Leadership Quotes: Guidance for Todays Leaders - Page 30

Empower your leadership journey with quotes from successful leaders. Gain insights to lead effectively and inspire others. Page 30 provides more leadership quotes.

Image of Carla Overbeck
We've gotten so much as a result of the changes. Part of our responsibility is to give something back to the game and the girls who are just starting to play.
- Carla Overbeck
Collection: Leadership
Image of Gustav Nossal
Community leadership is the courage, creativity and capacity to inspire participation, development and sustainability for strong communities.
- Gustav Nossal
Collection: Leadership
Image of Gustav Nossal
The motivations of a scientist are always mixed and complex... every medical student has the desire to do good in the world. Making a small contribution to that effort is really in a sense the last significant thing that I want to do with my life.
- Gustav Nossal
Collection: Leadership
Image of Gustav Nossal
Barry Jones once said that Australia is the only country where the word 'academic' is a pejorative. The academic sector has a vibrant and practical role to play in this complex world of ours. Higher education and research are worthy of your much closer attention. Yes, we can be and should be the clever country. Our progress can be within the highest ethical and moral framework. But this will only happen if we place appropriate emphasis on education, research and innovation within a truly international framework.
- Gustav Nossal
Collection: Leadership
Image of Gustav Nossal
I am most proud about the science I've done with my own two hands because I have always thought that even if your life path takes you into a leadership position outside the area you were known for, your legitimacy remains in that first field.
- Gustav Nossal
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ellen Sauerbrey
The best way to learn is by doing; never ask others to do what you're not willing to do yourself.
- Ellen Sauerbrey
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ptolemy
The length of life takes the leading place among inquiries about events following birth.
- Ptolemy
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jimmy Haslam
The really great athletes make their news on the field, not off the field.
- Jimmy Haslam
Collection: Leadership
Image of Old Tom Morris
Socrates had a student named Plato, Plato had a student named Aristotle, and Aristotle had a student named Alexander the Great.
- Old Tom Morris
Collection: Leadership
Image of John Yu
Stand up for what you think is right. That might be very different from what I am saying today, but you are allowed to differ from me just as I am allowed to differ from you. That is part of our strength as a country that we can differ from each other.
- John Yu
Collection: Leadership
Image of John Yu
These are challenging and exciting times. No previous generation of Australians has ever had such an opportunity. No other country in the world has such an opportunity now. So long as we retain faith in ourselves, practise tolerance and reward initiative, we should be in no doubt about succeeding.
- John Yu
Collection: Leadership
Image of Fred Hollows
When I've seen an opportunity I haven't sat down and called a committee meeting, We've gone and done it.
- Fred Hollows
Collection: Leadership
Image of Fred Hollows
The neglect this implied, the suffering and wasted quality of human life were appalling.
- Fred Hollows
Collection: Leadership
Image of Hassan Rouhani
The overwhelming majority of our nation - intellectuals, academics, theologians, the greats, and the leadership - are in favor of getting the sanctions removed.
- Hassan Rouhani
Collection: Leadership
Image of John Cornyn
The Senate used to be a place of great debate and accomplishment. Now it is run like a dictatorship shutting out the voices of millions of Americans.
- John Cornyn
Collection: Leadership
Image of Elizabeth Evatt
You have to see human rights as an all-embracing concept. It could be something that would unite the world, if it could only be seen in that light.
- Elizabeth Evatt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Elizabeth Evatt
I believe every woman should have the right to live in a home free of deadly weapons.
- Elizabeth Evatt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Paul Hasluck
I think personal diplomacy has caused a lot of mischief and harm, and has impeded the progress of peace in the world. It leads to a very great fallacy - the almost pathetic belief of some Foreign Ministers - that, if they had lunch with someone and called him by his Christian name, they have changed the fundamental facts of relationship between nations.
- Paul Hasluck
Collection: Leadership
Image of Paul Hasluck
The dominant feature of the later legislation has been this steady reduction of the status of the native, and, though the intention has been protective, legislation has now gone so far that it may well be asked what purpose or plan there is or what possible outcome there can be from a system that confines the native within a legal status that has more in common with that of a born idiot than of any other class of British subject.
- Paul Hasluck
Collection: Leadership
Image of David Cottrell
Doing the right thing isn't always easy - in fact, sometimes it's real hard - but just remember that doing the right thing is always right.
- David Cottrell
Collection: Leadership
Image of David Cottrell
You will never have enough time to do everything you need to do, so what you need is a crystal clear understanding of the important things you have to do.
- David Cottrell
Collection: Leadership
Image of David Cottrell
Your team has entrusted a portion of their life to you, and it's your job to help them grow, personally and professionally.
- David Cottrell
Collection: Leadership
Image of David Cottrell
To fulfill you potential, you need to move out of your comfort zone and into the legacy zone.
- David Cottrell
Collection: Leadership
Image of David Cottrell
When you accepted your job, you were not chosen solely to fill a position on the organization chart; you were chosen to fill a responsibility.
- David Cottrell
Collection: Leadership
Image of David Cottrell
The worst type of employee you can have is one who has mentally quit and is still physically coming to work every day.
- David Cottrell
Collection: Leadership
Image of David Cottrell
Guard your integrity as if it's your most precious leadership possession, because that is what it is.
- David Cottrell
Collection: Leadership
Image of David Cottrell
Your job is not to lower the bottom by adjusting for and accommodating the lowest-performing employees. You should be raising the top by recognizing and rewarding superstar behavior.
- David Cottrell
Collection: Leadership
Image of David Cottrell
Successful people keep moving, even when they are discouraged and have made mistakes.
- David Cottrell
Collection: Leadership
Image of David Cottrell
The single greatest demotivator of a team is having members who are not carrying their load.
- David Cottrell
Collection: Leadership
Image of David Cottrell
One of the main things for a leader is to eliminate confusion.
- David Cottrell
Collection: Leadership
Image of David Cottrell
I have found success is ultimately realized by people who make more right choices . . . and recover quickly from their bad choices.
- David Cottrell
Collection: Leadership
Image of David Cottrell
People quit people before they quit companies.
- David Cottrell
Collection: Leadership
Image of David Cottrell
Enthusiasm is something you can't fake, and it has a tremendous effect on everyone around you.
- David Cottrell
Collection: Leadership
Image of Simon McKeon
I embrace the concept of enlightened self-interest - that in doing something for others, people also reap profound benefits for themselves. It might involve a little bit of sacrifice and discipline, but, and this is so crucial to understand, that participation has given me back so, so much more than I have given it.
- Simon McKeon
Collection: Leadership
Image of Simon McKeon
Investing intelligently in those of us who are marginalised means fewer people in jail, fewer homeless, fewer unemployed, fewer of us who are forlorn and depressed, fewer people addicted to things that drag us down... Because as we invest in those that do it tough, we will see more Australians taking pride in themselves, having realisable dreams and aspirations and making their own positive contribution to the world's greatest nation.
- Simon McKeon
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ellen Sandell
I didn't set out to become a leader, so I always come back to my first lesson - just do it. If you're the first one out there actively doing something to solve a problem then you'll naturally fall into a leadership role.
- Ellen Sandell
Collection: Leadership
Image of John Welch
The world of the 90s and beyond will belong to managers or those who make the numbers dance, as we used to say, or those who are conversant with all the business jargon we used to sound smart. The world will belong to passionate, driven leaders -- people who not only have an enormous amount of energy but who can energize those whom they lead.
- John Welch
Collection: Leadership
Image of Paul Sloane
Today's president, CEO or managing director needs to be a disruptive influence with imagination, vision, and courage to lead the organization into new and dangerous territory. The leader must be an entrepreneurial driver who can inspire the team to boldly venture into uncharted lands.
- Paul Sloane
Collection: Leadership
Image of Eva Cox
Leading women, if they are to offer variations from the present companies of leading men, need to be drawn from a wide spectrum of household and family arrangements. If women with children and family responsibilities are almost always seriously limited by these, then those currently in power will not have the personal experience necessary to represent these overlooked areas.
- Eva Cox
Collection: Leadership
Image of Eva Cox
The essence of leadership is making up your own mind and then being able to take other people with you.
- Eva Cox
Collection: Leadership
Image of Eva Cox
We have to recognise that the validation of identity comes through relationships we have and what we produce.
- Eva Cox
Collection: Leadership
Image of Eva Cox
Men as well as women, must strive for a balance of experience. Masculinity, defined as requiring the ability to act physically or mentally but excluding anything too emotional or nurturing, currently denies men this balance. Their ability to care is seen as inappropriate for everyday use, and a lack of desire for power or promotion are seen as signs of inadequacy.
- Eva Cox
Collection: Leadership
Image of Eva Cox
A balance is necessary in life. To achieve this we must move away from broad definitions of workplaces as functional and households as emotional. Similarly, home, the haven in a heartless world, as defined by men, cannot be used by them as an antidote to the workplace's discomforts and demands, if this means having the wife as a servicer.
- Eva Cox
Collection: Leadership
Image of Richard Farson
The best ideas aren't hidden in shadowy recesses. They're right in front of us, hidden in plain sight. Innovation seldom depends on discovering obscure or subtle elements but in seeing the obvious with fresh eyes. This is easier said than done because nothing is as hard to see as what's right before our eyes. We overlook what we take for granted. Billions of tea drinkers observed the force of steam escaping from water boiling in a kettle before James Watt realized that this vapor could be converted into energy.
- Richard Farson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Wilma Scott Heide
We will no longer be led only by that half of the population whose socialization, through toys, games, values and expectations, sanctions violence as the final assertion of manhood, synonymous with nationhood.
- Wilma Scott Heide
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jocelynne Scutt
If women don't lead, nobody else is going to, because nobody else feels as passionately as we do about injustices. We feel passionate about injustices to women and girls, and not in exclusion to injustices elsewhere.
- Jocelynne Scutt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bronwyn Bishop
I realised early on that there were two groups of people in the world: those who made the decisions and those who had the decisions made for them. I wanted to be one of the decision-makers.
- Bronwyn Bishop
Collection: Leadership
Image of Pierre de Coubertin
In the name of all competitors I promise that we will take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by all the rules which govern them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honour of our teams.
- Pierre de Coubertin
Collection: Leadership
Image of Stephen Covey
What you do has far greater impact than what you say.
- Stephen Covey
Collection: Leadership