Top julien Quotes Collection

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Image of Julien Baker
There are bands who write of emotions that are very heartbreaking, touching, or relatable, but they'll be like concept records, they're about fictional characters.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
I don't think I'll ever get that tour ennui. Just getting to visit New York and all these different places - I'm always so excited to look at the window. I look like a crazy tourist stumbling around... 'This is beautiful.'
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
I adopted this idea whether I was going to end up making music for three people in a bar or Wembley Stadium, I was always going to do music.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
If I can say so without sounding presumptuous, I want to model women being collaborative instead of competitive.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
I stan my friends!
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
Painting with broad strokes, I feel like a lot of journalism makes it out to be like the collective consciousness has a finite imagination for multiple women at one time in a similar genre.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
There are still men in the professional or behind the scenes world that are controlling women to build credibility.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
There are so many people in Memphis who have real reasons to be angsty, but I was just a suburban white kid with all this misplaced rage.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
Tolerance exists.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
Every girl is a singer. I wanted to learn the solos and play lead guitar. I would meticulously teach myself solos so when dudes were like, 'Oh, you're a girl, you can't play guitar,' I could rip these insane Telecaster blues solos and tell them, 'Yeah, I can burn up a fret board.'
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
All my heroes are teachers.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
My harmonies on 'Me & My Dog' are a little extra.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
Sometimes, it feels artificial to try to come up with a solution to something that none of us know how to solve.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
Sometimes, what's helpful is to admit that we are discouraged and admit that we are at a loss.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
I think people learn best and are more engaged when it's just normal relatable situations that illustrate the principles they're discussing.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
One thing I'm super aware of in my music when I'm writing is: 'Am I overcomplicating this?' I'll write a song about some deep existential quandary and explore all these dumb thought waves, and then think 'Is it effective to say that? Or is it effective to say one simple thing that communicates the feeling better?'
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
We think empathy is innate, but it's not. It's a muscle you're working.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
I like Telecasters because they are so versatile.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
There is something familial about punk. There is something positive. Even though some punk is destructive, nihilistic, explosive.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
When I was in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade, Green Day was my formative entry to punk. I wish I could say I was listening to Minor Threat and Black Flag, but I wasn't. Bay Area punk bands were doing it right.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
My parents wouldn't let me listen to 'American Idiot.' So it felt very rebellious to go over to my friend's house after school and listen to it in secrecy.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
Ultimately, I feel like there is just a pervasive evidence of God. Though I know that is maybe a controversial thing to say.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
My dad took me to the skate park every single weekend to see alternative bands.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
Sometimes you want to complain and be like, 'Why? Life is so horrible.' But it doesn't change that there are redeeming qualities and a universal capacity for redemption and grace. There are still things that make it worth it and bearable.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
There's no musician who just wakes up one day and decides, 'This is what I want to do.' It takes some development.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
Music and musical instruments were proximal to my life from very early on - I took piano lessons for a brief time, but then my dad had a guitar and when he was not playing it, I would pick it up and mess with it. He jokes that I used to complain that it hurt my fingers.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
My parents were always playing records: My mom was really into the Beatles and Fleetwood Mac, and my dad was more Billy Squire, Whitesnake, '80s hair metal. But I think there's that crucial point where you become an adolescent and you don't want to listen to your parents' music.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
I feel like it's a necessary part of musical development to go through that phase where you think that your favorite style of music is the only style of music, and I thought that for a while.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
A lot of artists I like end up being queer. Or maybe it's a subconscious thing that you can identify of, like, 'Oh this person understands the nuances of the romantic narrative of a queer person, or the social narrative of a queer person.' And then you discover, lo and behold that they are a queer person.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
I had a lot of fear about coming out as a kid.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
If 1,500 people are gonna see me and they each pay $20, I want to give them everything that I possibly can. They just made an exchange that allows me to live a dream of mine since I was a child. And that's not lost on me. So I want to expend every ounce of power and energy I have.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
Some shows feel very reverent - when you're in a seated theater, no one really sings. I love it when people sing! I wish people would sing all the time. Because one of my favorite things when I get to do as a musician is step away from the microphone and listen to everyone sing together.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
The thing about music is that it gives voice and names to anguish and also addresses how to comfort it.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
When I am writing alone I try to just write for myself without thinking, like, this will go on a record.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
Songs like 'Everything To Help You Sleep' or 'Claws in Your Back' took a little bit more grappling with the actual poetry for me to feel comfortable with the song. And there's a little bit more song crafting going on, and I had a specific idea in mind of the imagery I wanted to evoke.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
Appointments' is largely just derived from pieces of dialogue with another person, and then also what's going on inside of my own mind, or a person's own mind. They're intended to be a little bit exaggerated and a satire of things that we're not sure are entirely true, or maybe biased.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
Especially in the sphere of social activism, I think we tend to unwittingly conceptualize progress or revolution as black and white and having a clear beginning and end.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien
Image of Julien Baker
When I talk about what I'm feeling, I can get outside of it and analyze it. I think that process, especially on 'Sprained Ankle,' happened after it was recorded. All of those songs are just documentations of how I felt at that time. I was writing them because I needed to.
- Julien Baker
Collection: Julien