Top Law Quotes Collection - Page 49

Discover a curated collection of Law quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 49 provides more Law quotes.

Image of Thomas Jefferson
Knowing that religion does not furnish grosser bigots than law, I expect little from old judges.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Law
Image of William James
If you wish to upset the law that all crows are black, you mustn't seek to show that no crows are; it is enough if you prove one single crow to be white.
- William James
Collection: Law
Image of Richard Bach
Whatever We Hold in Thought Comes True in Our Experience; Like Attracts Like; we experiment with the Law of Changing Appearances, to make our outer world reflect our inner.
- Richard Bach
Collection: Law
Image of Garrison Keillor
My ancestors were Puritans from England. They arrived here in 1648 in the hope of finding greater restrictions than were permissible under English law at that time.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Law
Image of Edward Kennedy
Justice Lewis Powell spoke for all of us when he said: Equal justice under law is perhaps the most inspiring idea of our society. It is one of the ends for which our entire legal system exists.
- Edward Kennedy
Collection: Law
Image of Edward Kennedy
Will a nominee embrace and uphold the essential meaning of the four words inscribed above the entrance of the Supreme Court building: Equal justice under law?
- Edward Kennedy
Collection: Law
Image of Imran Khan
Lack of rule of law is the main reason Pakistan could not join the ranks of progressive nations.
- Imran Khan
Collection: Law
Image of Thomas Jefferson
If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Law
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
The law cannot save those who deny it but neither can the law serve any who do not use it. The history of injustice and inequality is a history of disuse of the law.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Law
Image of Thomas Jefferson
Taste cannot be controlled by law. We must resist at all costs any attempt to regulate our individual freedoms and to legislate our personal moralities.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Law
Image of Jesse Jackson
The law protects you from being abused. It doesn’t threaten your lifestyle for someone else to have the right to exhibit their lifestyle.
- Jesse Jackson
Collection: Law
Image of Thomas Jefferson
And, in general, that branch which is to act ultimately and without appeal on any law is the rightful expositor of the validity of the law, uncontrolled by the opinions of the other coordinate authorities.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Law
Image of Nikos Kazantzakis
For I realize today that it is a mortal sin to violate the great laws of nature. We should not hurry, we should not be impatient, but we should confidently obey the eternal rhythm.
- Nikos Kazantzakis
Collection: Law
Image of Thomas Jefferson
Common sense is the foundation of all authorities, of the laws themselves, and of their construction.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Law
Image of Immanuel Kant
Law And Freedom without Violence (Anarchy) Law And Violence without Freedom (Despotism) Violence without Freedom And Law (Barbarism) Violence with Freedom And Law (Republic)
- Immanuel Kant
Collection: Law
Image of St. Jerome
The laws of Caesar are one thing, those of Christ, another. Papinianus judges one way, our Paul another.
- St. Jerome
Collection: Law
Image of Samuel Johnson
It is one of the maxims of the civil law, that definitions are hazardous.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Law
Image of Thomas Jefferson
We lay it down as a fundamental, that laws, to be just, must give a reciprocation of right; that, without this, they are mere arbitrary rules of conduct, founded in force, and not in conscience.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Law
Image of Immanuel Kant
If I am to constrain you by any law, it must be one by which I am also bound.
- Immanuel Kant
Collection: Law
Image of Samuel Johnson
As to precedents, to be sure they will increase in course of time; but the more precedents there are, the less occasion is there for law; that is to say, the less occasion is there for investigating principles.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Law
Image of Samuel Johnson
Sir, it is wrong to stir up law-suits; but when once it is certain that a law-suit is to go on, there is nothing wrong in a lawyer's endeavouring that he shall have the benefit, rather than another.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Law
Image of Samuel Johnson
There ambush here relentless ruffians lay, And here the fell attorney prowls for prey.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Law
Image of Robert Kiyosaki
I explain the law of compensation like this: ‘Returns are minimal in spite of massive effort at the start, yet returns can be massive with minimal effort over time’.
- Robert Kiyosaki
Collection: Law
Image of John Locke
In transgressing the law of nature, the offender declares himself to live by another rule than that of reason and common equity.
- John Locke
Collection: Law
Image of Abraham Lincoln
One generation passeth away and another generation cometh, but the earth abideth forever.
- Abraham Lincoln
Collection: Law
Image of Zoe Lister-Jones
The Grocery Manufacturers Association is behind the bills which have been trying to pre-empt states' labeling laws in the Senate. And they have a lot of money and power in Washington. So it's a classic David versus Goliath story, where corporate lobbying outweighs consumers' rights.
- Zoe Lister-Jones
Collection: Law
Image of Henry Adams
Unbroken Evolution under uniform conditions pleased every one -- except curates and bishops; it was the very best substitute for religion; a safe, conservative practical, thoroughly Common-Law deity.
- Henry Adams
Collection: Law
Image of Lawrence Lessig
Overregulation corrupts citizens and weakens the rule of law.
- Lawrence Lessig
Collection: Law
Image of Jude Law
Rafferty [Law] plays three or four instruments. He is very gifted. Whereas I pick instruments up and kind of stare at them and go, "I can't ever possibly play this." And I don't!
- Jude Law
Collection: Law
Image of Mike Colter
Law enforcement has always had informants and people they've had to deal with, who walk a certain line. They're choosing between the lesser of two evils. They're befriend one person to gain access to another person, who's a bigger fish.
- Mike Colter
Collection: Law
Image of Eric Liu
In the end, a new Americanization movement can't just be about listing our privileges and immunities, which we catalog in our laws. It also has to be about reinforcing our duties, which we convey in our habits.
- Eric Liu
Collection: Law
Image of Abraham Lincoln
Again, a law may be both constitutional and expedient, and yet may be administered in an unjust and unfair way.
- Abraham Lincoln
Collection: Law
Image of Peter Kropotkin
In existing States a fresh law is looked upon as a remedy for evil. Instead of themselves altering what is bad, people begin by demanding a law to alter it.
- Peter Kropotkin
Collection: Law
Image of Peter Kropotkin
All this we see, and, therefore, instead of inanely repeating the old formula, "Respect the law," we say, "Despise law and all its Attributes!" In place of the cowardly phrase, "Obey the law," our cry, is "Revolt against all laws!"
- Peter Kropotkin
Collection: Law
Image of Peter Kropotkin
But times and tempers are changed. Rebels are everywhere to be found who no longer wish to obey the law without knowing whence it comes, what are its uses, and whither arises the obligation to submit to it, and the reverence with which it is encompassed. The rebels of our day are criticizing the very foundations of society which have hitherto been held sacred, and first and foremost amongst them that fetish, law.
- Peter Kropotkin
Collection: Law
Image of Joseph Wood Krutch
It is disastrous to own more of anything than you can possess, and it is one of the most fundamental laws of human nature that our power actually to possess is limited.
- Joseph Wood Krutch
Collection: Law
Image of Aung San Suu Kyi
It is essential to institute a legal framework that would ensure justice and improve the quality of life in Burma immediately, because the greatest suffering among the people at the moment is caused by lack of justice and lack of the rule of law.
- Aung San Suu Kyi
Collection: Law
Image of Charles Krauthammer
It is ridiculous to sue the president on a Wednesday because he oversteps the law, as he has done a dozen times illegally and unconstitutionally, and then on a Thursday say that he should overstep the law, contradict the law that passed in 2008 and deal with this himself.
- Charles Krauthammer
Collection: Law
Image of Rush Limbaugh
If people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Law
Image of Hosea Ballou
As "unkindness has no remedy at law," let its avoidance be with you a point of honor.
- Hosea Ballou
Collection: Law
Image of Mark Levin
Judicial activists are nothing short of radicals in robes--contemptuous of the rule of law, subverting the Constitution at will, and using their public trust to impose their policy preferences on society. In fact, no radical political movement has been more effective in undermining our system of government than the judiciary. And with each Supreme Court term, we hold our collective breath hoping the justices will do no further damage, knowing full well they will disappoint. Such is the nature of judicial tyranny.
- Mark Levin
Collection: Law
Image of Mark Levin
The Statist has constructed a Rube Goldberg array of laws and policies that have institutionalized his objectives. His success breeds confidence in the limitlessness of his endeavors.
- Mark Levin
Collection: Law
Image of Hosea Ballou
Obedience, as it regards the social relations, the rules of society, and the laws of nature and nature's God, should commence at the cradle and end only at the tomb.
- Hosea Ballou
Collection: Law
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Why do we start immigration in 1965? Guess whose idea it was? Ted Kennedy. Ted Kennedy, 1965, we needed to reinstitute the immigration laws. It wasn't based in humanity, although that's the way it was sold. It was rooted in registering voters.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Law
Image of Rush Limbaugh
This is what everybody's forgetting about [Barak] Obama and his immigration law and his executive action and his amnesty on it, the Supreme Court decision. Immigration law is settled.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Law
Image of Rush Limbaugh
A federal appellate circuit looked at what [Barak] Obama was doing and said he can't do it. Immigration law is settled.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Law
Image of Rush Limbaugh
[Barak] Obama's immigration behavior, executive amnesty, this DREAMer stuff - everything he's doing - is outside the law.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Law
Image of Aldo Leopold
I am asserting that those who love the wilderness should not be wholly deprived of it, that while the reduction of the wilderness has been a good thing, its extermination would be a very bad one, and that the conservation of wilderness is the most urgent and difficult of all the tasks that confront us, because there are no economic laws to help and many to hinder its accomplishment.
- Aldo Leopold
Collection: Law
Image of C. S. Lewis
The Moral Law tells us the tune we have to play: our instincts are merely the keys.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Law