Leadership Quotes: Guidance for Todays Leaders - Page 56

Empower your leadership journey with quotes from successful leaders. Gain insights to lead effectively and inspire others. Page 56 provides more leadership quotes.

Image of Andy Hargreaves
Students become good learners when they are in the classes of teachers who are good learners.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
Teaching is not the oldest profession. But it is certainly among the loneliest.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
Service to others should be one of the most basic purposes of family life and schooling.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
Implementation of technological change must involve critics as well as advocates.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
In collaborative cultures, failure and uncertainty are not protected but shared and discussed to gain support.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
The most important emotion in classrooms is surprise.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
Teachers are always emotional: by default if they bore us, and by design when they excite us.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
We will not achieve high performance in education if we replace teachers with machines or turn teachers into machines.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
Every learner has special needs.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
Sustainable leadership does no harm to and actively improves the surrounding environment.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
Adolescence is about digging out the iron inside irony.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
On being: Arrogance is not the prerogative of the gifted.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Everyone I meet is in some way my superior.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
If the king is in the palace, nobody looks at the walls. It is when he is gone, and the house is filled with grooms and gazers, that we turn from the people, to find relief in the majestic men that are suggested by the pictures and the architecture.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Vivacity, leadership, must be had, and we are not allowed to be nice in choosing. We must fetch the pump with dirty water, if clean cannot be had.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
The only thing that can grow is the thing you give energy to.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Maya Angelou
Even here in America, we felt the cool, refreshing breeze of freedom when Nelson Mandela took the seat of Presidency in his country where formerly he was not even allowed to vote. We were enlarged by tears of pride as we saw Nelson Mandela's former prison guards invited, courteously, by him to watch from the front rows his inauguration.
- Maya Angelou
Collection: Leadership
Image of Larry Ellison
It's fascinating as we continue to innovate and lead the way in both the application space and the database space. In the very beginning, people said you couldn't make relational databases fast enough to be commercially viable. I thought we could, and we were the first to do it. But we took tremendous abuse until IBM said, "Oh yeah, this stuff is good."
- Larry Ellison
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Divine persons are character born, or, to borrow a phrase from Napoleon, they are victory organized.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Society gains nothing whilst a man, not himself renovated, attempts to renovate things around him; he has become tediously good insome particular but negligent or narrow in the rest; and hypocrisy and vanity are often the disgusting result.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Peter Drucker
The person who will make the greatest contribution to a company is the mature person-and you cannot have maturity if you have no life or interest outside the job.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Leadership
Image of Benjamin Disraeli
We live in age of prudence. The leaders of the people now generally follow.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
Students are often the last to know about change that is occurring in their own school system.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
Economic necessity should be the mother of educational invention
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
Strong professional communities risk and sometimes relish conflict.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
Professional trust is a process, not a state.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
It is those who have the distinction of privilege who set the standards of disgust with failure.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
Time is the enemy of freedom.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
There is no algorithm for creativity.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
The teacher has more power than the Minister.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Peter Drucker
Knowledge people and service people learn the most when they teach .
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Leadership
Image of Peter Drucker
Leaders grow; they are not made.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Leadership
Image of Peter Drucker
People in any organization, including bureaucrats and politicians, are always attached to the obsolete; the obsolescent; the things that should have worked but didn't; the things that once were productive and no longer are.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Leadership
Image of Snoop Dogg
I'm so sick and tired of all this violence, this gun violence. And how could I speak on it - you know - being one who has advocated violence and gun violence? The only way I could do it was through a song that spoke from the heart.
- Snoop Dogg
Collection: Leadership
Image of Carly Fiorina
I think leadership of any kind requires trust and transparency and voters should demand no less from their political leadership in government.
- Carly Fiorina
Collection: Leadership
Image of Wayne Dyer
Each person must decide for himself what he wants each day. As a leader, I will expose you to the options and the likely consequences of those options. I'll even share my opinion if asked, but I'll never confuse it with the opinion, which simply doesn't exist.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
The economists who have put the spotlight on teacher quality are the ones who most misunderstand it.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
Human growth is not like rhubarb. It can be nurtured and encouraged but it cannot be forced.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
As we seek to eliminate individualism in teaching, we should not eradicate individuality with it.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
You cannot understand the teacher or their teaching without understanding the person the teacher is.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
It is not the time to put school districts up for auction. Now is the time to galvanize them into action.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
There is no morality without temptation; otherwise it is just lack of opportunity.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
Excellence is the asymptotic state that never quite reaches perfection.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
Total teachers aren't perfect teachers.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
Too often, shared visions really mean, "I have a vision; you share it!"
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
If we're all on the same page, no one's reading the whole book.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
On technology: The teacher is mightier than the mouse.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
On data: We are the drivers, not the driven.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andy Hargreaves
It's time for the US to widen its circle of learning, not to circle its wagons against hostile ideas in education reform.
- Andy Hargreaves
Collection: Leadership