Knowledge is Power: Enlightening Quotes on Learning and Growth - Page 22

Explore the depths of knowledge with quotes that inspire learning and personal growth. Wisdom from the ages for today’s seekers. Page 22 provides more knowledge quotes.

Image of Pierre Boutroux
Logic is invincible, because in order to combat logic it is necessary to use logic.
- Pierre Boutroux
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Gerda Lerner
We can learn from history how past generations thought and acted, how they responded to the demands of their time and how they solved their problems. We can learn by analogy, not by example, for our circumstances will always be different than theirs were. The main thing history can teach us is that human actions have consequences and that certain choices, once made, cannot be undone. They foreclose the possibility of making other choices and thus they determine future events.
- Gerda Lerner
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Marsha Blackburn
Everyone has a transferable commodity-knowledge. Sharing your unique expertise and making introductions for someone creates a lasting legacy.
- Marsha Blackburn
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Jennifer Lee Carrell
Omniscience ... is an excellent quality in God, but suspect in everyone else.
- Jennifer Lee Carrell
Collection: Knowledge
Image of E. J. Pratt
The mark of an educated man is not in his boast that he has built his mountain of facts and has stood on top of it, but in his admission that there may be other peaks in the same range with men on top of them, and that, though their views of the landscape may be different from his, they are none the less legitimate.
- E. J. Pratt
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Armin Wiebe
The most dangerous silence is noise; noise keeps us from hearing what we need to hear or from speaking what we need to speak.
- Armin Wiebe
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Ronald Fisher
Experimental observations are only experience carefully planned in advance, and designed to form a secure basis of new knowledge.
- Ronald Fisher
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Louis de Broglie
The actual state of our knowledge is always provisional and... there must be, beyond what is actually known, immense new regions to discover.
- Louis de Broglie
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Arthur Eddington
Something unknown is doing we don't know what-that is what our theory amounts to.
- Arthur Eddington
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Franz Bardon
True magic therefore is the high knowledge of the more subtle powers that have not yet been acknowledged by science up to this date because the methods of scrutiny that have been applied so far do not suffice for their grasping, understanding and utilization, although the laws of magic are analogous to all official sciences of the world.
- Franz Bardon
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Jaime Escalante
"Ganas is all you need."
- Jaime Escalante
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Griffin Jay
There are some things in science which should be brought to light. There are others, doctor, which should be left alone.
- Griffin Jay
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Paul Feyerabend
The separation of science and non-science is not only artificial but also detrimental to the advancement of knowledge. If we want to understand nature, if we want to master our physical surroundings, then we must use all ideas, all methods, and not just a small selection of them.
- Paul Feyerabend
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Minna Antrim
To know one's self is wisdom, but to know one's neighbor is genius.
- Minna Antrim
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Sally Field
Fear is where the information is.
- Sally Field
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Aulus Persius Flaccus
I know you even under the skin.
- Aulus Persius Flaccus
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Terrence Rafferty
What you discover on your own is always more exciting than what someone else discovers for you - it's like the marriage between romantic love and an arranged marriage.
- Terrence Rafferty
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Jacques Pierre Brissot
The disorganisers are those who want to level everything: property, comforts, the price of commodities, the various services rendered to the State... who want the workmen in the camp to receive the salary of the legislator... who want to level even talents, knowledge, the virtues, because they themselves have none of these things.
- Jacques Pierre Brissot
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Gerald Durrell
I said I 'liked' being half-educated; you were so much more 'surprised' at everything when you were ignorant.
- Gerald Durrell
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Jennifer Stone
If it true that perception is reality, then what is shown on TV is that part of the collective consciousness known as Public Knowledge, that is, the fragment of reality which the mass of people acknowledge to be true.
- Jennifer Stone
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Galileo Galilei
Mathematics is the key and door to the sciences.
- Galileo Galilei
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Michael J. Fox
I urge you to be challenged and inspired by what you do not know.
- Michael J. Fox
Collection: Knowledge
Image of John Arbuthnot
Mathematical Knowledge adds a manly Vigour to the Mind, frees it from Prejudice, Credulity, and Superstition.
- John Arbuthnot
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Vannoccio Biringuccio
I have no knowledge other than that gained through my own eyes.
- Vannoccio Biringuccio
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Carol Lynn Pearson
It is important to use all knowledge ethically, humanely, and lovingly.
- Carol Lynn Pearson
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Sigmund Freud
Knowledge is the intellectual manipulation of carefully verified observations.
- Sigmund Freud
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Lewis Wolpert
Reliable scientific knowledge is value free and has no moral or ethical value. Science tells us how the world is. ... Dangers and ethical issue arise only when science is applied as technology.
- Lewis Wolpert
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Remy de Gourmont
Knowledge has its end in itself, apart from any idea of life and propagation of the species.
- Remy de Gourmont
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Boutros Boutros-Ghali
It has long been recognized that an essential element in protecting human rights was a widespread knowledge among the population of what their rights are and how they can be defended.
- Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Northrop Frye
The simplest questions are the hardest to answer.
- Northrop Frye
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Henry Jacob Bigelow
The horrors of Vivisection have supplanted the solemnity, the thrilling fascination, of the old unetherized operation upon the human sufferer. Their recorded phenomena, stored away by the physiological inquisitor on dusty shelves, are mostly of as little present use to man as the knowledge of a new comet or of a tungstate of zirconium ... -contemptibly small compared with the price paid for it in agony and torture.
- Henry Jacob Bigelow
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Sri Aurobindo
True knowledge is not attained by thinking. It is what you are; it is what you become.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Sri Aurobindo
What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Philip Rieff
Scholarship is polite argument.
- Philip Rieff
Collection: Knowledge
Image of G. H. Hardy
Sometimes one has to say difficult things, but one ought to say them as simply as one knows how.
- G. H. Hardy
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Claude M. Bristol
One secures the gold of the spirit when he finds himself.
- Claude M. Bristol
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Richard Pascale
Corporations, in the name of efficiency, suppress variation by "getting all the ducks in line."To optimize productivity, they evolve highly refined and internally consistent operating systems. Payoff - results - as long as the music lasts. But ... all that streamlining and re-engineering limits diversity, suppresses self-organization ... and curtails a bottom up emergent response to disruptive change.
- Richard Pascale
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Albert Hofmann
When you study natural science and the miracles of creation, if you don't turn into a mystic you are not a natural scientist.
- Albert Hofmann
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Edwin Powell Hubble
Science is the one human activity that is truly progressive. The body of positive knowledge is transmitted from generation to generation.
- Edwin Powell Hubble
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Berthold Auerbach
What is all our knowledge worth? We do not even know what the weather will be tomorrow.
- Berthold Auerbach
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Kedar Joshi
The final discovery is the discovery of knowledge.
- Kedar Joshi
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Christine Downing
Images provide a knowledge that we can interiorize rather than 'apply,' can take to that place in ourselves where there is water and where reeds and grasses grow.
- Christine Downing
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
Knowledge is a sacred cow, and my problem will be how we can milk her while keeping clear of her horns.
- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Cullen Hightower
Saying what we think gives us a wider conversational range than saying what we know.
- Cullen Hightower
Collection: Knowledge
Image of J. G. Holland
It is not a question how much a man knows, but what use he can make of what he knows.
- J. G. Holland
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Tobsha Learner
Information is the mortar that both builds and destroys empires.
- Tobsha Learner
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Friedrich August von Hayek
No human mind can comprehend all the knowledge which guides the actions of society.
- Friedrich August von Hayek
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Merrit Malloy
Letting people be okay without us is how we get to be okay without them.
- Merrit Malloy
Collection: Knowledge