Top Kgb Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Kgb quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Michael Morell
Look at it from [Vladimir] Putin's perspective, right. He's a trained intelligence officer, worked for the KGB, very talented, manipulated people much smarter than Donald Trump. He played this perfectly, right. He saw that Donald Trump wanted to be complimented.
- Michael Morell
Collection: Kgb
Image of Brian Crozier
I've never been to the Soviet Union and the main reason for that is I was warned several times by people from the KGB who had defected to the West that it would be very unsafe for me to go there
- Brian Crozier
Collection: Kgb
Image of George Blake
I come from rather an international, or in other words, a cosmopolitan background.
- George Blake
Collection: Kgb
Image of Alexander Litvinenko
The quality of Moscow's hired killers had slipped since the KGB's glory days.
- Alexander Litvinenko
Collection: Kgb
Image of Vladimir Putin
How can I be a gangster, if I worked for the KGB? It is absolutely ridiculous.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Kgb
Image of Frank Zappa
Decades of indoctrination, manipulation, censorship and KGB excursions haven't altered this fact: People want a piece of their own little Something-or-Other, and, if they don't get it, have a tendency to initiate counterrevolution.
- Frank Zappa
Collection: Kgb
Image of James Carville
As we know the KGB is all over this election [2016].
- James Carville
Collection: Kgb
Image of Murray Bookchin
We don't have an appreciable American left any more in the United States. What I saw of the SDS in the '60s was very abhorrent to me: Marxism, Leninism, almost the KGB mentality - a police politics that I found completely totalitarian in nature.
- Murray Bookchin
Collection: Kgb
Image of James Carville
There is nothing going on and in the meantime we do know that our democracy is under assault by the KGB. To me, that's something we ought to be talking about. That's a relevant issue in this campaign [2016].
- James Carville
Collection: Kgb
Image of Tom Clancy
The KGB still killed people, the KGB would not execute its last prisoner until the final days of its existence in 1991, but by the eighties a termination required paperwork and signatures and a post-action review.
- Tom Clancy
Collection: Kgb
Image of Clive James
The British secret service was staffed at one point almost entirely by alcoholic homosexuals working for the KGB
- Clive James
Collection: Kgb
Image of Garry Kasparov
When [Vladimir] Putin, a former lieutenant-colonel in the KGB, became Russia's president on December 31, 1999 - eight years after the failed coup attempt against (then Soviet leader Mikhail) Gorbachev, and eight years after the people had torn down the statue of Felix Dzerzhinsky, the hated founder of the KGB, in Moscow - it was admittedly a shock. Nevertheless, I decided to give Putin a chance. He seemed dynamic and capable of learning. But I had to bury my hopes after just a few months. He proved to be an autocrat - and, because the West let him do as he pleased, he became a dictator.
- Garry Kasparov
Collection: Kgb
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Putin did not head the KGB, never has. Putin was a mid-level nobody there. Putin was one of those guys in the KGB who was a climber. He was forever hoping, climbing that ladder, trying to get to the head spot.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Kgb
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Nobody ever leaves the KGB, by the way. Once you're there, no matter what you say you've done next, nobody ever leaves the KGB.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Kgb