Top lecrae Quotes Collection

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Image of Lecrae
My mother was a - she worked at a halfway house. And one of the former inmates slid me a mix-tape full of different hip-hop songs. And so that was my first kind of experience with rap music.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
I've always been the type of person - you know, I kind of am extreme. So you know, I'm not like, 'Oh, let me get one tattoo.' It's, like, my old whole arm has to be covered.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
In Scripture, when something is repeated, especially a name, it shows an emotional connection, a deeper sense of meaning.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
Laying my will down for Jesus was laying my life down for others.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
It is possible to call God 'Lord,' to feel emotionally connected to faith, to do the altruistic things and still not want God.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
My mother, my relatives, and closest friends have risked their lives in the area of law enforcement and corrections, so I never have and never will say, 'I hate police.'
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
Honestly, the pains of humanity have been draining me.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
I don't like putting on airs; that's not my thing. I'd rather just be myself, just connecting to people genuinely.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
I just don't want to be the artist who's out on the road and has no real perspective of what's happening at home.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
Faith is not about serving some tyrant in the sky that says, 'You need to get your act together.' Faith is about having a loving father who says, 'Hey, listen... I'm here with you. I'm going to hold your hand. Just rock with me.'
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
History doesn't give credence for resorting to violence to have your voice heard.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
I hate systemic oppression in America.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
People have got to form some kind of unified fronts where you know who your allies are, you know who your friends are, and really begin to work together to create different kinds of infrastructures to protect one another and to help one another thrive.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
Atlanta, to me, has the sauce as far as urban music is concerned.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
Jesus ain't American, you know what I mean? And there is gonna be more people in Heaven who don't speak English and are not white when we get there.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
Hip-hop is substance. It's social. It's science - that's what it started off as. We have fun, and we still having fun; ain't nothing wrong with fun, but we need that social, we need that substance, we need that science, and we need that spiritual.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
My mom was big on education, big on reading, so she was always pushing books on me: 'The Autobiography of Malcolm X,' like, 'Read these books.' And it was like, man, I'm learning stuff that I just can't get anywhere else.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
I know I'm wonderfully made, and nobody can take that away from me. So regardless of what I show you or expose to you, you don't have any bearing on my worth and what I mean.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
I love Lauryn Hill when she first came out with her solo project because it felt like she just knew what she was doing.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
You take the negative, the bitter, the pain, the suffering, the depression, and all of those are ingredients for something far more purposeful than you can imagine.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
For me, 2016-17 was hell, and there's no way around it for me. I went through pain, depression, fear, doubt, and all of that was a journey that I was able to write through, and then I wrote when I was coming out of that dark place as well.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
I spent some time in Cairo, and you see these Coptic Christians and Muslims holding hands. They got a rich history together of working together and cohabitating. You couldn't pay to see that in America.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
For a lot of people, groups, Christians included, issues are homogenized. And so to be a Christian, I'm either this staunch, conservative Republican, or I'm this tree-hugging liberal. You're stereotyped. It's almost assumed that people know what your issues are going to be.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
To realize that I had been living a lie, to realize that I was unsatisfied and I would never be satisfied until I came to Jesus was so revolutionary to me that I wanted everyone to taste it. I wanted everyone to see how awesome God was.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
I thought that God and rap would never work. I thought that God wasn't okay with rap. People knew I used to rap, and I went to the Bible studies. Someone said, 'Hey, you should rap about Jesus.'
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
I feel fortunate to have a huge family that is beyond race, creed, culture, and have a Father who shepherds us all. When I think about that, my mind is blown.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
When God's hand is on you, there's nothing anybody can do to stop that.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
I'm not afraid of people; I'm afraid of not doing what God created me to do.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
I know where my bills get paid from, and that's God!
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
I don't feel any sense of prioritizing white evangelicalism.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
Many people don't know that all Grammy awards are not created equal. An unspoken hierarchy exists in many circles, and some categories are more respected than others.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
Being an outspoken Christian in the music industry means always feeling out of place. It's like whatever you have accomplished is less credible because of your faith.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
I try to produce music that is life-giving and inspires people to hope, but it isn't just for the super-religious. I want to address themes that people who aren't Christian can appreciate.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
My stepdad didn't have a father growing up, so he didn't know how to have a father-son style conversation. Plus, we had a tense relationship in which he never really offered me advice.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
My mom had always been big on education. She was the first woman in our family to go to college, and she often reminded me that I needed to go to college if I wanted to really make it in life.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
When I hung out with my Uncle Chris, things got real. He was fun, talkative, and loud. He was the life of the party and a magnet for mischief. Since he saw the world through a gangsta's lens, he wanted me to become tough and aggressive.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
As children, we look up to people, for better or worse, and see them as the standard for how we should act and identify ourselves.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae
Image of Lecrae
Growing up in inner-city neighborhoods, there's a particular structure, which I'm sure is true of most social contexts. The type of person you are determines the role you play.
- Lecrae
Collection: Lecrae