Top kurt Quotes Collection

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Image of Kurt Warner
Nothing is a guarantee at all.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
When I look at my situation, yes, there were a lot of things... small school, didn't play much... but I knew that when I played, I won. And I also played in more of a pro system, so I understood the game of football. That helped me translate when I finally did get my opportunity.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
If the hall of fame happens, what a tremendous honor. But it's just icing on the cake.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
You have to live life for today and for this moment.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
I became a Christian at about 26 years old as I was going through the process of playing Arena football and trying to get back into the NFL and pursue my dream.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
My wife had been a Christian since twelve years old.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
I think life is too sacred to ever take it in any circumstances, even for the cure of a disease or something like that.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
I still feel a heavy responsibility for the people of Missouri because of the respect they have for me but also the things they've done for me.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
There's a huge yearning in our culture for something more... it's being more in touch with God... and what we were created to be.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
The farther we go down a negative path, which we see every day, the more we yearn for the positive.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
The Biggest Loser,' 'The Voice,' and 'American Idol'... they're giving people opportunities to do what they've always dreamed of doing... to me, that's great reality television.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
If so and so would have given me the right opportunity, or if this person would have encouraged me - I could have made a million excuses on why I wasn't playing in the NFL. You have no more excuses... what do you do from now until your opportunity presents itself? It's all up to you.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
The thing that I appreciate so much about my career and journey is that I do believe everybody can relate to it. There were highs and lows, obviously, before I got to the NFL. And then I got there and won a championship.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
I wanted my faith to look the same to everyone else and to be the same for me regardless of what was going on - whether I was on the Super Bowl podium holding the trophy or when I was being benched two years later and people saying that I would never play again.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
Faith lives inside of us in every circumstance.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
One thing faith always did for me is it gave me perspective that, yeah, I was to maximize my gift and talents in the area of football, but it was always a means to glorify God and represent God.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
I look terrible in caps.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
On the football field, I keep my emotions tied up inside, but when I'm with my family, I let them out.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
As far as success, I have always felt that success is determined by competitiveness.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
For so many years, I wished it could have been different. I wished I could have gotten the opportunity sooner. I would have loved to see what had happened had I got to the NFL right out of college and all of those different things.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
It did not matter whether it was preseason, regular season, my first playoff game, or the Super Bowl, I was nervous. And all that meant was that it always mattered to me. Anytime I was putting myself on a line, it didn't matter what it was, it was okay to be nervous because it was important to me. It was important to do my job well.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
The thing about the Super Bowl is, once you got to the Super Bowl City, it was non-stop football, 24/7. You couldn't get away from it. You couldn't leave your hotel room and not get bombarded by fans. You couldn't go have a nice dinner and relax. Friends and family weren't there, so the normalcy of life changed.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
I think, a lot of guys, when they get, you know, those hits or those concussions, they think, 'OK, well, I'm just going to kind of play through it here for the short term, and it's going to get better.' I would venture to say probably 100 percent of the guys that played my sport in the NFL have been there.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
I would love to be a creative offensive consultant where I could help design and help create plays and ways to attack other teams without having the coaching schedule.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
I could see myself doing more color in the future - I love being able to analyze game by game and share the stories with the players.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
I would love to coach and teach people about football. It's just that the time constraints are so tough to coach, especially when you have seven kids and they are growing up. I'm just in too blessed of a situation to spend from five in the morning until 12 at night coaching and not watching my kids grow up.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
I really feel like my story in modern day times is very similar to a biblical story: you know, somebody that nobody expected, that everybody said couldn't, and by God's grace and power, I was able to accomplish a lot.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
I remember one of my first prayers when I became a Christian was simply, 'God, provide a job for me. I don't care how hard I have to work, just provide a job and opportunity so that I can take care of my family.' And you know, that was really all I asked from Him.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
I believe that the only way to truly be fulfilled, the only way to truly be the person that God created us to be, is to live in our passion, is to do what we're passionate about. It changes everything about us.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
I think a lot of people miss out on opportunities, they miss out on achieving their dream, and they miss out on doing what they love to do because they're allowing something else, something outside of them and outside of God, to dictate what their life's going to look like.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
I've been nervous a number of times. Your first start. Playing in the Super Bowl. Your first Super Bowl. Very nerve-racking. The one thing that you can always fall back on is that you know what you are doing. You know how to play the game.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
You have to learn how not to be defined by failure.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
I want people to know that you can chase your dreams no matter where you are in your life, and it can work out. I know. It happened to me.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
For me, as a pocket quarterback, there wasn't much adjustment as I got older.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
When I played, I didn't have the strongest arm, and in a game, I never threw it as hard as I could, either.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
I'd love to be placed in a position to make a difference in regards to my faith, in regards to speaking for Jesus, whether that's some type of ministry platform, being in a big-time position where I could make a difference.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
It's hard for me to sit still.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
I love first chances, but unfortunately, first chances don't always work out for everyone, and I'm a perfect example of that.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
If you have a dream, never stop preparing for that.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Warner
My religion, that's who I am.
- Kurt Warner
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Vile
There's so many FM hits that I love. Bob Seger, there's two of his songs that I love. I would probably love more, but I don't sit around listening to Bob Seger records. It's the same thing with Tom Petty; he writes amazing hits, but it's not often that I sit around at home listening to a whole Tom Petty album.
- Kurt Vile
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Vile
I'm definitely influenced by Animal Collective. I watched them early on.
- Kurt Vile
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Vile
I'll know when a song's really awesome, for sure, and I get super stoked, and I'm so high when I'm hearing it back, but then you sit with the record forever. You're mixing it, and you can really just over-think everything.
- Kurt Vile
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Vile
I've gotten a lot more paranoid in my older age.
- Kurt Vile
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Vile
I'm just used to the L.A. music life.
- Kurt Vile
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Vile
I feel like my music is like - there are always new influences in there.
- Kurt Vile
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Vile
The real reason I was lo-fi before was really just because that's what I could afford.
- Kurt Vile
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Vile
It was just the next logical step from making succinct pop songs. What do you do after that? You make pop songs that are longer and more epic, that push the envelope. Imagine your favourite song, or something that you play over and over in the car, except that you don't have to start it over as much.
- Kurt Vile
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Vile
I like a well-rounded life. All of this work is kind of useless if you don't have something good to come home to.
- Kurt Vile
Collection: Kurt
Image of Kurt Vile
If somebody else wanted to do a song for McDonald's, that's up to them. I wouldn't do something like that, but whatever.
- Kurt Vile
Collection: Kurt