for me, as an electric-wheelchair-using disabled woman, it's really interesting to be cast in things that are historical, or part of a different world.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
There's such negativity around disability, so when I knew I had to use a wheelchair, it was worse than death almost.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
There is often hypocrisy in our obsession with language. Many people use the 'right' language but still see me as a cripple, if you see what I mean.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
My life can be difficult, I need a hand to do lots of things I can't do for myself. But those things still don't mean I can't be a Hollywood actress.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
Everybody has a story and being a disabled person means you have a unique story.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
So much is not known about disability and so much feared. I can understand that because if we're not everywhere, if access and attitudes means we don't get to mingle and be in the same places as everyone else, then how do you know who we are?
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
We have so few opportunities in the media to explore disability.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
Television and film seem to love those individuals who want to die. They're less keen to cover the rest of us who might want to live but are struggling to get the health and social care resources to do so.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
I never see anyone on TV that I can really relate to in terms of sexuality.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
The value of a life is not just in its physicality but in our relationships with those around us.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
When the disabled and able-bodied worlds collide in normal life, many are unsure how to act and what to say.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
I'm a frail-looking wheelchair-using standup, and the audience are stunned when I take the mic.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
Sometimes people will raise a hand to their mouth in shock at something I've said. Sometimes people will laugh and berate themselves in equal measure. But when people laugh because something is funny rather than out of obligation, pity or politeness, then you know it's been a good gig.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
I've not followed traditional paths and I think that's partly because, as a disabled person, there are so few expectations of me.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
I'm egotistical and an exhibitionist.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
I think disability is the last bastion of political correctness, and people need to see that disabled people are funny. You know, our lives are quite fascinating and there's a lot that people can learn from that.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
I am from a very funny family.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carr
In a way, security comes less high up for me in priorities and experiences.
- Liz Carr
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carmouche
I kind of will over everything. There will be situations where like 'I refuse!'
- Liz Carmouche
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carmouche
I've always been a little powerhouse.
- Liz Carmouche
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carmouche
There's a feeling of invincibility that comes with being young, with being fit and in the prime of your life. But I learned when I was in the Marines just like I've learned as a UFC fighter that no one is invincible, and that you have to project yourself at all times.
- Liz Carmouche
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carmouche
Beast. That's what everybody says about me.
- Liz Carmouche
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carmouche
I spent so much time in the closet in the Marine Corps and I wasn't going to hide who I was. If it meant I was going to lose out on opportunities, they weren't meant to be.
- Liz Carmouche
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carmouche
There was a point when people didn't see the UFC as supporting the LGBT community or homosexuality. But by embracing me, the UFC showed that wasn't true and that it wanted to support the community as much as possible.
- Liz Carmouche
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carmouche
Physically, no disrespect to Ronda, but I don't think she has an advantage over anybody else. She's not physically stronger than any other opponent I've gone against.
- Liz Carmouche
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carmouche
I've fought other women where I've gone to move them and thought, 'Oh, she's not budging.' I didn't experience that with Ronda.
- Liz Carmouche
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carmouche
If there's anything I've learned, it's that I need to take the opportunities when they come.
- Liz Carmouche
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carmouche
I'm always brought in to be the loser and I'm OK with that.
- Liz Carmouche
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carmouche
In society, it's hard for some to view women getting hit. They see the women as different figures rather than as athletes and fighters.
- Liz Carmouche
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carmouche
I've had nothing but positive feedback and support from the LGBT community.
- Liz Carmouche
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carmouche
A lot of people see M.M.A. as this violent cage fighting, and they don't see it as being two athletes who have put so much time and energy and focus into it.
- Liz Carmouche
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carmouche
They test NFL players for brain trauma. They track them for the life of their career and even outside of their career. So I've done all the MRIs and testing with them.
- Liz Carmouche
Collection: Liz
Image of Liz Carmouche
I was offered an opportunity to do the Sports Illustrated cover when they did the skin cover with Miesha Tate and Ronda Rousey. That to me was compromising my integrity of who I was and everything that I stand for.
- Liz Carmouche
Collection: Liz