Leadership Quotes: Guidance for Todays Leaders - Page 10

Empower your leadership journey with quotes from successful leaders. Gain insights to lead effectively and inspire others. Page 10 provides more leadership quotes.

Image of Ed Gillespie
So I think that our foreign policy, the president's strong and principled leadership when it comes to the war against terror and foreign policy is going to be an asset.
- Ed Gillespie
Collection: Leadership
Image of Paul Ryan
Hope and change? We're not doing that anymore. They're doing attack and blame. And so, I just think people are going to see through this. They want real leadership. They want us to get this country on the right track.
- Paul Ryan
Collection: Leadership
Image of Kofi Annan
I urge the Iraqi leadership for sake of its own people... to seize this opportunity and thereby begin to end the isolation and suffering of the Iraqi people.
- Kofi Annan
Collection: Leadership
Image of Noam Chomsky
The Washington leadership has put aside non-proliferation programmes and devoted its energies and resources to driving the country to war by extraordinary deceit, then trying to manage the catastrophe it created in Iraq.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Leadership
Image of Manti Te'o
Ray Lewis, I've grown up watching Ray Lewis. Just watching his intensity, his passion for the game, his love for the game, his work ethic. Everything in a linebacker that you want to be is in Ray Lewis, from leadership qualities, all that.
- Manti Te'o
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jim Leach
America somehow thinks that leadership relates to governance, and it certainly does. But society is much bigger than governance, and some of the truly great leadership of our society is outside the governance arena.
- Jim Leach
Collection: Leadership
Image of Rahm Emanuel
While Mayor Daley surprised me today with his decision to not run for reelection, I have never been surprised by his leadership, dedication and tireless work on behalf of the city and the people of Chicago.
- Rahm Emanuel
Collection: Leadership
Image of Michael C. Burgess
The Leadership Training Institute of America trains and equips young men and women to be leaders with high standards of personal morality and integrity.
- Michael C. Burgess
Collection: Leadership
Image of Tom Vilsack
Let us build a 21st-century rural economy of cutting-edge companies and technologies that lead us to energy and food security. Such an investment will revitalize rural America, re-establish our moral leadership on climate security and eliminate our addiction to foreign oil.
- Tom Vilsack
Collection: Leadership
Image of C. L. R. James
One of the surest signs of the estimated changes in the consciousness of the American proletariat is to be found in the character of the demands now being put forward by the leadership.
- C. L. R. James
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jack Canfield
In one of my recent books, 'The Success Principles,' I taught 64 lessons that help people achieve what they want out of life. From taking nothing less than 100 percent responsibility for your life to empowering others, these are the fundamentals to success - and to great leadership.
- Jack Canfield
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andreas Schleicher
Despite the characterization of some that teaching is an easy job, with short hours and summers off, the fact is that successful, dedicated teachers in the U.S. work long hours for little pay and, in many cases, insufficient support from their leadership.
- Andreas Schleicher
Collection: Leadership
Image of Robin S. Sharma
There is a new model of leadership in the world that rides on the premise that every single person in the organisation can be a leader. Titles are important for structure and order, but real power does not come from titles.
- Robin S. Sharma
Collection: Leadership
Image of Kenneth Chenault
What's increasingly clear is that when you are open to a discussion of leadership, and you're relating it to your company, it is much easier to get people to become open.
- Kenneth Chenault
Collection: Leadership
Image of Thomas Menino
Preparing our city to achieve its destiny will require strong leadership.
- Thomas Menino
Collection: Leadership
Image of Tim Bishop
This administration and the leadership in Congress appear to be intent on valuing wealth over work, thereby placing working families at a distinct disadvantage.
- Tim Bishop
Collection: Leadership
Image of Nancy Gibbs
There are many things that matter much more than an editor's gender in shaping the direction of the leadership.
- Nancy Gibbs
Collection: Leadership
Image of Haley Barbour
I'm floored that the House leadership would turn its back on job creation for Mississippians.
- Haley Barbour
Collection: Leadership
Image of C. J. Mahaney
Over the years, I have studied church history as well as the contemporary church, and I noticed how rare it is for a God-glorifying transition of leadership to take place in a local church.
- C. J. Mahaney
Collection: Leadership
Image of Dave Brat
In terms of personalities - I don't care about the personalities, I want leadership that's in favor of my principles: free markets, adherence to the Constitution, and equal treatment for everyone under the law.
- Dave Brat
Collection: Leadership
Image of Junior Seau
Leadership can't be fabricated. If it is fabricated and rehearsed, you can't fool the guys in the locker room. So when you talk about leadership, it comes with performance. Leadership comes with consistency.
- Junior Seau
Collection: Leadership
Image of John Hoeven
President Roosevelt's leadership put the world on notice that the United States of America - with the freest, most dynamic economy the world had ever seen - was open for business.
- John Hoeven
Collection: Leadership
Image of Francis Maude
I feel fantastically excited that we have a leader who fought for the leadership without compromising his quite challenging view that the party has to change.
- Francis Maude
Collection: Leadership
Image of Don Tapscott
Leadership is happening, but it's not coming from the leaders of the old institutions. Everywhere you look, you see these extraordinary, sparkling new initiatives that are under way.
- Don Tapscott
Collection: Leadership
Image of Zach Wamp
Hamas, also elected to governmental leadership in Palestine, includes the jihadists, people who have declared war on the United States of America and its ally, Israel.
- Zach Wamp
Collection: Leadership
Image of Michael Gove
The current leadership of the Labor party react to the idea that working-class students might study the subjects they studied with the same horror that the Earl of Grantham showed when a chauffeur wanted to marry his daughter.
- Michael Gove
Collection: Leadership
Image of David Miliband
The biggest novelty of 2013 will be new leadership in China. Very little is known about the views of the new leaders - who will rule the country for ten years. But we do know they're the first generation of Chinese leaders who have spent the majority of their lives in a China 'opening up' to the rest of the world.
- David Miliband
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bill Dedman
In Illinois, where legislators are paid $45,000, plus as much as $10,000 for leadership work, about half are full-time politicians.
- Bill Dedman
Collection: Leadership
Image of Joseph B. Wirthlin
Priesthood lessons are regularly devoted to topics of family leadership, and quorum leaders everywhere are feeling more and more their responsibility to teach and train their quorum members to be better husbands and fathers.
- Joseph B. Wirthlin
Collection: Leadership
Image of Anthony Fauci
Some people feel, you make your case, if they listen to you, fine, if they don't, that's it. That's not what leadership is. Leadership is trying to continue to make a case.
- Anthony Fauci
Collection: Leadership
Image of Studs Terkel
I'm not up on the Internet, but I hear that is a democratic possibility. People can connect with each other. I think people are ready for something, but there is no leadership to offer it to them. People are ready to say, 'Yes, we are part of a world.'
- Studs Terkel
Collection: Leadership
Image of Malcolm Turnbull
China and India will take the global leadership on climate change: they are suffering for it.
- Malcolm Turnbull
Collection: Leadership
Image of Julia Stiles
Even after such milestones as Kathryn Bigelow winning an Oscar, there still seem to be few women in leadership roles.
- Julia Stiles
Collection: Leadership
Image of Matt Cartwright
The federal government needs a strategic approach that includes strong leadership and the ability to manage weather related risks. The challenge of developing such an approach is complex: It must not only encompass all levels of government but must also be developed in a bipartisan manner.
- Matt Cartwright
Collection: Leadership
Image of Edgar Bronfman, Sr.
Much of what has gone wrong in the pursuit of Arab-Israeli peace is due to a lack of strong leadership, primarily among the Palestinians.
- Edgar Bronfman, Sr.
Collection: Leadership
Image of Leonard Slatkin
The conductor is the artistic leader and sometimes cultural arbiter of his or her community. It is their leadership that is looked to and should anything go wrong, they are the persons taking most of the heat.
- Leonard Slatkin
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ron Kind
I believe that we as the leader of the Free World must provide important leadership on the ethical parameters, the ethical constraints that this research requires.
- Ron Kind
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mike DeWine
To be elected president, you have to do more than tear down your opponents. You have to give the American people a reason to vote for you - a reason to hope - a reason to believe that under your leadership, America will be better.
- Mike DeWine
Collection: Leadership
Image of Gerry Adams
At that time, the army leadership said the implementation of this agreement would allow everyone, including the IRA, to take its political objectives forward by peaceful and democratic means.
- Gerry Adams
Collection: Leadership
Image of Alexis Herman
The public sector certainly includes the Department of Labor. Those are jobs that are available. They are open and they are good paying jobs. The government as a whole has been actually retrenching under President Clinton's leadership.
- Alexis Herman
Collection: Leadership
Image of Wendy Davis
I can say with absolute certainty that I will run for one of two offices: my state Senate seat or for the governor. I'm still trying to decide, but I do think people are ready for a change from the partisan, very fractured leadership we have in Texas.
- Wendy Davis
Collection: Leadership
Image of Sheri L. Dew
You were born to lead as mothers and fathers, because nowhere is righteous leadership more crucial than in the family.
- Sheri L. Dew
Collection: Leadership
Image of Linda Vester
The school made it very clear that women were entitled to positions of authority. That sense of entitlement allowed us to feel that we have a natural place in leadership in the world. That gave me a mental and emotional confidence.
- Linda Vester
Collection: Leadership
Image of Chiang Kai-shek
China is the largest and most ancient of Asiatic countries, but it is not for us boastfully to talk of her right to a position of 'leadership' among those countries.
- Chiang Kai-shek
Collection: Leadership
Image of Thomas P.M. Barnett
So long as the global economy continues to recover, that remains Obama's No. 1 claim to successful leadership. Nothing else even comes close.
- Thomas P.M. Barnett
Collection: Leadership
Image of Julia Louis-Dreyfus
The war and terrorism in the Middle East, the crisis of leadership in many of the oil-supply countries in the developing world, the crisis of global warming - all these are very clearly tied to energy.
- Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Collection: Leadership
Image of Neil Sheehan
World War II had been such a tremendous success story for this country that the political and military leadership began to assume that they would prevail simply because of who they were. We were like the British at the turn of the 19th century.
- Neil Sheehan
Collection: Leadership
Image of Vicente Fox
What nourishes us at home and in school is what inspires us. When we get awareness and learn about the great potential that we all human beings have, we are able to discover our leadership.
- Vicente Fox
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ingvar Kamprad
If there is such a thing as good leadership, it is to give a good example. I have to do so for all the Ikea employees.
- Ingvar Kamprad
Collection: Leadership